There you go again, defending Carrier's honor above the University.
In fact you specifially said renovations aren't enough to change the name and it would have to be a new building.
Ironically the university has done just what I said: Told Carrier the old deal is over and if they want to keep their name on the renovated (not new) building they will need to renegotiate.
This is EXACTLY what angered you so much when I originally raised the strategy and had you acting all high and mighty as if this scenario could never happen.
Yet here we are, and you fell right in step as soon as this "goofy thinking" became reality.
Where would we be if SU was as afraid to challenge a decades old deal as you were?
But it's all good xc I don't need any admission. I actually want to commend you for your evolution in thinking here even if you are being a little stubborn to admit it.
Nope and nope. I am not defending Carrier's "honor" nor have I even discussed it. Why ? Because it is irrelevant.
The university has done nothing yet that you know of except open up a conversation with Carrier. They have not said "the deal is over" for sure. You say I said renovations were not enough the allow for the contract to be null but in Feb. I said this:
"I have no sympathy for Carrier either...but it is irrelevant. I know that SU has said on multiple occasions that they have looked into it and there is nothing they can do. That's not a guess on my part. I have already said
there is likely a threshold of renovations where the building becomes a different building."
On the other hand, you have offered these goofy arguments:
We can "hatch a plan" strategy:
"I won't be satisfied until Syverud and Coyle hatch a plan to dump the Carrier name and sell naming rights to another company. "
The agreement is from yesteryear strategy:
"You seem put a lot more stock in a 35 year old contract that was drawn up before the age of selling naming rights. My guess is if we hire a savvy lawyer we can get out of this ridiculous deal we're stuck with. If they paid 2.75M and we spend another 500M to reno I have to believe we can break that deal from yesteryear."
The alumni donors have more rights that corporate donors strategy:
"idk sure sounds like a lot of defending Carrier's interest to me - elevating them to the level of alumni donors and arguing in favor of maintaining the awful deal we made with them " "Surely you understand the difference between private family donations towards academic buildings and a corporate branding across our most valuable asset, no? "
Just notify Carrier we are putting the name up for bid because they've had it long enough argument:
"Hey Carrier it's a cold world. You got a helluva ride for 35 years but the stadium is under going a major facelift and we've decided the naming rights are up for bid again."
The Carrier has made "more than enough" argument:
"There has to be a way to sell new naming rights and get out of the Carrier deal. I mean 30+ years of Naming rights is more than enough of a return on 2.75M "