Grades and Observations from Section 115... |

Grades and Observations from Section 115...


Walk On
Aug 30, 2011
While I think Wake is better than most people thought leaving the dome last week; this Rhody squad was unimpressive apart from there QB. The alarming play by some groups who just flat out lost their individual matchups is a huge concern! The grades:

MARRONE: C-, Not a Doug hater here...I actually love the guy but ultimately the play calling and poor O-line play has to funnel back to him.

HACKETT: D, Just not seeing this cutting edge, pro system that is being advertised. Play calls are predictable and the much needed shotgun is non-existent! The middle of the field is not pressured enough! The offense should have dominated the lesser athlete of Rhody. Way too many 3 step drops and is this a reflection of the swiss cheese O-Line?

SHAFER: B, Yes, still a B even though Proebst dictated to us at times. Overall, we didnt get pushed off the ball and covered well enough as the QB just knows how to make plays. All things considered with not having any film on this team with a young defense, they were not the problem yesterday.

The players:

NASSIB: C, Yes, the stats were somewhat impressive at 29/36, 324ish but there was plenty of YAC with quick checkdowns to the flat. Yes, he was pressured at times but ya know what people, every college QB must deal with pressure and he did a nice job a few times eluding the pressure but missing stevens and lemon deep kept this inferior team in the game! Like his arm and composure but he needs that game day ad-lib.

O-LINE: D-, This so called veteran unit has yet to impose its will and experience on teams. Rhody had one stud in mcginnis but come on, way too much penetration, not enough push on short yardage even with 2 TE's in the game!Both tackled were beaten off the edge in footspeed!

RB: C, Not a huge part of the gameplan. Not much room for Bailey to run, Some decent blitz pick ups but this wasnt on the RB's.

WR: B+, Lemon ran a 4 yd out in the flat all day and did get open on the corner route only to be badly missed, Chew was great at getting deep and catching the ball as usual. Great grad Anchione!!! Solid group! Would have liked to have seen west and Flemming by now with some experience going into USC. Some needed size at this position.

TE: D, Well Stevens keeps Provo from failing here. Stevens got open and is gracefull catching the ball. I have said for 2 years now that Provo is below average and continues to have feet for hands. Any TE in this system is gonna catch 30-40 balls by default and thats all that Provo is.

D-LINE, C, Not enough pressure until late by this group. With our athletes up from we should have beaten the Rhody line with raw footspeed. There was just not enough penetration and containment of the QB. Marinovich is alot of hype at this point.

BACKERS, B, Like this group and for an inexperienced group played well and flew sideline to sideline. Not an A because of their inability to stop the QB when the play broke down. Why were we not spying this guy?

CORNERS: B, Coverage better but lack of holding the corner on run plays on the outside kept this group from an A.

SAFETIES: A, Shamarko may be the best and most sure tackler in SU history. All over the field and players crumble! Philip had 2 picks and this group is our strength!

SPECIALS: Raupers took a step back. We should be beating a team like Rhody to the edge with raw speed and athleticism and it didnt happen! Though we might break a punt or kick return. Love Kobena, natural runner. Is the fact the specials are being coached by committee a problem. No dedicated coach scheming here?
the d-line and the qb get the same grade? We watched different games.
While I think Wake is better than most people thought leaving the dome last week; this Rhody squad was unimpressive apart from there QB. The alarming play by some groups who just flat out lost their individual matchups is a huge concern! The grades:

MARRONE: C-, Not a Doug hater here...I actually love the guy but ultimately the play calling and poor O-line play has to funnel back to him.

HACKETT: D, Just not seeing this cutting edge, pro system that is being advertised. Play calls are predictable and the much needed shotgun is non-existent! The middle of the field is not pressured enough! The offense should have dominated the lesser athlete of Rhody. Way too many 3 step drops and is this a reflection of the swiss cheese O-Line?

SHAFER: B, Yes, still a B even though Proebst dictated to us at times. Overall, we didnt get pushed off the ball and covered well enough as the QB just knows how to make plays. All things considered with not having any film on this team with a young defense, they were not the problem yesterday.

The players:

NASSIB: C, Yes, the stats were somewhat impressive at 29/36, 324ish but there was plenty of YAC with quick checkdowns to the flat. Yes, he was pressured at times but ya know what people, every college QB must deal with pressure and he did a nice job a few times eluding the pressure but missing stevens and lemon deep kept this inferior team in the game! Like his arm and composure but he needs that game day ad-lib.

O-LINE: D-, This so called veteran unit has yet to impose its will and experience on teams. Rhody had one stud in mcginnis but come on, way too much penetration, not enough push on short yardage even with 2 TE's in the game!Both tackled were beaten off the edge in footspeed!

RB: C, Not a huge part of the gameplan. Not much room for Bailey to run, Some decent blitz pick ups but this wasnt on the RB's.

WR: B+, Lemon ran a 4 yd out in the flat all day and did get open on the corner route only to be badly missed, Chew was great at getting deep and catching the ball as usual. Great grad Anchione!!! Solid group! Would have liked to have seen west and Flemming by now with some experience going into USC. Some needed size at this position.

TE: D, Well Stevens keeps Provo from failing here. Stevens got open and is gracefull catching the ball. I have said for 2 years now that Provo is below average and continues to have feet for hands. Any TE in this system is gonna catch 30-40 balls by default and thats all that Provo is.

D-LINE, C, Not enough pressure until late by this group. With our athletes up from we should have beaten the Rhody line with raw footspeed. There was just not enough penetration and containment of the QB. Marinovich is alot of hype at this point.

BACKERS, B, Like this group and for an inexperienced group played well and flew sideline to sideline. Not an A because of their inability to stop the QB when the play broke down. Why were we not spying this guy?

CORNERS: B, Coverage better but lack of holding the corner on run plays on the outside kept this group from an A.

SAFETIES: A, Shamarko may be the best and most sure tackler in SU history. All over the field and players crumble! Philip had 2 picks and this group is our strength!

SPECIALS: Raupers took a step back. We should be beating a team like Rhody to the edge with raw speed and athleticism and it didnt happen! Though we might break a punt or kick return. Love Kobena, natural runner. Is the fact the specials are being coached by committee a problem. No dedicated coach scheming here?
My grades

O-line F Awful against FCS team.
supposed to be a team strength. Huge disappointment thus far.
QB B+ Made a bad throw early on the Int. GOt drilled by untouched Rams and made good throws. Ran for his life and managed to move the team.
RB INC Dcuse and I noticed Bailey make the wrpong cut a couple of times but the blocking was so bad its hard to give a grade
WR B+ Nice job few drops and made positive yardage after the catch. Chew great game!

D-line C- stopped the run except for broken plays. Pass rush poor most of the game.(again)
LBs C Again nice job against the run. did decent job on pass coverage
DBs C Ok, URI QB threaded the needle on a couple of passes. Third and long pick ups were not acceptable against good competition let alone FCS team

Congrats to URI for coming in to the dome and playiong very well.
Safeties get an A? From what I've been reading (I didn't get to watch the game), it sounds like PThomas made some truly boneheaded plays that just about negated his two picks. And as much as I like and most surest tackler in SU history?
Safeties get an A? From what I've been reading (I didn't get to watch the game), it sounds like PThomas made some truly boneheaded plays that just about negated his two picks. And as much as I like and most surest tackler in SU history?

Shamarko is definitely the best tackler on this team but I have to agree he's not the best tackler in SU history. He's having a banner season to this point though.
Shamarko is definitely the best tackler on this team but I have to agree he's not the best tackler in SU history. He's having a banner season to this point though.

He might be the best tackler on the team today but as some of these young guys get more run that will change ... did you see the way Lynch broke down and took that running back down out in open space on his own ... the kid tried to juke him and Lynch made a great play on him.
Interesting that you thought the RI QB was the most impressive on the team - or that the rest of the team was unimpressive. From my vantage point their running back made great cuts all game and despite his size still don't go down easy or just made 2 - 3 guys miss at a time. Barry Sanders like. The WR's were pretty good too.
SAFETIES: A, Shamarko may be the best and most sure tackler in SU history. All over the field and players crumble!

Shamarko isn't even the best tackling safety in Syracuse history
While I think Wake is better than most people thought leaving the dome last week; this Rhody squad was unimpressive apart from there QB. The alarming play by some groups who just flat out lost their individual matchups is a huge concern! The grades:

MARRONE: C-, Not a Doug hater here...I actually love the guy but ultimately the play calling and poor O-line play has to funnel back to him.

HACKETT: D, Just not seeing this cutting edge, pro system that is being advertised. Play calls are predictable and the much needed shotgun is non-existent! The middle of the field is not pressured enough! The offense should have dominated the lesser athlete of Rhody. Way too many 3 step drops and is this a reflection of the swiss cheese O-Line?

SHAFER: B, Yes, still a B even though Proebst dictated to us at times. Overall, we didnt get pushed off the ball and covered well enough as the QB just knows how to make plays. All things considered with not having any film on this team with a young defense, they were not the problem yesterday.

The players:

NASSIB: C, Yes, the stats were somewhat impressive at 29/36, 324ish but there was plenty of YAC with quick checkdowns to the flat. Yes, he was pressured at times but ya know what people, every college QB must deal with pressure and he did a nice job a few times eluding the pressure but missing stevens and lemon deep kept this inferior team in the game! Like his arm and composure but he needs that game day ad-lib.

O-LINE: D-, This so called veteran unit has yet to impose its will and experience on teams. Rhody had one stud in mcginnis but come on, way too much penetration, not enough push on short yardage even with 2 TE's in the game!Both tackled were beaten off the edge in footspeed!

RB: C, Not a huge part of the gameplan. Not much room for Bailey to run, Some decent blitz pick ups but this wasnt on the RB's.

WR: B+, Lemon ran a 4 yd out in the flat all day and did get open on the corner route only to be badly missed, Chew was great at getting deep and catching the ball as usual. Great grad Anchione!!! Solid group! Would have liked to have seen west and Flemming by now with some experience going into USC. Some needed size at this position.

TE: D, Well Stevens keeps Provo from failing here. Stevens got open and is gracefull catching the ball. I have said for 2 years now that Provo is below average and continues to have feet for hands. Any TE in this system is gonna catch 30-40 balls by default and thats all that Provo is.

D-LINE, C, Not enough pressure until late by this group. With our athletes up from we should have beaten the Rhody line with raw footspeed. There was just not enough penetration and containment of the QB. Marinovich is alot of hype at this point.

BACKERS, B, Like this group and for an inexperienced group played well and flew sideline to sideline. Not an A because of their inability to stop the QB when the play broke down. Why were we not spying this guy?

CORNERS: B, Coverage better but lack of holding the corner on run plays on the outside kept this group from an A.

SAFETIES: A, Shamarko may be the best and most sure tackler in SU history. All over the field and players crumble! Philip had 2 picks and this group is our strength!

SPECIALS: Raupers took a step back. We should be beating a team like Rhody to the edge with raw speed and athleticism and it didnt happen! Though we might break a punt or kick return. Love Kobena, natural runner. Is the fact the specials are being coached by committee a problem. No dedicated coach scheming here?
I always get a kick out of those who complain that the play calling is predictable.

What's predictable is that someone will make that complaint - no matter who is coaching the team.
I always get a kick out of those who complain that the play calling is predictable.

What's predictable is that someone will make that complaint - no matter who is coaching the team.

no, no complaints about kstate and cincy last year wise guy, yesterday we failed to challenge the middle of the field, a shotgun would have bought nassib more time in light of poor pass blocking...its simple, playing offense is about deception...not lining up like lombardi did and running over people. just watch toledo in 2 weeks. maac level talent that is coached up in a very multiple system and they are awesome to watch!!!!
Gotta add my SmilinBobs hard stick of the game to Mr. Spruill for the 2 sacks in a row.
no, no complaints about kstate and cincy last year wise guy, yesterday we failed to challenge the middle of the field, a shotgun would have bought nassib more time in light of poor pass blocking...its simple, playing offense is about deception...not lining up like lombardi did and running over people. just watch toledo in 2 weeks. maac level talent that is coached up in a very multiple system and they are awesome to watch!!!!
Didn't Nassib set a record for completions and gain over 300 yards passing with two TDs?

Was that all a product of poor play calling or inappropriate formations?

I didn't see a Lombardi approach yesterday - I saw the opposite.

I saw west coast offensive football - spreading the ball with what were essentially long hand offs to the WRs.
that approach almost lost us the game...the fact it was a 7 point game was on the offense. we should have scored 35+ against that defense. we out 3 drives together, thats it...
While I think Wake is better than most people thought leaving the dome last week; this Rhody squad was unimpressive apart from there QB. The alarming play by some groups who just flat out lost their individual matchups is a huge concern! The grades:

MARRONE: C-, Not a Doug hater here...I actually love the guy but ultimately the play calling and poor O-line play has to funnel back to him.

HACKETT: D, Just not seeing this cutting edge, pro system that is being advertised. Play calls are predictable and the much needed shotgun is non-existent! The middle of the field is not pressured enough! The offense should have dominated the lesser athlete of Rhody. Way too many 3 step drops and is this a reflection of the swiss cheese O-Line?

I've not been real enamored with Hackett to date. Execution isn't his fault but there are some serious flaws in the way he calls a game.

Also, Mackey is in over his head. Tiller is having to help him double team a D1AA nose tackle. He's overmatched right now.
While I think Wake is better than most people thought leaving the dome last week; this Rhody squad was unimpressive apart from there QB. The alarming play by some groups who just flat out lost their individual matchups is a huge concern! The grades:

MARRONE: C-, Not a Doug hater here...I actually love the guy but ultimately the play calling and poor O-line play has to funnel back to him.

HACKETT: D, Just not seeing this cutting edge, pro system that is being advertised. Play calls are predictable and the much needed shotgun is non-existent! The middle of the field is not pressured enough! The offense should have dominated the lesser athlete of Rhody. Way too many 3 step drops and is this a reflection of the swiss cheese O-Line?

SHAFER: B, Yes, still a B even though Proebst dictated to us at times. Overall, we didnt get pushed off the ball and covered well enough as the QB just knows how to make plays. All things considered with not having any film on this team with a young defense, they were not the problem yesterday.

The players:

NASSIB: C, Yes, the stats were somewhat impressive at 29/36, 324ish but there was plenty of YAC with quick checkdowns to the flat. Yes, he was pressured at times but ya know what people, every college QB must deal with pressure and he did a nice job a few times eluding the pressure but missing stevens and lemon deep kept this inferior team in the game! Like his arm and composure but he needs that game day ad-lib.

O-LINE: D-, This so called veteran unit has yet to impose its will and experience on teams. Rhody had one stud in mcginnis but come on, way too much penetration, not enough push on short yardage even with 2 TE's in the game!Both tackled were beaten off the edge in footspeed!

RB: C, Not a huge part of the gameplan. Not much room for Bailey to run, Some decent blitz pick ups but this wasnt on the RB's.

WR: B+, Lemon ran a 4 yd out in the flat all day and did get open on the corner route only to be badly missed, Chew was great at getting deep and catching the ball as usual. Great grad Anchione!!! Solid group! Would have liked to have seen west and Flemming by now with some experience going into USC. Some needed size at this position.

TE: D, Well Stevens keeps Provo from failing here. Stevens got open and is gracefull catching the ball. I have said for 2 years now that Provo is below average and continues to have feet for hands. Any TE in this system is gonna catch 30-40 balls by default and thats all that Provo is.

D-LINE, C, Not enough pressure until late by this group. With our athletes up from we should have beaten the Rhody line with raw footspeed. There was just not enough penetration and containment of the QB. Marinovich is alot of hype at this point.

BACKERS, B, Like this group and for an inexperienced group played well and flew sideline to sideline. Not an A because of their inability to stop the QB when the play broke down. Why were we not spying this guy?

CORNERS: B, Coverage better but lack of holding the corner on run plays on the outside kept this group from an A.

SAFETIES: A, Shamarko may be the best and most sure tackler in SU history. All over the field and players crumble! Philip had 2 picks and this group is our strength!

SPECIALS: Raupers took a step back. We should be beating a team like Rhody to the edge with raw speed and athleticism and it didnt happen! Though we might break a punt or kick return. Love Kobena, natural runner. Is the fact the specials are being coached by committee a problem. No dedicated coach scheming here?

Nonexistent shot-gun? What game were you watching. And how in the world do the Safeties (plural) get an A?
how many plays in the gun? ok, the A is relative to the performance of other positions...ok, why not an A? AGAIN, this poor performance is on the offense, the D played well enough and showed improvement. for the safeties...nothing over the top, 2 picks via phillip, shamarko was all over the field, what else would you like? talk to me...
how many plays in the gun? ok, the A is relative to the performance of other positions...ok, why not an A? AGAIN, this poor performance is on the offense, the D played well enough and showed improvement. for the safeties...nothing over the top, 2 picks via phillip, shamarko was all over the field, what else would you like? talk to me...
I'd like to see them get off the field when it's 3rd and 10 or 3rd and 12 or 3rd and 7.
how many plays in the gun? ok, the A is relative to the performance of other positions...ok, why not an A? AGAIN, this poor performance is on the offense, the D played well enough and showed improvement. for the safeties...nothing over the top, 2 picks via phillip, shamarko was all over the field, what else would you like? talk to me...

Phillip Thomas was a nightmare. Two interceptions isn't a positive - under no circumstances should he hold on to that would-be Hail Mary on fourth down with 90 seconds left. He also had what would have been a valuable interception bounce off his face. Throw in the knucklehead penalties (again) and his poor tackling (again) and he had maybe a C- game: one droppped interception, one good interception, and one boneheaded fourth-down interception that he should have batted down. Shamarko played well and had at least a couple terrific tackles in the open field (and possibly saved Phillip from getting ejected, which one might argue is a positive). I wouldn't say he had an A game, but he was quite good. The safety position as a whole, though, was far from good.

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