I think many people are looking at this from one point or the other when there really is a good shot at a happy medium. DG has had to increase spending to attain the improved teams. The revenue has increased significantly. DG's overall management has been good, though he has some issues.
Syverud has determined to trim fat and place SU on a strong financial footing without invading the endowment. This is wise long term. Now he is looking at the AD and there is fat, we know this so clearly Syverud does, too. The two can work together and with the increased revenues, the fat can be trimmed while paying more to the bread winning sports and keeping the Olympic sports competitive.
As to DG being able to find work, the top jobs don't come open often but as soon as one does, he is on the short list. He has done wonders with a private school in a weak league (Big East, low income) and has made every sport respectable. He has increased revenues (even before the ACC windfall). Basically, any top program would have to include him on a short list of AD candidates.
Syverud should know this and I would assume he is not a fool, I will not credit him as such unless he proves otherwise. Trimming excessive staffers from all departments is good for all organizations from time to time.
As an outsider with no inside info but what this board posts, I think DG is on solid footing but may have to yield in streamlining staff. Overall, his leadership has been very good and I would be happy to have him stay. When one considers good work, the increased revenues and the success, cutting out useless (not that the people didn't work, just doing work that can be done by others) positions really may not be that big of a deal. Syverud would be foolish to chase DG away, chances are that a big time big state U will make a play for him once they have an opening so he may be gone anyway. If not, Syracuse has a great AD.
Just my two cents.