from the Villanova board | Page 3 |

from the Villanova board

Not sure where this guy is coming from, but I like playing Nova and hope they stay on our OOC schedule. Jay Wright is a class act and runs a solid program. All the VU fans I interacted with at the game were polite -- there wasn't much to complain about from either side.
SarasotaPaul said:
This from the great city that threw ice balls at Santa Claus. Also the murder capital of the USA in terms of big cities. Also the city that couldn't wait to get rid of Donovan…. My daughter went to school in Philly and I read her the riot act about going anywhere off campus. And no -- it was not Villanova. Then the school did the same during both student and parent orientation. That pretty much sums up my dislike for Philly. "The city of brotherly love" is truly an oxymoron.

Philly's a pretty big city to be summed up so succinctly is so few words. Congrats, you must have lived there a long time to know it so well. I'm glad you survived.
Listen, we all have a couple of knuckleheads in every fanbase. Nova fans have been probably the only Catholic-7 school not to bitch about Syracuse/or the old Big East ending. I am not going to get up in arms over 1 idiot who is bitter we beat them. Villanova is the current Big East school I wish does well in the future. Georgetown sucks, St. John's is like the person approaching 40 but still thinks they are 25, Marquette annoys me because of their coach, Providence/Seton Hall were leeches who never moved the needle when we played them, DePaul wasn't even worth getting up for. I wish Nova well and am glad we are still playing them.

Alsac...please tell me where you found this video clip? Too funny. My daughter is an Aggie grad. She would love seeing this.
Alsac...please tell me where you found this video clip? Too funny. My daughter is an Aggie grad. She would love seeing this.
I'll find it but it was GIF from after the NCAA only giving Manziel an 1/2 game suspension for all those autographs he obviously took money for. I will look for it. BTW, I think players should be be able to make a little money for their autographs.
yeah - the few threads I looked at pretty much consisted of two dudes going back and forth calling each other names
That forum over there is a total sh!tshow...the moderator should be ashamed.

I never found Nova fans to be particularly good at the Internet thing.
I'll find it but it was GIF from after the NCAA only giving Manziel an 1/2 game suspension for all those autographs he obviously took money for. I will look for it. BTW, I think players should be be able to make a little money for their autographs.

Thanks. I do agree with your comment. Changes need to be made by the NCAA.
True. And they hate it when you bring that up

Good for you. Thanks for visiting. And please be sure to tell all your friends about all the horrors you witnessed. You are truly lucky to be alive.

It was a whopping 5 years ago my daughter graduated from Penn. I didn't live there, she did. I read enough to know how dangerous the place was. Apparently Penn officials didn't understand how safe it was either. If only those that didn't live could tell their stories. Guess they just weren't lucky.

I am truly glad they have dropped to 60 in the rankings. What brought that huge change about? Someone needs to be considered a hero with that stat change. Well done. Just wish it had been before my daughter was there. I might have some of my hair left.

I was also under the impression that a suburb was part of the greater city area. Do they put up walls now to keep the Villanova kids out of Philly? Villanova may not be in the city limits but it is Philly regardless if some wish it weren't.
I had a positive experience last year at Wells Fargo when I went down for the game. If you don't act like an idiot and have some knowledge about the opposing team, it's easy to get along with fans at road games. Unless you're in Storrs or DC.
philly is known for being maybe the filthyest mouths in the country outside the small midmajor city of storrs conn.

If Storrs is a midmajor city, then Utica is Paris, France and Troy is Rome, Italy.

Storrs is DeRuyter with an Ag College. So, it's really Morrisville. Except not as nice or as academically well regarded.
Always had a soft spot for Kerry Kittles, myself

I couldn't stand Kittles. He was kinda cocky. I remember him hitting that last second three in the Spectrum thinking he had just buried Cuse...and then Hop and Conrad McRae re-enacted the Laettner shot. Kittles' tears tasted yummy. :)
I don't mind Vanilla-Nova. I respected and liked Rollie and I respect and like Jay Wright. They play a fun brand of ball, are a decent opponent just far enough (3 hours or so) over the border from Binghamton to not be considered a home game.

And one of my favorite teachers was a 'Nova grad who during Big East Tournament week, didn't even pretend to teach if a 'Nova or SU game was on the TV that mysteriously appeared in his classroom each March.
Interesting. I actually attended the game with a friend from Ireland (his first SU game, first major American sporting event) who was in town visiting his in-laws and, upon noticing that there were two Nova fans seated behind us, asked (tongue-in-cheek) if we would be expected to brawl with them (one was a teenager and the other a portly middle-aged man), and then told me of several fan brawls he had personally witnessed at various football matches, caused by nothing more than wearing opponent colors.

I assured him that, as long as they stayed civil, the Dome faithful would as well, and that's exactly what happened. I've never personally witnessed any fan of an opposing team get harassed at the Dome aside from some good-natured ribbing (anyone else remember the ND fan in the chair foul-shot challenge a few years back? I don't know if I've ever heard louder boos at the Dome. But, to be fair, that guy was eating it up, WWF-villain style).

My guess is if this guy was getting yelled at, it was either a) deserved, or b) fueled by alcohol, and if you go into another team's home wearing visitor colors, you get what you get.

But I hope NickelDimer's bleeding fingers heal soon. Maybe if he posted more quality/less quantity it wouldn't happen. Just sayin'.

On the topic of out-of-town fans at the Dome to watch their team:

I went up to Syracuse for the Indiana game earlier this month with my nephew (IU '10). All the articles about the game prior to tip-off referenced the fact that since the loss to IU in the '87 Final, Syracuse is 6-0 against the Hoosiers.

The guy sitting on the other side of me at the game was also an Indiana alum from '02. After the game he says to me 'I think I hate Syracuse more than Duke. You guys always beat us.' I said 'yeah but wouldn't you have traded all those losses for the win in '87 anyway?' He said 'Dude, I was 6 in 1987...'

If Storrs is a midmajor city, then Utica is Paris, France and Troy is Rome, Italy.

Storrs is DeRuyter with an Ag College. So, it's really Morrisville. Except not as nice or as academically well regarded.

What have you got against Morrisville?
Whatever, but understand one thing. Villanova has nothing to do with the city of Philadelphia. Nothing.
Sure. Just the way Manlius has nothing to do with Syracuse. Gotta love suburban types who hate the city they live next to. The Main Line is Philly through and through, but with a lot of money … made in Philly.
I don't mind Vanilla-Nova. I respected and liked Rollie and I respect and like Jay Wright. They play a fun brand of ball, are a decent opponent just far enough (3 hours or so) over the border from Binghamton to not be considered a home game.

And one of my favorite teachers was a 'Nova grad who during Big East Tournament week, didn't even pretend to teach if a 'Nova or SU game was on the TV that mysteriously appeared in his classroom each March.

Nice Rollie Massimino story...The fam was heading down to Florida 20ish years ago. I saw Rolie on the phone in the Philly airport. I was trying to listen; enemy luck. Yep, I was a recruiting freak way back Anyways, when he got off the phone, I called out his name and extended my hand. He said ' Your not going to shoot me are u??' We laughed and shook hands. Then I asked him for an autograph. The only thing in my pocket was a Jim Boeheim Basketball camp flier. I was taking it to Florida for my nephew. He said what is this sH_T ?? We laughed and he jokingly complimented JB and SU. He left me with the impression of a very Classy, yet funny guy. Rollie and Nova get a thumbs up from me as my 2nd favourite old Big East foe.
Gotta love suburban types who hate the city they live next to. The Main Line is Philly through and through, but with a lot of money … made in Philly.
Both of these statements are so far off the mark, I can only conclude that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Both of these statements are so far off the mark, I can only conclude that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I don't mean to get combative here, but it doesn't take a passport to cross City Line Avenue. If you live in Ardmore, or Haverford, or Bryn Mawr, or even as far out as Radnor, or Berwyn, or Wayne, you are basically from Philadelphia whether you like it or not.
I don't mean to get combative here, but it doesn't take a passport to cross City Line Avenue. If you live in Ardmore, or Haverford, or Bryn Mawr, or even as far out as Radnor, or Berwyn, or Wayne, you are basically from Philadelphia whether you like it or not.
Thanks for clearing that up, but I'm well versed on the geography. My point throughout this thread has been that Villanova doesn't represent Philadelphia. Apparently you and some others need to think that it does. Go ahead, don't let reality sway your opinion.

And when you say, "Gotta love suburban types who hate the city they live next to." and "whether you like it or not." it sounds like you indeed mean to be combative.
Thanks for clearing that up, but I'm well versed on the geography. My point throughout this thread has been that Villanova doesn't represent Philadelphia. Apparently you and some others need to think that it does. Go ahead, don't let reality sway your opinion.

And when you say, "Gotta love suburban types who hate the city they live next to." and "whether you like it or not." it sounds like you indeed mean to be combative.

Fellas, take the feistiness to the Villanova board. It will fit right in .. heck it may actually tone it down.

Damn, that Nova board is a mess. I don't think there are any 10+ post threads that doesn't turn into a pissing match.

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