Wow. That's crazytalk.
No way to know how many kids we're not getting because of the styles we play, both on offense and defense.
Or the kids were are losing...we agree So how can you blame the zone? Equally crazy talk.
We've rarely gotten top 15 kids man or zone? I don't know what each of their ratings were, but in my time, we've gotten Pearl, DC1, Billy Owens, John Wallace, and Carmelo, and then add Winfred Walton.
3-4 consensus Top 15 kids. That's my point. Pearl, Coleman, Owens. We've gotten Carmelo, Donte Greene and Paul Harris, which is similar. We've gotten more kids like MCW, Flynn, Devendorf, Coleman, Rak, Paul Harris, Nichols, Donte Greene, Malachi, McCullough, Dion, the 20-30 range. That's our MO. We ain't Duke, Kentucky, UNC or Kansas.
Those are the top-rated/best guys i can think of offhand, and they were from the pre-zone-exclusive period. Except Carmelo? When he chose us, what were we playing?
99.9% zone. We've gotten 9 McDonald's All Americans in the last 15 years. We went 10 years without a single one from 1992 (Wallace) to 2002 (Carmelo).
It's silly to suggest that we didn't lose anyone because no kid (except Quinnerly?) has publicly proclaimed disdain for the zone.
So 1 kid? In 20 years? He wasn't picking Syracuse anyways. Probably UK. We don't recruit everyone, or even the entire nation. We recruit basically the Northeast. So we are no going after the stud from California, or Texas or Mississippi, so we are not recruiting every kid in the Top 25. I think it's absurd to suggest we are losing kids because we play zone all the time.
But, impressions are formed early and our zone is part of that. It's no different from certain types of recruits not being particularly interested in playing at Wisconsin or Virginia, because that kind of ball isn't glamorous. Or, not wanting to play for Bobby Knight (in his prime) because of the kind of coach/person he was. You're never going to be able to say DC didn't go to Indiana because he thought Bob Knight was a , or Tyus Battle never entertained going to Wisconsin because his impression of them is 'a bunch of thick white guys.' Impressions and favorites result from awareness of significant characteristics. Our zone is a significant characteristic.
What abou the kids that's come here because of the zone? I don't believe kids are picking Syracuse or not picking Syracuse because of our defense. There's a lot more to it than simply defense. Our zone is a significant POSITIVE characteristic. It's our staple. It helps us win. Who told you it was a negative thing? I just don't but that elite kids are not coming here because that's what we play. The top 1o kids aren't coming here anyway.
It's also silly to name six guys and say we didn't get them because of X.
It's equally silly to deem the 100% zone as the reason we lost them. I listed those kids because they selected blue bloods and it probably didnt matter what defense we played. We were also finalists for almost all of them, which means our zone was likely a non-factor.
Getting our players to the NBA in the first round is fantastic. But, any kid in the top 25 thinks he's going to the NBA in the first round if he chooses one of about 25 schools. I hope our staff is reinforcing our record with recruits, but i gotta believe, when they go home, it doesn't matter if we have 6 first rounders in a row, versus a school that has had 2 or 3 in those same 6 years.
Well, Lydon and Grant were nowhere near Top 25 and both are in the NBA after 2 years at Syracuse. That's a testament to our program.