Doris |



All Conference
Aug 29, 2011
I was surprised that Doris knew JB well enough to ask him a question. She quoted Jamie all game long, never once mentioned talking with JB. Did she spent the night at Dixon's house after practice yesterday to get a ride with him this morning?

Once again the color "man" spends all game talking how the opponent is playing almost a perfect game and no mention of what SU was doing.
her mic was turned down low today thankfully. with the sound at half volume I couldn't hear her much. But, I could feel her crying out here in Nevada 10 minutes after the game.
This comment will be considered sexist, but women should never be allowed to be commentators on men's sporting events. They all are terrible. Sideline reporting, okay, play by play or color commentating, never.
I was surprised that Doris knew JB well enough to ask him a question. She quoted Jamie all game long, never once mentioned talking with JB. Did she spent the night at Dixon's house after practice yesterday to get a ride with him this morning?

Once again the color "man" spends all game talking how the opponent is playing almost a perfect game and no mention of what SU was doing.

She did sleep at Dixon's house... with the dogs. She sucks.
This comment will be considered s e x ist, but women should never be allowed to be commentators on men's sporting events. They all are terrible. Sideline reporting, okay, play by play or color commentating, never.
I totally agree!! I said this before. And I thought she was biased as well. She got quiet when Ennis made the shot.
I was saying during the game especially with about 9 min left, she was doing some serious jock riding of pitt. Then, what'ya know we make it tight and she makes the obvious switch. And yes I realize announcers go back and forth, but she was doubting us too early and saying as much (4 point game), then waited until way to obvious to jump aboard...Get lost, stick to NBA games..
She had me at "Devondorf loves deuces!"

Hopefully she becomes a hood ornament on a Centro bus.
Just my humble opinion but I think part of the reason why there was uneven coverage of Pitt and SU is because the ESPN producers (and probably Dave and Doris) just wanted to create the excitement of an upset.

Everybody loves a a point. Eventually, the same team winning over and over again isn't exciting anymore to the general sports fans.
When the #1 team gets knocked off, that's exciting. I think a lot of this was about ESPN trying to manufacture better ratings.

At the beginning of the game, Doris did that little segment on how Pitt can beat SU. But there wasn't anything about SU's strategy for winning.

Throughout the game, Doris and Dave are really pumping up the idea of an upset.
I think a lot of it was about ESPN's ratings. About creating a narrative that makes people watch more ESPN.
It'll be considered s e x ist because it is s e x ist.'s also hard to disagree with. Name one good female color commentator or play by play announcer for men's sports. Name one.
Just my humble opinion but I think part of the reason why there was uneven coverage of Pitt and SU is because the ESPN producers (and probably Dave and Doris) just wanted to create the excitement of an upset.

Everybody loves a a point. Eventually, the same team winning over and over again isn't exciting anymore to the general sports fans.
When the #1 team gets knocked off, that's exciting. I think a lot of this was about ESPN trying to manufacture better ratings.

At the beginning of the game, Doris did that little segment on how Pitt can beat SU. But there wasn't anything about SU's strategy for winning.

Throughout the game, Doris and Dave are really pumping up the idea of an upset.
I think a lot of it was about ESPN's ratings. About creating a narrative that makes people watch more ESPN.
I can understand trying to pump up the game. Constant reference to beating #1, never losing to a top 10 team at the Pete, how they stopped the streak in 2011. All that is fine but they all but treated SU as a non-entity for much of the game. You even reference no mention of SU strategy. Sooner or later they are going to p1ss off the SU fan base and we all know that covers most of the east coast!
I thought overall she was pretty good --before this game!.

She has the tools to be good, but she was damn annoying tonight. She is not intentionally biased but her relationship with Dixon has caused her to call a bad game when they play.

And of course she had to bring up the calls in the Duke game... from 11 damn days ago. Give it a rest.
I've always been okay with Doris Burke. She's knowledgeable and in general calls a pretty good game.

But in BOTH games against pitt this year, she's been insufferable. Totally riding pitt's jock the entirety of both games. Very atypical for her, but tiresome nonetheless.'s also hard to disagree with. Name one good female color commentator or play by play announcer for men's sports. Name one.

Our board hates about 90% of announcers for college basketball -- all (with the exception of one) is male.
I mean, I get it. The whole point of sports commentary is to find the story within the game. Obviously, #1 losing on the road is going to be the narrative, with the commentators trying to pump up the underdog. If you were to ask fans with no rooting interest in the game, they probably didn't even notice the commentary. It is only when your team is the one trying to be upset that it becomes excruciating bias. To most people, it probably just sounded like a normal broadcast between #1 and another team. The reality is, that Syracuse has been so good in the past 3-4 years that the story is almost always, "can <insert underdog here> pull off the upset?" If Syracuse wasn't so good, then we would get more of the announcers on our side.

Still, I coudn't stand it and had the game muted for like 90% of the broadcast.
I was watching with people who don't know anything about Doris and the other guy and they were stunned by the bias. So was I.
Yes, I usually thought she was good, but it's weird, ppl on here were questioning her bias after the last Pitt game.
I don't think I was more sensitive to her tonite because of that, but it was big-time obvious the Pitt "gushing"
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i like her.

but tonight may not be one of her better games.

however, i was pacing and screaming so much i didnt hear much of her comments.

and we won, so who gives a flyin F.

put doris on more games......
Dave O'Brien -- Its like he is trying to show he is unbiased for his alma mater and its going the other way.

Grow a pair, show some confidence in yourself and call the game as you see it.

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