Game of A Thrones Season 5 | Page 3 |

Game of A Thrones Season 5

women being upset about that scene - wah. to me it was a pretty 'real' scene. i like it because it just deepens her hatred for the people who've brutalized the Starks. It makes her lust for revenge and when (IF) she gets it more satisfying. ramsey flayed a woman and no one cared. ramsey rapes his wife and its outrage. Sansa's arc now is a good one. She's gone from thinking the world was lemon cakes and tea parties to the cold reality of how brutal and unforgiving westeros really is. I still despise her somewhat for taking the side against her father and sister for the lannister fairytale. she now realizes what her Dad and the Starks were/meant.

Back over in Kings Landing though, What is Cersai doing ? High Garden is her biggest ally and they'll go to war with them over this - and rightfully so. What if they switched allegiances to Stannis then what? I don't get it. I'm also thinking Lady Terrlel might not see High Garden again.

So Cersai is facing off against the Dornes, pissed off High Garden and has Stannis in the North. She's banking on the Vale and Roose Bolton and the Freys?

What's the story with Asha/Yara Greyjoy at this point. Wasn't she headed to rescue Theon?
PhatOrange said:
women being upset about that scene - wah. to me it was a pretty 'real' scene. i like it because it just deepens her hatred for the people who've brutalized the Starks. It makes her lust for revenge and when (IF) she gets it more satisfying. ramsey flayed a woman and no one cared. ramsey rapes his wife and its outrage. Sansa's arc now is a good one. She's gone from thinking the world was lemon cakes and tea parties to the cold reality of how brutal and unforgiving westeros really is. I still despise her somewhat for taking the side against her father and sister for the lannister fairytale. she now realizes what her Dad and the Starks were/meant.

Back over in Kings Landing though, What is Cersai doing ? High Garden is her biggest ally and they'll go to war with them over this - and rightfully so. What if they switched allegiances to Stannis then what? I don't get it. I'm also thinking Lady Terrlel might not see High Garden again.

So Cersai is facing off against the Dornes, pissed off High Garden and has Stannis in the North. She's banking on the Vale and Roose Bolton and the Freys?

What's the story with Asha/Yara Greyjoy at this point. Wasn't she headed to rescue Theon?

Last season she tried to rescue Theon, but he was thoroughly Reek at that point and bit her. She left him at the Dreadfort.

I get why some people would be frustrated with the rape. But this show has had truly awful things depicted and somehow this is what puts people over the edge? It seems beyond disingenuous.
It's getting to be ridiculous, frankly: that scene was totally unnecessary IMO. Book readers and show watchers alike already hate - and that's too kind a word for it - Ramsay (though Iwan Rheon is terrific in the part). We generally feel a combination of disgust and pity for Theon. Sansa's a nice, sweet fairly innocent character. We don't need the feelings crammed down our throat, we're already there. No need to pile on the shock value. How about developing some of the characters more, giving us more witty dialogue and erasing any and all scenes of those ludicrous sand snakes? The show has become a cartoon (IMO) and I'm close to dropping it from my "must watch" list.
MCC said:
It's getting to be ridiculous, frankly: that scene was totally unnecessary IMO. Book readers and show watchers alike already hate - and that's too kind a word for it - Ramsay (though Iwan Rheon is terrific in the part). We generally feel a combination of disgust and pity for Theon. Sansa's a nice, sweet fairly innocent character. We don't need the feelings crammed down our throat, we're already there. No need to pile on the shock value. How about developing some of the characters more, giving us more witty dialogue and erasing any and all scenes of those ludicrous sand snakes? The show has become a cartoon (IMO) and I'm close to dropping it from my "must watch" list.

The scene was significantly worse in the books than the show. so I'm not sure why book readers are complaining about it.
The scene was significantly worse in the books than the show. so I'm not sure why book readers are complaining about it.
Seriously??? Sansa wasn't even involved in the book. Jeyne Poole was - that's your difference right there.

I mean... come on, mang.

Sorry if this comes off as harsh; I generally appreciate your posts on other topics.
MCC said:
Seriously??? Sansa wasn't even involved in the book. Jeyne Poole was - that's your difference right there.

I mean... come on, mang.

Sorry if this comes off as harsh; I generally appreciate your posts on other topics.

I don't take offense.

I know Jeyne Poole was there but she was brutalized far more violently than Sansa was. And Theon was forced to take part in that as well.

I think if you thought about it you knew this was coming the second that Sansa was going to be marrying Ramsay.

The Dorne stuff is terrible though. I'll give you that.
did anyone not see this was coming? come on. was she going to willfully Ramsey on her wedding night? hell no. And was Ramsey going to be a nice guy like Tyrion and not consummate the marriage? hell no. of course ramsey was going to rape her ? and holy heck shock value? they didn't even show anything. what would've softened it? a scene the next morning of her all pretty singing fiddle-dee-dee ?

thats not in his character nor would it have been in hers to play all nice nice and go along with it. I've seen suggestions that they should've made her sly and talked her way out of it (having learned from littlefinger?) come now, ramsey's a sadist sexual psychopath, he would not have walked away without doing the deed.
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Last season she tried to rescue Theon, but he was thoroughly Reek at that point and bit her. She left him at the Dreadfort.

yes yes i forgot about that
PhatOrange said:
cersai imprisoned but the cult ?

Her actions make more sense in the book because it's from her point of view.

Lena Heady did a great job in that scene when she was arrested. Just a slight look of "*** me."
MCC you will hate this but lots of rumors based on finale title that stoneheart makes an appearance
MCC you will hate this but lots of rumors based on finale title that stoneheart makes an appearance
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MCC you will hate this but lots of rumors based on finale title that stoneheart makes an appearance

I just can't be hopeful about that after last's trolling by the producers if she isn't in it with a title like "Mother's Mercy" though.
MCC you will hate this but lots of rumors based on finale title that stoneheart makes an appearance

Seriously, the only way to to make Crabapple Wrinklylips more unlikeable is to bring her back as a miserable, gross, hateful undead snooty snotty snot snot McSnot-muffin.

She's a triple-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with 33As sauce.


Well... I guess I could tolerate a few seconds of screen presence if and only if she gets roasted by the dragons and ends up nothing but a pile of (wrinkly) ash that the dragons poop on and then bury like cats in a litter box. D&D, make it so!

Seriously, the only way to to make Crabapple Wrinklylips more unlikeable is to bring her back as a miserable, gross, hateful undead snooty snotty snot snot McSnot-muffin.

She's a triple-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with 33As sauce.


Well... I guess I could tolerate a few seconds of screen presence if and only if she gets roasted by the dragons and ends up nothing but a pile of (wrinkly) ash that the dragons poop on and then bury like cats in a litter box. D&D, make it so!
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I guess that gives us an inkling as to what "dragonsteel" is, as referenced in the books.
Guinness said:
Quite possibly their best episode to date.

Thought the same thing. Obviously the Hardhome battle was fantastic, but Tyrion and Dany's two dialogues were also pretty thrilling
Thought the same thing. Obviously the Hardhome battle was fantastic, but Tyrion and Dany's two dialogues were also pretty thrilling

Love those two on screen at the same time.

A little late to the conversation, but man Tyene has one of the top 5 sets of hooters I think I've ever seen, despite the fact that it was totally unnecessary.
That was awesome all around and makes the suckiness of the Dorne stuff all the more mystifying.




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