Now, I've been hearing lots and lots of people say, almost as soon as Ohio State bounced us out, that the issue with Melo was that he violated his probation with the old girlfriend and the turning signal incident. I heard that he was texting her toward the end of the season, that this violated a restraining order, and that was the issue that got him kicked off the team.
This, to me, would be in keeping with Boeheim's statement that none of the player nor himself considered Melo to have let the team down. If he let the team down, you would think that would be failing to do your school work. If he texted his old girlfriend, and she still held a grudge and complained to the police or the university about it, that to me would be a relatively more innocent thing.
Maybe he was trying to make up with her. Maybe he was bragging that he was soon going to be a millionaire NBA player. Maybe I'm completely wrong with all of this, but I have lots of good connections into the University, too (as many on the board do), and that's what a bunch of them were saying and have been saying for the past few days. Take it as you like. Maybe all of these rumors are true, but to me, getting kicked off the team when he did, a violation of a restraining order seems more likely than an academic issue. A positive marijuana test would have made sense at that time, too, but I think that has been dismissed.
The timing of the drug test story right before he was kicked off the team made that seem obvious, but in retrospect, the rumor that seems to fit best to me is the restraining order violation.