Enfield to USC | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Enfield to USC

I feel bad for Hop he had this job in the bag and he would have been a good fit for them and done well. He was gone. Wasn't a secret. Enfield saved us. Hopefully JB gives him a firm exit date of 2 or 3 years and Hopkins is happy to wait a couple more.

Great news for us!
Seems like a questionable, "pop culture" hire IMO. That's a huge jump going from a tiny program, nascent program to USC. Moving on to a mid-major would have made more sense. I wonder if Enfield will end up being the Turner Gill of college hoops?
For me this really sucks due to the fact that I have worked personally with the man here at fgcu, but I can't begrudge him for moving on. He is his opportunity to make it big so he took it. The fact that he is getting over a 1 million dollar raise and the chance to be at a national program were just to much to keep him here. I wish him the best of luck, and am anxious to see who we hire at Florida gulf coast to replace him, because we still have the talent to do it again.

the problem according to many sources is you don't have the alumni financial support to bring in anyone with much experience.

I'm really surprised Enfield is gone. I thought he would stick around for another year or two.
1m per year was not going to cut it with Hop. My guess is jb coaches two more years Hop comes on at a minimum of 1.5 per and i expect him to get a 7 year deal out of the gate.
This guy really intrigued.

Did post grad at Maryland in school of business and entrepreneurship. Those who remember them (my firm does work with that school) speak fondly of him and despite the overall general happiness with Turgeon, there was a brief thought on (you can guess the rest)...
the problem according to many sources is you don't have the alumni financial support to bring in anyone with much experience.

I'm really surprised Enfield is gone. I thought he would stick around for another year or two.
Unfortunately when your oldest alumni is about 37 it's tough to get that financial support.
Smart move for Enfield and could turn into a smart move for USC IF Enfield brings the same style of play to U$C. Dunk city would put more fans in the seats in SoCal (See the LA Clippers). If he was going to go now was the time because he will see a huge uptick in recruiting over what USC wouldve otherwise been getting. Players will want to play in that system and I'm curious what Enfield can do with higher level talent.
I agree Imperial...also flat out the guy is made for SoCal. Too bad for Mike...but maybe Jim told something to Mike to pull back? Still predictable this guy (Enfield) was going to get offers. I think the Wichita State coach (was the former Winthrop coach) will continue his move up. If I were Minnesota I would go after him hard.
I know this crazy but I think it's dumb to make a program altering decision based on two games.
I know this crazy but I think it's dumb to make a program altering decision based on two games.
Agreed but that is why you do your due diligence. IMHO this guy seems to have that something extra to become a great coach.
Happy Hop is staying but sad he didn't get a job he really wanted.

His time will come soon.
2 years as a head coach- thats not much to base a hire on- but still 2 more years than hop has
I have a few friends / sources out in L.A. and they mentioned what they had heard, completely third party sources here so take it for what it's worth,not sure how much info is fact or what is someone at USC thinking they know more than they do, its just what I've heard. USC and hop pretty much had a deal in place, one sticking point was a buyout giving hop the option to come back if desired. They were going to wait until SU was either crowned champion or eliminated before announcing deal, again at hops request. Then all hell broke loose, Georgetown pulled a brainfart of collossal proportions and we kept winning, USC boosters were getting antsy and started pushing for the de facto flavor of the week in Enfield, and we know what boosters mean to USC . So really it's awesome in two ways, Georgetown losing and US continually winning may be what kept him here
I believe this to be spot on.
I believe this to be spot on.
And Autry was rumored to go as his #2 man at USC? Was that right? If so it bodes well for Adrian to hold on and become Mike's #2 here. Does that sound plausible Jake?
And Autry was rumored to go as his #2 man at USC? Was that right? If so it bodes well for Adrian to hold on and become Mike's #2 here. Does that sound plausible Jake?
I know this crazy but I think it's dumb to make a program altering decision based on two games.

Yes and no. U$C doesn't exactly have top name coaches drooling to go there. Great location, great sports infrastructure, but 0 basketball history. Hop was willing to go there but would've been on the first plane back to CNY when the spot opened up and USC likely knew that. The history in that city is @ UCLA and even they are having a tough time finding a name coach. I would take a flyer on Enfield over Alford every day of the week and this is a high risk:high reward move by them to potentially steal the limelight for hoops in LA moving foreward. It was the right time and they have a punchers chance to get it done. He could coach there for a long time if he is successful especially given the eye pleasing style he brings with him.
I am so thrilled that Hop will be staying. Or at least I hope he is staying.

I have to say, I am a little disturbed that Autry was going to be going with him. I don't understand that at all, it looks like guys jumping ship on JB. Autry has only been at SU for less than 2 years, why would he jump and why would Hop "steal" him?

I'm getting nervous that this NCAA thing is going to be a much bigger problem than we want to think it will be.
Enfield does have some NBA experience, but damn, that's a helluva raise for two games.

That also explains why when Lenn Robbins asked his question on Saturday and referenced assistants, he mentioned possibly soon to be ex-assistants, plural...

Would have sucked to lose two assistants.
I know this crazy but I think it's dumb to make a program altering decision based on two games.

Enfield does have some NBA experience, but damn, that's a helluva raise for two games.

It's not based on two games. Enfield is a genius at teaching basketball fundamentals and can sell ketchup popsicles to women in white gloves. What has Florida State done since he left that program? He took a program still in diapers at a school no one has ever heard of to the Sweet 16 after two years. Whatever USC is paying him is a steal.

Look for USC to quickly become a national basketball powerhouse under Enfield and win their first national title within seven years.
It's not based on two games. Enfield is a genius at teaching basketball fundamentals and can sell ketchup popsicles to women in white gloves. What has Florida State done since he left that program? He took a program still in diapers at a school no one has ever heard of to the Sweet 16 after two years. Whatever USC is paying him is a steal.

Look for USC to quickly become a national basketball powerhouse under Enfield and win their first national title within seven years.

Florida State? Really?
It's not based on two games. Enfield is a genius at teaching basketball fundamentals and can sell ketchup popsicles to women in white gloves. What has Florida State done since he left that program? He took a program still in diapers at a school no one has ever heard of to the Sweet 16 after two years. Whatever USC is paying him is a steal.

Look for USC to quickly become a national basketball powerhouse under Enfield and win their first national title within seven years.
I bet he's not coaching there in 7 years.

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