Hate to put it all on Cooney | Syracusefan.com

Hate to put it all on Cooney


Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2011
its not fair, but since hes our only legit perimeter threat im gonna put most of it on him. if he continues to struggle we're gonna have a hard time cracking 60, period. especially with grant out. we just dont have enough to overcome his 1 for 6's and 2 for 10's and 1 for 8's. when we were at our best we had 4 legit offensive players in cj, ennis, cooney and grant. now we literally have 2 and its forced cj and ennis to jack up more shots and play more iso ball which isnt either of their games. how many times have we said, even in games we won, "if cooney knocks down a couple more we win easily". now we're losing those games so its time to start knocking them down.

heres how we turn it around. grant get 100% (obviously), and cooney has to find his shot. rak isnt all of a sudden gonna turn into a 10 and 10 guy. silent g isnt gonna turn into instant offense off the bench. we will be in a dogfight against a 15 or 14 seed in the 1st round if cooney goes 2 for 10. im not jumping ship cause cj and ennis are legit big time players but they cant do it alone. can grant get healthy and can cooney find his shot? if the answer is yes we can still get to dallas. if not we wont make it out of the first weekend.

and im not gonna mention his lazy D on the 3 in the virginia game that made it 28-27, 1 of the biggest plays of the game. oh wait i just did. or daring perrantes to shoot a 3 in the 2nd half instead of contesting it. hand down man down!
cooney has been sucking in all aspects of the game and without him playing his best ball we are a sweet sixteen contender, if that

its not like he is tired because all i have read about it him is how conditioned he is

he is missing a ton of defensive responsivenes
I hate to say this, because I think the kid's worked his ass off between last year and this year, but his role is a shooter off the bench, not the starting 2 guard who is relied upon to provide consistent offense.

He's not built for the starting lineup. His defense is shaky, and he's not consistent enough to run the offense through him when he's the only deep threat.

I would LOVE it if BJ could overtake him next year.
Then don't. Good shooting covers up a lot of weaknesses and forgives a lot of sins. When he was shooting well during the first half of the season, he was doing pricisely that. Now that he's struggling the team's other weaknesses are more exposed. For they were always there, they just weren't as noticeable. So don't put it all on Cooney.
I hate to say this, because I think the kid's worked his ass off between last year and this year, but his role is a shooter off the bench, not the starting 2 guard who is relied upon to provide consistent offense.

He's not built for the starting lineup. His defense is shaky, and he's not consistent enough to run the offense through him when he's the only deep threat.

I would LOVE it if BJ could overtake him next year.
I would love if BJ could play alongside him next year. Cooney has been awful both defensively and offensively but I would like to see what he could do when the other team knows there is more than one outside shooter.


I hate to say this, because I think the kid's worked his ass off between last year and this year, but his role is a shooter off the bench, not the starting 2 guard who is relied upon to provide consistent offense.

He's not built for the starting lineup. His defense is shaky, and he's not consistent enough to run the offense through him when he's the only deep threat.

I would LOVE it if BJ could overtake him next year.

youre probably right, hes probably more suited to be instant offense coming off the bench, at least this year.
I wonder if the people talking BJ > Cooney are the same ones who were saying Roberson is our best player and will dominate this season.

I just ask where you guys come up with this stuff. Have any of you ever seen BJ play? I'm not saying any of this won't happen but I just don't understand the basis for what you guys are talking about, not even mentioning that BJ is a 3 not a 2.
orangepassion said:
I wish we could set a good pick for him to get him better looks

I think this has been a huge problem. He is hustling his butt around and nobody is setting one pick for him inside so he can get an open shot.

He has been missing some open ones but he isn't getting a consistent amount of them.
Cooney is the difference between 70+ points and 55ish.

If he shoots 40% from three, say 4-10. Add in a 2. That's 14 points. He has averaged 7.4 in the last 5 games. Those seven points, obviously would make a massive difference not to mention that his shooting would open up the entire offense. Add room for Fair, Grant and Ennis to operate.

Cooney truly is the key offensively. I can't see it any other way. Fair and Ennis have played well recently and we have still struggled. Much like last year and Southerland, we need Cooney to make a run. Plain and Simple.
Need to help Trevor out, by working from the inside out. All of his shots are coming off of screens and curls. Need to drive and kick it out to him so he can step into a shot instead of his body drifting away from the basket.

This is so true. And we won't work inside out until Grant gets back and we can do something inside. Another thing we might try is running the high post pick and roll with CJ which would make it harder for opponents to hedge out on Tyler.
cooney's 3pt% thru 17 conference games is .313 and that is our deep threat. last night was 1/8.
I would love if BJ could play alongside him next year. Cooney has been awful both defensively and offensively but I would like to see what he could do when the other team knows there is more than one outside shooter.


The highlighted statement is ridiculous. Granted that he hasn't had his shot in recent games, but nobody works harder on defense and he is second in the ACC in steals. Do you see BJ getting any court time?? There is a reason for that and it's not because he's better than Trevor.
I wonder if the people talking BJ > Cooney are the same ones who were saying Roberson is our best player and will dominate this season.

I just ask where you guys come up with this stuff. Have any of you ever seen BJ play? I'm not saying any of this won't happen but I just don't understand the basis for what you guys are talking about, not even mentioning that BJ is a 3 not a 2.
Generally in basketball, if two guys have equivalent skills you get good results if you roll with the player that's taller.:noidea:
The highlighted statement is ridiculous. Granted that he hasn't had his shot in recent games, but nobody works harder on defense and he is second in the ACC in steals. Do you see BJ getting any court time?? There is a reason for that and it's not because he's better than Trevor.
1st off...talking about next year after BJJ gets a summer in S&C

2nd... Trevor works hard, ok, I dont question that. He's still not good defensively. Neither is Ennis. The steals are a result of our zone and the fact they have a monster backline behind them. Yes, they both have solid instincts to account for the steals but neither has the size, length, athleticism to be great on defense. They could both be good if they had discipline, which they both lack, but neither will be great.
1st off...talking about next year after BJJ gets a summer in S&C

2nd... Trevor works hard, ok, I dont question that. He's still not good defensively. Neither is Ennis. The steals are a result of our zone and the fact they have a monster backline behind them. Yes, they both have solid instincts to account for the steals but neither has the size, length, athleticism to be great on defense. They could both be good if they had discipline, which they both lack, but neither will be great.

Triche and MCW just never gave up open shots last year. They were bigger. This year we give up open shots, and why our defensive 3 point percentage down. Those of you wanting Cooney out of the starting lineup won't get your wish. He will be the starting two guard the next two years as well, and I'm sure he will be better next year than this year.
Curious why during the year Patterson did not get any run? I think he is at least as good as Cooney on D, maybe a bit better. Obvioulsy not as good as a shooter but thinking he can get to the rim better and that's a nice option to have at this point. Would have been nice to see him getting 5-7 minutes a game or something to keep Cooney. I think BJ is too skinny but same as Patterson would have been nice to see him get some minutes.. Both of those players should have redshirted this year.
I'll gladly put about 75% of the blame on Cooney.

He's not hitting shots, that happens.
He's not creating offense and setting other players up with scoring opportunities, he's a guard that is not ok.

His defense has not been up to par.

What kills me even more than the lack of assists is the fact that he's a 87% FT shooter...and gets to the line maybe twice a game. That kills us.
I think Cooney is more than just a shooter, I truly do.

I think the issue is that he is positioned to be a shooter and he takes a large volume of shots even when he's shooting us right out of a game.

I liked how he attacked early on. I think he has the strength and athleticism to attack the rim and should do it more.

But he can't be shooting 8-10 three pointers a game and hitting the percentage he has been hitting lately. With the long rebounds, it's like a live ball turnover.

Get that kid attacking the rim, using pump fakes and getting into the teeth of the D. He's got nice form, get some old fashioned three point plays and let the beyond-the-arc shots come more naturally in the flow.
I wonder if the people talking BJ > Cooney are the same ones who were saying Roberson is our best player and will dominate this season.

I just ask where you guys come up with this stuff. Have any of you ever seen BJ play? I'm not saying any of this won't happen but I just don't understand the basis for what you guys are talking about, not even mentioning that BJ is a 3 not a 2.

lol don't forget: there was some preseason talk on here of BJ being one and done.
OrangeYaGladi said:
lol don't forget: there was some preseason talk on here of BJ being one and done.

Wow, I don't think I was around here then. /shakeshead
why is cooney so weak at the rim? he has good handle. he is strong. he can jump and is athletic. so why when he drives does he finish so weakly? i just don't get it. i think his shot will come around eventually, but it'd be nice to compliment his driving capabilities.
Trueblue25 said:
I'll gladly put about 75% of the blame on Cooney. He's not hitting shots, that happens. He's not creating offense and setting other players up with scoring opportunities, he's a guard that is not ok. His defense has not been up to par. What kills me even more than the lack of assists is the fact that he's a 87% FT shooter...and gets to the line maybe twice a game. That kills us.

75% of our woahs on Cooney? We lost to Ga Tech and BC at home, if you think 75% of our issues are because of one player you must not think very highly of any other player on this team.
lol don't forget: there was some preseason talk on here of BJ being one and done.

don't recall that at all . i do remember hearing talk he didn't want to red shirt for whatever reasons. had to know he wasn't playing.

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