etan thomas tweet | Page 2 |

etan thomas tweet

Rep. Michele Bachman actually said she is thankful that no Americans died in the Sikh shootings ? Wow!/etanthomas36/status/232666696656232449

He linked the onion, seriously... and then deleted it and acted as if nothing happened.

I want to like the guy so much, he does so much good - but What is his deal?

I am no michelle bachman fan btw. This just seemed crazy to me.

Thomas is my least favorite Orangeman ever (well maybe Deshaun Thomas). I almost wish he went to Georgetown so my distaste for him could be completely unfettered.
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That wasn't as over the top as most of the Onion's content so it's understandable. I hope the writer has been reprimanded or fired.
yeah, they oughtta steer clear of Bachmann stuff— when someone is as batsh1t crazy as she is, the line between reality and parody gets rather blurred.
btw, nice work on the Nick Lowe avatar
yeah, they oughtta steer clear of Bachmann stuff— when someone is as batsh1t crazy as she is, the line between reality and parody gets rather blurred.
btw, nice work on the Nick Lowe avatar

Bachmann is on my short list of people who scare the crap out of me. I'd like to think Nick Lowe is working on a song about her right now.
I picture Etan sitting at his house, just waiting for injustice to occur.
Etan = Batman

Etan would have his own identity . . . The Poet, who uses rhymes for fighting crimes. When injustice occurs, The Poet swoops in and drops some Countee Cullen on the malefactor's head
Thomas is my least favorite Orangeman ever (well maybe Deshaun Thomas). I almost wish he went to Georgetown so my distaste for him could be completely unfettered.

You would hate of one our own? If you don’t like what he has to say don’t follow him. Better yet get tell him that.
Thomas is my least favorite Orangeman ever (well maybe Deshaun Thomas). I almost wish he went to Georgetown so my distaste for him could be completely unfettered.

He was evil. Almost as much as DeShaun Williams.
Etan Thomas...the Voice of the Oppressed, the Voice of the Meek, the Voice of the Humble, the Voice of People that think others actually give a stuff what they have to say just because the are multi-millionaire, celebrities pseudo-celebrities.

Im as interested in Etan's political views as I am in a lecture on study habits by Dayshawn Wright.
Bachman is conservative. She is for individual freedom and small gvt. She believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. She must be racist. I have never met a lib that is not a dope and none of you libs are letting me down. .
This thread got really ugly. Nicely done all around.
The onion is full of it, no doubt, but this appears to be a direct quote:

In response to the shooting death of six Sikh worshippers at a temple in Oak Creek, WI yesterday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) offered a public expression of her thankfulness that no Americans had been killed in the rampage. "It's a relief and a blessing that not a single American died in this event," Bachmann said of the incident that claimed the lives of six Americans who practice the Sikh faith.,29071/?ref=auto (emphasis added).

I'm speechless.

I would think someone with Stephen Colbert in his avatar would have a solid grasp of satire, but apparently not.

This post needs to go into the Syracusefan Hall of Fame. Immediately.
This thread got really ugly. Nicely done all around.

Nothing like an Etan Thomas thread to liven things up. He's an absolute lightning rod here. Toss in a little Bachmann and you're good to go.
You would hate of one our own? If you don’t like what he has to say don’t follow him. Better yet get tell him that.

I love people who use variations of this as a retort. Is Etan Thomas going to beat him up? OOOOOOHHH that would certainly make his opinion more valid right?

Etan's a smart guy for sure, I love him for his basketball accomplishments at Syracuse, but just because he was good at a game doesn't mean I'm going to put a lot of stock in his opinions.
He was evil. Almost as much as DeShaun Williams.

You mean DeShaun Stevenson? ;)

Does anyone remember those threads where someone kept calling him "Stevenson"? That was classic. OK, I'm dating myself now.
Bachman is conservative. She is for individual freedom and small gvt. She believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. She must be racist. I have never met a lib that is not a dope and none of you libs are letting me down. .


clap clap clap-clap-clap
I'm actually quite shocked that Etan isn't a card carrying member of The Nation of Islam. Ever listen to any of those guys? Man, you would think there weren't any good white people out there. I know Etan isn't that extreme, but I also know that he is intelligent enough to know that some of the things he proposes aren't least in 2012.

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