Finding Billy Edelin |

Finding Billy Edelin

i see billy once a week downtown usually on my breaks at work..very polite and seems to always have a smile on his face
The entire Billy Edelin enigma gains some semblance of clarity upon reading this article. I suppose elements of the story will always remain untold but in spite of that fact one thing is certainly true and that is that without Billy there wouldn't have been a National Championship. He had some incredible talents to offer for the short time that he played and was one of that special group of kids who, from out of nowhere led Syracuse to the National Championship. It's interesting that the one other team mate that he has kept in closest touch with is Josh Pace with whom he shared many similar characteristics. It's really great to see that he is doing well and has found a new way to share his special talents.
Who would you take: 5th Scoop or 2nd yr Billy playing the whole season?
Based on pure basketball skills and ignoring the off-the-court drama, 2nd Yr Billy wins hands down. Was very good on the fast break and could break his man down in the half court. With Scoop you never know if "good Scoop" or "bad Scoop" is going to show up for a game or even on a given play.
Who would you take: 5th Scoop or 2nd yr Billy playing the whole season?

Billy no question, no offense to Scoop who I think will have a fine season for us.
Ironic I just found my 'Free Billy" tee-shirt in the bottom of a drawer today.
Who would you take: 5th Scoop or 2nd yr Billy playing the whole season?

Two phrases in this thread jump out at me:

"Billy playing the whole season"

"ignoring the off-the-court drama"

Sadly, both turned out to be impossible. Billy was great, but only for a moment.
Billy, then Billy, then Billy again. And really that doesnt take anything from Scoop. Billy was that good. Could have been a world beater. So interesting when the world finds one that doesnt want to be.
Good story although it doesnt really ever get into where he went...not that it is our business (it isnt). Just would think BE would want to get that off his chest at some point.

If you listen to the linked interview in the article (with Mike Bristol) it gets more into the reasons and he has a chance to clear the air a little. He doesn't get too specific other than mentioning finding out his gf was pregnant, but he admits he was young and made some mistakes.

Good stuff either way and I'm happy for him and hope he continues to grow in the community and do well.
Billy E will always be one of my favorite Syracuse BB players. I loved his game.

So sad that things went the way that they did. I know I was very sad when he seemed to not be able to get his personal problems straightened out. He would have been a great college basketball player...ask Chris Thomas.

Some of us are just a little more sensitive (not in a bad way) and things affect us in ways that others have a difficult time understanding. Young people in particular.

I wish him the best.
I always liked Billy. He had an issue of some sort, perhaps medical, and JB was very careful to keep it confidential. I am glad he seems to be happy.
Great to get to learn more about Billy E. Like many others, I also share the wistful sense of how good we could have been after 2003 if Billy had been able to remain on the team...
I will forever remember Billy E. for completely destroying Notre Dame when he played them. He lit those guys up like they were standing still.
Who would you take: 5th Scoop or 2nd yr Billy playing the whole season?

Change that to 4th year scoop and I would say Billy in a heartbeat. Good pointguards get into the lane thats what they do.

Billy could do that against anyone. Without his speed he had the dribbling ability, a way to protect the ball, and strength to do so.
Cutting down one 1 turnover per game couldn't hurt but thats what Scoop has to do better this year. Of course last year Rick was practically playing 6 feet from him and we ran him as a 2nd/3rd point in a way.
My recollection is that Boeheim chewed Billy out very publicly and harshly during one of our basketball games. After that, Billy seemed to have some kind of a breakdown, culminating in his barricading himself in his apartment. I don't want to imply that Coach single-handedly caused Billy to decompensate; the dressing down could have been the straw that broke the camel's back. I was thrilled to read this article about how Billy has recovered and is making such a difference to young people in our neighborhoods. I was even happier to read about his relationship with Boeheim's children, which seems to indicate that all is well between him and their father. Billy has overcome adversity and is modestly and quietly developing what I hope will be a long and successful career coaching and inspiring basketball players. Thank you so much for this article! I feel more chipper this morning <whistling>.
I always liked Billy. He had an issue of some sort, perhaps medical, and JB was very careful to keep it confidential. I am glad he seems to be happy.

Seth Davis hinted at the situation in a column about two years ago.

Glad Billy's doing good things, and glad he's doing well.

Great to get to learn more about Billy E. Like many others, I also share the wistful sense of how good we could have been after 2003 if Billy had been able to remain on the team...

Wistful is a good word for it. Billy could've been one of our very best point guards, and I don't doubt that the 2004-2006 teams left 20 more wins and a Final Four on the table without him in the regular lineup.
The streaming audio interview on the linked website really offers a bit more of an explanation (still pretty murky) but for those of us who really never saw any explanation it gives you the bones and enough to debunk the wildest theories that we saw on the forums.

Good to see he has been working with Dajuan and Scoop, too.
Billy is a really nice young man, he also runs a youth skill organization here and what he teaches those kids about basketball is amazing... He's worked with my kids and their AAU organization and their Bball growth has been incredible.. I couldn't do half the things that these guys are doing at that age..

His organization is Hoop Haven Gym Ratz
Without Billy E & Josh Pace we don't win the NC. Without Billy E we probably don't get Melo, then again we can go back one more step and say without Troy Weaver we don't get either and JB is still hunting for that elusive NC. I'll never forget Billy E's total domination over Chris Thomas the overhyped Fighting Irish mini-guard.

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