Everyone take a deep breath | Syracusefan.com

Everyone take a deep breath


All Conference
Aug 14, 2011
Try and relax and not panic. Syracuse will be fine.

Maryland has been looking for an out for years. If the BE had been proactive 20 years ago, they probably could have had Maryland and possibly PSU on board as well. This should not come as a shocker to many who have followed this realignment game for a long time. This is a wildly unpopular move amongst MD alumni and faculty. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.

Secondly, as it pertains to Syracuse University, we will be 100% fine regardless is armageddon breaks out all over again. Whether we go to 5 x 14 (where are are probably now) or 4 x 16, we will be in good hands. When shuffle gate broke 4 years ago, this university was courted by a few conferences as an immediate candidate for expansion should the dominos fall quickly (ie Nebraska to B10, Texas to PAC12, etc). You can figure out what those two are. I am not worried one bit about being "left without a seat at the big boy table" or whatever silly phrase has been thrown out there.

Finally, as to UVA, UNC, FSU and Clemson going elsewhere. For those of you who live in Carolina, Virginia, etc, you fully understand that UNC isn't going anywhere without State. UVA isn't going anywhere without Va Tech. I know in times of uncertainty people tend to panic. There comes a point where expansion for the sake of expansion totally dilutes your product. Delany said as much today.

Do not underestimate the brand, the cache Syracuse University brings to the table. It is a fine academic school with a solid athletic department and product. We are an asset to any conference regardless of media market size.
People need to stop freaking out like little 5 year olds. Don't become the laughing stock of college sports when we've got nothing to worry about. We'll ALWAYS find a good place no matter what happens.
All true.

Personally I'm just tired of all this stuff. Just give me a schedule and let's play some games. SU will be fine ultimately. I just hope we don't have to suffer through more years like 2005-2012 in a really unattractive football conference.
Dead on. I live in VA and VT/UVA won't split up, neither will UNC/Duke
Try and relax and not panic. Syracuse will be fine.
Your point about Maryland looking for an out is interesting, but I am not sure how the Big East could have lured them, given that $$$ seems to be Maryland's one and only concern. Is it really about "survival?" Will their time in the Big 10 really be living? No way they could have gotten a security clearance - background check would have shown that they were bribe-able and had lots of gambling debts. Very sad place to be for them as a program.

In contrast, we are maintaining a national power in hoops, are on the verge of re-entering the top 25 in football, are improving Olympic sports to the point of relevance, and are doing it all on a Big East budget.
I just want that $50M exit fee to hold and to get our $4M. Because:

1. Having $4M handed to you is better than not having $4M handed to you.
2. It will solidify the league. I know anyone can pay it if they absolutely had to, but Maryland isn't expecting to. They are the guinea pig on this one. Hope they lose, even if UA is covering it.
Maryland was screwed and had to do something. (BC is in the same situation but has no cards to play.)
  1. The $50 million exit fee is probably a lot stronger than most think. The ACC had a chance to review what happened in the Big East situation and I am sure they strengthened the language. FSU thinks it is pretty bullet proof.
  2. Does anyone really think FSU will get upset with UConn replacing MD? I think not. It is also pretty silly that not taking Louisville or Cincy instead of UConn is going to upset Clemson or FSU.
  3. Cincy will graduate the rest of Kelly's recruits in the next two years and will have a tough time replacing them. They also have zero fan support. Butch will jump ship first chance he gets.
  4. Everyone knows that Louisville will lose Charlie Strong and if they can't move their recruiting will suffer. In short these are not powerhouses we are talking about. FSU also has been winning 20+ BB games for most of the last decade.
If Delany thinks he is a Machiavellian, he is sadly mistaken.
It's also extremely important to note that no matter what happens, Syracuse has MSG. The basketball program absolutely dominates the NYC market and MSG officials LOVE having 'Cuse play there. Conferences salivate at that type of exposure. What is college basketball at MSG without 'Cuse? Just another event.
I just want that $50M exit fee to hold and to get our $4M. Because:

1. Having $4M handed to you is better than not having $4M handed to you.
2. It will solidify the league. I know anyone can pay it if they absolutely had to, but Maryland isn't expecting to. They are the guinea pig on this one. Hope they lose, even if UA is covering it.
The UA guy announced (or had someone announce) he is not paying for MD to leave.
Try and relax and not panic. Syracuse will be fine.

Maryland has been looking for an out for years. If the BE had been proactive 20 years ago, they probably could have had Maryland and possibly PSU on board as well. This should not come as a shocker to many who have followed this realignment game for a long time. This is a wildly unpopular move amongst MD alumni and faculty. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.

Secondly, as it pertains to Syracuse University, we will be 100% fine regardless is armageddon breaks out all over again. Whether we go to 5 x 14 (where are are probably now) or 4 x 16, we will be in good hands. When shuffle gate broke 4 years ago, this university was courted by a few conferences as an immediate candidate for expansion should the dominos fall quickly (ie Nebraska to B10, Texas to PAC12, etc). You can figure out what those two are. I am not worried one bit about being "left without a seat at the big boy table" or whatever silly phrase has been thrown out there.

Finally, as to UVA, UNC, FSU and Clemson going elsewhere. For those of you who live in Carolina, Virginia, etc, you fully understand that UNC isn't going anywhere without State. UVA isn't going anywhere without Va Tech. I know in times of uncertainty people tend to panic. There comes a point where expansion for the sake of expansion totally dilutes your product. Delany said as much today.

Do not underestimate the brand, the cache Syracuse University brings to the table. It is a fine academic school with a solid athletic department and product. We are an asset to any conference regardless of media market size.
Screw JohnSyracuse. CIL is my hero (or at least my favorite orator).
I just want that $50M exit fee to hold and to get our $4M. Because:

1. Having $4M handed to you is better than not having $4M handed to you.
2. It will solidify the league. I know anyone can pay it if they absolutely had to, but Maryland isn't expecting to. They are the guinea pig on this one. Hope they lose, even if UA is covering it.

Where's the money Lebowski??
Your point about Maryland looking for an out is interesting, but I am not sure how the Big East could have lured them, given that $$$ seems to be Maryland's one and only concern. Is it really about "survival?" Will their time in the Big 10 really be living? No way they could have gotten a security clearance - background check would have shown that they were bribe-able and had lots of gambling debts. Very sad place to be for them as a program.

In contrast, we are maintaining a national power in hoops, are on the verge of re-entering the top 25 in football, are improving Olympic sports to the point of relevance, and are doing it all on a Big East budget.

Both Maryland and Rutgers made stadium expansions that they couldn't afford. They were both losing $20M to $30M a year. They sold their TV markets to get out from under the debt.
Try and relax and not panic. Syracuse will be fine.

Maryland has been looking for an out for years. If the BE had been proactive 20 years ago, they probably could have had Maryland and possibly PSU on board as well. This should not come as a shocker to many who have followed this realignment game for a long time. This is a wildly unpopular move amongst MD alumni and faculty. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.

Secondly, as it pertains to Syracuse University, we will be 100% fine regardless is armageddon breaks out all over again. Whether we go to 5 x 14 (where are are probably now) or 4 x 16, we will be in good hands. When shuffle gate broke 4 years ago, this university was courted by a few conferences as an immediate candidate for expansion should the dominos fall quickly (ie Nebraska to B10, Texas to PAC12, etc). You can figure out what those two are. I am not worried one bit about being "left without a seat at the big boy table" or whatever silly phrase has been thrown out there.

Finally, as to UVA, UNC, FSU and Clemson going elsewhere. For those of you who live in Carolina, Virginia, etc, you fully understand that UNC isn't going anywhere without State. UVA isn't going anywhere without Va Tech. I know in times of uncertainty people tend to panic. There comes a point where expansion for the sake of expansion totally dilutes your product. Delany said as much today.

Do not underestimate the brand, the cache Syracuse University brings to the table. It is a fine academic school with a solid athletic department and product. We are an asset to any conference regardless of media market size.
Excellent post, and deep down everyone knows this to be true.
The frustration comes from having to possibly relive this scenario again.
We'd all hoped that the ACC move was the final piece to our puzzle.
Now we're looking at a possibility of more/different teams changing the DNA of our new conference.
The uncertainty sucks.
I don't expect the ACC to cave on the $50 mil exit fee. They will drag it out in court just to spite MD and their lack of $$$. Big Daddy Under Armour will pick up a chunk of the exit fee and the ACC will be $50 million dollars richer, minus court fees.

It's the principle, stupid MD people.
I don't expect the ACC to cave on the $50 mil exit fee. They will drag it out in court just to spite MD and their lack of $$$. Big Daddy Under Armour will pick up a chunk of the exit fee and the ACC will be $50 million dollars richer, minus court fees.

It's the principle, stupid MD people.
Big Daddy Under Armour said he was not paying to support the move to the B1G. Even better.
Agree. I've said in multiple threads today that I'm not worried at all. Not one iota.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
You know that binding GOR that West Virginia is so proud of? Was searching the internet to see when it was signed, and the last thing I could find was an ESPN article with the commissioner who said it might be 3 years before it was signed. Said when he was in Big, they went 3 years without a signed contract with ABC. If its not signed Texas knows, and so does Notre Dame. Texas much like Notre Dame takes things personally, when they feel they've been crossed. Maybe part of the reason Notre Dame doesn't care about Maryland.
Good postings...ACC is going to be fine. Interestingly, the President of FSU indicated that Maryland needs the dollars and FSU financially is okay...from what I have heard expect news soon...and with a sigh and oh boy it will go well.
Good postings...ACC is going to be fine. Interestingly, the President of FSU indicated that Maryland needs the dollars and FSU financially is okay...from what I have heard expect news soon...and with a sigh and oh boy it will go well.
Thanks Arb always enjoy your posts!
Agree. I've said in multiple threads today that I'm not worried at all. Not one iota.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
And for a change, how about some thought that maybe Marrone's 25-year reign at the 'Cuse is the reason we become a linchpin of the ACC?
Good postings...ACC is going to be fine. Interestingly, the President of FSU indicated that Maryland needs the dollars and FSU financially is okay...from what I have heard expect news soon...and with a sigh and oh boy it will go well.
Much obliged and great work. Lets hope thats how it plays out.
Good postings...ACC is going to be fine. Interestingly, the President of FSU indicated that Maryland needs the dollars and FSU financially is okay...from what I have heard expect news soon...and with a sigh and oh boy and a Jack and Coke it will go well.
Fixed. :)
And for a change, how about some thought that maybe Marrone's 25-year reign at the 'Cuse is the reason we become a linchpin of the ACC?
And for a change, how about some thought that maybe Marrone's 25-year reign at the 'Cuse is the reason we become a linchpin of the ACC?

By this, do you mean a consistent top 15 football program, top 5 hoops school, top 5 lacrosse, top 20 directors cup, top 35 academic national university? New York's college team? MSG's darling?

This is what I see for our great University moving forward and what we should be striving for as a fanbase and alumni...
When I heard that MD was leaving I became worried that the ACC could become unstable. When I heard Rutgers was leaving I ran through different scenarios. I watch Rutger's closely because we often fight over the same football recruits. I realized that Rutger's had 3 basic scenarios. 1. get the ACC invite, this would put them back on a level playing field with us in the recruiting hunt. 2. they could stay put in the BE and eventually die on the vine, this would be our best scenario for recruiting. 3. was to move to the B1G and become the punching bag for the midwest power schools. I think I am OK with this outcome as it stands.

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