DM to the Nfl question |

DM to the Nfl question


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
so if you are DM and you can stay and try to finish off the SU rebuild. you make close to 1.5 to 2+ mill a year for probably 5 more years.

if you go to the NFL you make 2-5 million a year coaching the train wrecks at Buffalo/clev/phil/jets/detroit/kc and a few others.. Being a lesser name he probably is on the lower end of that.

both would be guaranteed money . if money is the not ultimate goal , you do well at SU you can stay for 10-15 years.. if if you do well in the pro's you still probably dont stay 5-7 years.
so if you are DM and you can stay and try to finish off the SU rebuild. you make close to 1.5 to 2+ mill a year for probably 5 more years.

if you go to the NFL you make 2-5 million a year coaching the train wrecks at Buffalo/clev/phil/jets/detroit/kc and a few others.. Being a lesser name he probably is on the lower end of that.

both would be guaranteed money . if money is the not ultimate goal , you do well at SU you can stay for 10-15 years.. if if you do well in the pro's you still probably dont stay 5-7 years.
If he goes to the NFL and fails...he can always get another college head coaching job. If he stays at SU and things don't go as planned lets just say in the coming years...getting another head coaching job period will be tough plus you lose out on all that money

Jump when the iron is hot IF OFFERED. Make a boatload of money. It's an easy decision really
Stay at SU.

Make up to $2 or $3 million per year.

Keep your kids in the same school. With the same friends.

Stay for 15 years.

Be Bieheim.
agreed. With SU increasing revenue in a huge way both from the ACC deal and what i expect will be much larger gates the school can afford to pay Doug close to 2m a year. Throw in the extras and he has an easy 2-2.5 a year on the hill. If im Doug i go for a 10 year deal and live out my dream.
There are many things going for DM and staff here at SU. It is almost a perfect storm. Many of these coaches are younger guys with young families. I know that many have stated that they like the area and are wanting to keep their families put. We are already recruiting young Wheatly in 2015. Kid has the size and pedigree. There really seems to be a brotherhood on the hill and these guy's have the potential to turn out some very special things as far as coaching the game. It is a very young and very bright staff.

Second, the program is at a precipice. We are going into a new league, we are in the process of upgrading facilities, recruiting is improving majorly with pipelines begin built yet not yet where it needs to be, fans starting to come back, starting to get national media for good reasons not bad, etc... I think DM is aware of this and won't jump unless we are all the way back meaning top 25 or even 15 year in and year out.

Third, you got to look at DM's greatest influences; Coach Mac. He has gone on the record about the fact that he regrets making the jump to the NFL. I know that DM has had success at that level, but there is a huge difference between NFL and college with each offering pro's and con's. One of DM's greatest passions is developing the person and then the player as he was under coach Mac. The NFL doesn't really offer this.

Fourth, I think we saw DM find enjoyment in the game this year. He was able to finally start to let go of the reigns a bit and become more of a CEO (he will never be a fully CEO kind of coach). It is very taxing to feel like you are having to carry all the weight, it is very relieving when you can feel that you can allow others to carry the burden. Again, there is a "band of brothers" being built on the hill.

Fiftieth, SU is ponying up to pay the staff to keep them around. Also ponying up to get the facilities built that we need to be on a more national level.

Sixth, believe in the binder. It is exciting to develop a business model, it is even more exciting to see that baby start to grow. DM is not the type of guy to start something and not finish.

Seventh, we are blazing a new trial into a new conference. I think it means a lot to these old BE teams to prove that the the only thing better about the two conferences was the incompetence of in charge of the conferences and not the teams playing on the field.

I don't believe DM is going to jump in the next few years. I can't make the call if he is going to be a lifer. I think like JB, when he decides it's his time and it's what is best for him and his, he will take his next step in life.
If he goes to the NFL and fails...he can always get another college head coaching job. If he stays at SU and things don't go as planned lets just say in the coming years...getting another head coaching job period will be tough plus you lose out on all that money

Jump when the iron is hot IF OFFERED. Make a boatload of money. It's an easy decision really

I know it's easy for me to say, but if he's happy, how much money do you need? he will be making very good money here, have very good job security, and go down as someone who brought success to his alma mater. Staying for just a few years will make him just a blip on the screen. How do you think he'll feel if he leaves and we hire another G-Rob and all that he accomplished goes to waste?
I know it's easy for me to say, but if he's happy, how much money do you need?
I get what your saying. but by your logic no coach would ever leave for another job. They all make nice money, why leave?!
I dont see many schools jumping back him is his Resume is bringing SU to .500 and failing in the pro's unless he wants to start over way down lower and do that at close to 55 years old.. he would probably be done as a HC like he says and go someplace and be a OL coach..
I get what your saying. but by your logic no coach would ever leave for another job. They all make nice money, why leave?!

He's an Alum for a BCS school that doesn't fire coaches easilly.
No one is going to offer him an NFL job end of discussion.
Hes not getting an NFL offer.

You guys know Schiano got a NFL offer right? He is a better coach then Schiano. Then it becomes how you compare Payton and Belichick giving references.

What makes Marrone so much less qualified then a guy like O'Brien?

I wouldn't be surprised if he went if offered, but I would be surprised if someone like the Jaguars didn't offer (honestly, who could the Jaguars get?)

Given his career path (not what he has said), I think he wants a chance to be the head guy at the highest level (NFL). It is very rare for many coaches to stay in college because they have all that drive to be the best. And to be the best in the NFL means your truly amongst the coaching elite.
If offered and the money is right, you go.

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I dont see many schools jumping back him is his Resume is bringing SU to .500 and failing in the pro's unless he wants to start over way down lower and do that at close to 55 years old.. he would probably be done as a HC like he says and go someplace and be a OL coach..

What did you say?
Everything depends on the situation. Where is the job? What kind of front office does it have? I know his wife would love to move back to Nashville. I don't know how much of an influence that has on a decision, if the Titans job were to come open.
I'm sure a huge part of that decision is whether he wants to recruit or draft. Recruiting seems like such a grind, even for those who work at schools who sell themselves.

Playing in front of all those empty seats in the Dome probably doesn't help. Hopefully there's a noticeable difference in our first ACC season next year.
I don't think his work here is done but it would be easy to rationalize a jump for the huge payday by convincing yourself that it is. He could walk away feeling like he brought them back from the dead and helped prepare HCHHH. That's head coach hip hop hackett to the newbies.
If offered and the money is right, you go.

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That depends on your priorities. if your #1 priority is money, then maybe go. If a higher priority is fulfillment by coaching at your Alma mater, having a stable job for your family, and/or being able to do something meaningful by having an impact on young men, you stay.
My View: DM is going to get looks because of the job he has done at SU as well as his background and history with the NFL. Now i dont have any inside scoop but my thought is that DM is a no nonsense kind of guy, straight shooter. If he says Syracuse is his dream job then i believe him and i dont think he will go anywhere. I also think he is a good man and a loyal SU Alum. If he were to leave it wont be this year. I dont think he would want to leave the program heading into the ACC for the first year. Just my thoughts.
That depends on your priorities. if your #1 priority is money, then maybe go. If a higher priority is fulfillment by coaching at your Alma mater, having a stable job for your family, and/or being able to do something meaningful by having an impact on young men, you stay.

No coaching job is stable. People were taking on here about possible candidates to replace Marrone two months ago. Now many of those same folks would be bent if he left. It's a no win situation, fans expect coaches to show loyalty but give absolutely none in return. Smart coaches know that and leave when better opportunities come around. Intelligent fans will be happy for him...the ones that aren't didn't ever really have his best interests at heart and their opinion and inevitable hurt feelings should be irrelevant in his decision.
No coaching job is stable. People were taking on here about possible candidates to replace Marrone two months ago. Now many of those same folks would be bent if he left. It's a no win situation, fans expect coaches to show loyalty but give absolutely none in return. Smart coaches know that and leave when better opportunities come around. Intelligent fans will be happy for him...the ones that aren't didn't ever really have his best interests at heart and their opinion and inevitable hurt feelings should be irrelevant in his decision.

if you don't think the SU job is much more stable than an NFL job, i don't know what to tell you. The athletic director himself said that he can coach here as long as he wants. Do you have fans who overreact after a loss? Sure. But the SU decisionmakers historically give coaches a very long leash, particularly to an alum like Marrone. I think Marrone would have to turn into G-Rob to get fired.
three years from now is the time frame is my guess.
Stay at SU.

Make up to $2 or $3 million per year.

Keep your kids in the same school. With the same friends.

Stay for 15 years.

Be Bieheim.
You respect coaches more than anyone on here, but cmon "Bieheim"?!
Why post this? Can't you guys just enjoy the win and a successful season? WTH?

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