Some of the logic here is astounding. I didn't say go to the paper and call him out. Why say anything at all? Just because you don't want to call out the kicker publicly doesn't mean you need to the opposite, just don't do anything except keep your options open.
Yeah you pick starters based on practice, but if someone is consistently not performing on the field then you give the backup a try. See Cinci vs SU for a prime example. Munchie had a great start to the season. And then his season went downhill. A few missed balls, 1 int, and 1 near int against us and he sat on the bench. Who won the game?
As for the NFL comment above, maybe it's just me but I don't care what most guys do in the NFL other than wish them success after they leave here. What I want is someone who performs on gameday.
Take away the blocks and he is 10/16. That's still slightly less than 2/3 of attempts made. If you guys seriously want to defend that then there is no point in discussing it any longer. IMO, that's just not good enough.
Oh and FWIW, coaching in a way as to not damage the psyche of your players is in fact CODDLING! Krautman has 1 job on the football field. 1 job. Put the ball between the uprights. He is failing in that regard on at least 1 out of every 3 attempts(not including blocks)