1. Fisher - this thing lines up as a punt fest. No blocks, no shanks, no straight down the middle. Directional 40 yds are the order of the day.
2. Krautman and the place kicking unit. - They execute a freaking PAT properly last year and it's 3-0, never gets to OT.
3. Nassib - game manager mode - take what's there, which doesn't necessarially mean tucking it and getting a yard. Dink and dunk, get the ball out, and take a couple of shots. And if there is a screen pass call coming in, ignor it.
4. Trudo, Mackey, and Chibane - minimize the interior pressure and let a true pocket form. Rutgers isn't pressuring as much as in the past.
5. Defense - somebody, anybody, make a big play. A short field or two can make all the difference.