orangeinjersey said:
so is it raining up at SU?

Not till 3-330.
Yup agreed, Ive always thought the Fort drum thing could be done on a few non practice days S&C staff and Army Drill Sargents supervise active time & obsticles. Coaching staff supervises team meeting time. If properly arranged it falls under the new more felexible permissible rules setup for offseason S&C film study and team meetings. Pointless to waste practice days on something that can clearly be called S&C.

Id still like to see it be an overnight (wonder if the ncaa rules apply to that) but I see that as a possibility once Babers is comfortable his system is installed. Lots of strategy and team meeting conversations to be had with military officers about taking what the defense gives you / exploiting opponents weakness.

In terms of fan fest sad it was cancelled but Wins would make up for it awful quick. I think that goes for all of us.

They never missed practice time. They did additional team building exercises on top of getting in practice. Practice days weren't wasted.
Looks like they may be practicing in the Dome today anyway?
so is it raining up at SU?

Yes, had a pair of thunderstorms with heavy rain for about 45 minutes at 1:00. Sun's out now and it's tropical out there. Radar has a few more coming through in about 90 minutes.

I'm not claiming that this is evidence of SU having made the right call, but it'd be unpleasant out there (and I think they made the right call).
Getting hit hard in clay/Liverpool right now and camillus got hit earlier. Several more to roll through.
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Just my opinion but SU (Babers) cut the trip up north to Fort Drum to one non practice day and now the Fan Fest has been cancelled. He gives no info about injuries or how individual players are doing. Any goodwill lost by cancelling will be made up by a couple of upset wins. He will get his guys another 175 reps without showing anybody anything. He Means Business and He Wants To Win Now!
Great post. Channeling The Junction Boys. He's got less than a month left to integrate his new system into a faded program. No distractions and limited field trips. And the less info that gets out to the competition, the better.
A bigger cell is just winding down right now, thunder and lightning since 4:00 and over .75 inches of rain in about 30 minutes (for the second time today). That would not have been fun for a thousand people under tents at Manley.
when i was at the yard sale where they had free posters and pocket schedules one of the guys working at that table said they are working on something for season ticket holders to replace fanfest bbq but didn't know what. They absolutely made the right call in cancelling it as it was coming down in buckets at 5 when i left destiny usa after scoring a malachi richardson autograph at cooperstown store
I would have been so mad if it didn't rain lol. All good, I'll see the boys in October.
GoSU96 said:
They never missed practice time. They did additional team building exercises on top of getting in practice. Practice days weren't wasted.

Ehh they had practice on base during the week of fall camp. There is no way that is as time efficient and focused as on campus same routine fall camp where the only variable to learn is football. Like I said I love that they do the drum trip I just think it could be done better to have less of an impact on those critical fall camp practices.

Ever try to do your job for a day just at a different persons desk in your office? I have, when they had to fix a light fixture. All the same stuff is there and you are 20ft away but everything in a different place you get 10% done of what you would on a normal day.
Jake said:
They absolutely made the right call.

Yup that's one of the roughest storms Ive seen around here in a long time.
Jake said:
They absolutely made the right call.
Yes they did. It was heart-breaking for the football-starved fans and it must have been heart-breaking to everyone at SU who worked so hard to make a special day happen.

I understand why it wasn't feasible to move it to another day too. I give credit to the admins for having the courage to make a tough call early and ensure something really bad didn't happen.

Still really bummed though...
could have moved it to my back yard.. we didnt get a drop of rain/thunder all day.
Ehh they had practice on base during the week of fall camp. There is no way that is as time efficient and focused as on campus same routine fall camp where the only variable to learn is football. Like I said I love that they do the drum trip I just think it could be done better to have less of an impact on those critical fall camp practices.

Ever try to do your job for a day just at a different persons desk in your office? I have, when they had to fix a light fixture. All the same stuff is there and you are 20ft away but everything in a different place you get 10% done of what you would on a normal day.

At first read, this sounds dumb, but after about 3 nanoseconds of reflection, you realize how right it is.
Just received an email that tomorrow's fanfest is canceled due to forecasted stormy weather.


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