HVAC as a consumer good when the purchase is not part of a construction or renovation project:
SUFan Dream world version:
"Hey, Honey, when you're at Home Depot get some light bulbs and a new furnace and a couple of heat pumps, please. And make sure to get Trane because that's what they use in the Carrier Dome."
Real world version:
"Hey, Honey, the heating system repair guy was out today and said we need to replace our furnace and heat pumps. After all, they are 20 years old. He said it would cost about $8,000."
"OK, Dear. But we probably ought to get at least one competitive bid from another HVAC company to make sure we aren't getting ripped off." (Notice that the "shopping" that goes on is between competing HVAC contractors and not between equipment manufacturers. And it's the HVAC contractor.
The dream world version is preferred by those on here who are desperate for SU to build better facilities so they can enjoy them. And have somehow talked themselves into the idea that the name of the SU facility is going to influence these decisions.
And Home Depot doesn't carry Trane equipment, only Carrier, Lennox and Rheem. And "Honey" doesn't have the foggiest clue about how these units and manufacturers are different from one another. Except for price.