Gross has to pull the plug on Shafer | Page 7 |

Gross has to pull the plug on Shafer

We need a proven commodity next time around. Enough with the head coaching try outs. It's fish or cut bait time for the University to pony up the $$ and get a proven winner in here to demonstrate that they are serious about the FB program. A lot of this is going to depend on who is making that call next Dec. If it's Gross I have zero faith in his abilities inthis regard. If it's a new AD we have a chance.
Nothing changed. You're still a clown. This is just more evidence.
Thank you sir coming from you its a compliment your post was completely personal and caused my response. Did you read the point I was making? No you went after me and I don't fire the first shot but when I deal with people with their heads buried in the sand your damn right I will respond. Good job good effort and go watch the Shafer Isis press conference as I doubt you have.
We need a proven commodity next time around. Enough with the head coaching try outs. It's fish or cut bait time for the University to pony up the $$ and get a proven winner in here to demonstrate that they are serious about the FB program. A lot of this is going to depend on who is making that call next Dec. If it's Gross I have zero faith in his abilities inthis regard. If it's a new AD we have a chance.
The problem is, who is truly a proven commodity? Michigan, ND and Florida are high profile programs who have the $$ to hire just about anybody, and yet they have whiffed on their choices - Michigan twice (first with Rich Rod) and the ND faithful haven't been happy since Lou Holtz left (they suffered through Jerry Faust before that). There are plenty of other examples. Then there are guys like Marrone and Bill O'Brien, who found some success but left to coach in the NFL, or coaches like James Franklin and Brian Kelly, who bolted teams comparable to SU (Vandy and Cincy) to go to bigger programs.
By giving Shafer another year you are only delaying that process by a year. Get a new OFFENSIVE head coach in here ASAP and start the process now...No reason to wait another year. Nothing I have seen from Shafer tells me he will be a good head coach. He was a terrible hire.

Shafer is a very good defensive coach and I get the sense he's not a job hopper. We could use stability in the program. That's what gets long term results is stability. Lester might be a good Offensive Coordinator if he got a full season to put in his system and we could avoid so many big injuries.
Shafer is the worst coach in the ACC. Doeren had a tough year last year, but the man had a 12 win season at NIU.

He's lost the fan base, and I've resigned myself that SU does not care about being competitive in football if they him coach another year.
It's awful...the coaching, the talent, etc. I can't believe there were people that laughed at winning less than 4 games the way we came out against nova and with the schedule. But that's enough on this from me. I hate the fact that we stink. It's just a disgrace. I mean this is the same school that pitchforked Paul pasqualoni out of town. Maybe this is karma.
The offensive line has played very well this year. Anyone who isn't seeing that is t watching the games. Both Louisville and ND have top ten defenses nationally and Hunt still had all day to throw the ball. Teams are stacking the box and daring hunt to throw which. They know he can't. This team also out up massive rushing yards against Maryland and Central michigan so the holes not being there just isn't accurate.

The problem with this team is the QB and the OC. GM is simply way I've his head and needs to be replaced hunt doesn't seem to have the intellect required to play QB.

Well, I think the offensive line did reasonably well in pass protection, but you don't have to hold a block for very long with all those bubble screens. To me, the biggest shortcoming of the line has been the inability to run block. I mean, four of these guys were starters last year, and they simply could not move the pile. That's why we're a team whose injured QB has the most rushing TDs on the team. Pass blocking - OK. Run blocking - very poor, a clear step back this year.
Good list. I'd move Addazzio into the top tier, and move Clawson ahead of Shafer.
I'd also move London, who's team beat Miami, has a shot at bowl eligibility and is a stronger recruiter that Shafer, above him. Also, both London & Clawson at least have proven themselves as winners at lower levels of competition which Shafer can't say.
Okay list I guess. Their is nobody I would say Shafer is better than. Doeren and London have gotten commitments from several 4 star recruits. They may not be better game day coaches but I would call Shafer a bottom 3 ACC coach.
location of Virginia or north Carolina vs upstate ny a factor
Shafer is a very good defensive coach and I get the sense he's not a job hopper. We could use stability in the program. That's what gets long term results is stability. Lester might be a good Offensive Coordinator if he got a full season to put in his system and we could avoid so many big injuries.
Look at Lester's experience and tell me anyone would hire him as a P5 OC without at least looking around.
oh I brought his name up earlier this year just to see what everyone would think. While I hate the guy I wouldn't be totally against it. He has prior head coaching experience and has experience turning a program around. He wouldn't be my first choice but I wouldn't be up in arms either.
Plus we'd acquire an air force. Think how cool that would be.

Doeren won 3 games last year and has 6 win now with 2 games left this season. I don't see how we have done better.

London has sucked but he has recruited talent to UVA. Scott Shafer scrapped 7 wins last year we have not shown improvement in any phase of the game.
nc state will likely finish 6-7 or 7-6. Recruitng is better this year than last
If that had anything to do with it, then Michigan, Michigan State, Penn State, ND etc. would never field a team.

those teams are brand programs with substantial history of winning games lately(minus penn state but there brand in the northeast like it or not)

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