Martin is a really solid HC. Not sure he is anything more than that though. He and Candle seem like clones, except Candle is a dozen years younger. Both seem headed to a rematch in the MAC CG. Candle got the better of him in Oxford already (21-17, was 21-3 at half and 21-17 going into 4th Q). Tough to put Martin ahead at the moment.
In the Dino era, MAC records:
Martin 38-19, 2 Divisions Titles (will have 3 with one more W), 1 Conference Title
Candle 41-19 (more games due to Covid), 3 Divisions (including this season), 2 Conference (and one was last year)
Neither has done anything OOC. Martin does have Grand Valley State, which one could argue is actually more impressive than his time at Miami. He also has been part of a P5 program before, and one would think some familiarity with the Northeast given his time at ND. Candle is somehow still only 43.