He does not want to see SU go undefeated | Syracusefan.com

He does not want to see SU go undefeated

People neither from North Carolina nor have immediate family members who went to UNC, but are UNC fans, are the worst kind of fan. Oh, you liked UNC in the 80s and 90s when they were basically a top 5 team for 25 straight years? Man you're a trooper of a fan.
People neither from North Carolina nor have immediate family members who went to UNC, but are UNC fans, are the worst kind of fan. Oh, you liked UNC in the 80s and 90s when they were basically a top 5 team for 25 straight years? Man you're a trooper of a fan.

Please expand on your notion that people like me are the worst kind of fan? So, I've been a fan since I was four years old (a year before Jordan matriculated), but I'm a worse fan than a college freshman who comes to school and starts rooting for a team that they previously had no connection to? That's ridiculous . . . I've got almost 15 years of loyalty before that college freshman establishes his allegiance. And what if you're a Syracuse native who happened to come of age during their run in 87? Are they just a frontrunner who took the easy way out by aligning with their hometown team? Would they have done the same if Syracuse was an N.I.T. team that year.

Its all so absurd. Fans are fans. Get over yourself.
Please expand on your notion that people like me are the worst kind of fan? So, I've been a fan since I was four years old (a year before Jordan matriculated), but I'm a worse fan than a college freshman who comes to school and starts rooting for a team that they previously had no connection to? That's ridiculous . . . I've got almost 15 years of loyalty before that college freshman establishes his allegiance. And what if you're a Syracuse native who happened to come of age during their run in 87? Are they just a frontrunner who took the easy way out by aligning with their hometown team? Would they have done the same if Syracuse was an N.I.T. team that year.

Its all so absurd. Fans are fans. Get over yourself.
Are you a cowboys, Yankees, and lakers fan too?
Please expand on your notion that people like me are the worst kind of fan? So, I've been a fan since I was four years old (a year before Jordan matriculated), but I'm a worse fan than a college freshman who comes to school and starts rooting for a team that they previously had no connection to? That's ridiculous . . . I've got almost 15 years of loyalty before that college freshman establishes his allegiance. And what if you're a Syracuse native who happened to come of age during their run in 87? Are they just a frontrunner who took the easy way out by aligning with their hometown team? Would they have done the same if Syracuse was an N.I.T. team that year.

Its all so absurd. Fans are fans. Get over yourself.

Not that I agree with everything in your post, but I wanted to give you a high 5 regarding being a fan for a decade or more before some other kid finally decides to become a basketball fan because of the school he or she is attending. I realize we likely have a mix of each on here and don't want to offend the latter too much, but I think your point is both valid and important. It reminds me of a concert I went to once and where it got through to me that a number of the kids around me were there merely for something to do with their girlfriend on a friday night and weren't really that passionate about he music.

Although to be balanced, toward the majority here(I'm not completely free of the Matrix), when I hear fandom being claimed since age 4, it sounds that there is a likelihood the fandom was picked for such a person, like the babies and dogs adorned in SU officially licensed gear, which is a decoration outside the realm of free will and not a sign of allegiance to a team, even once the toddler or dog is old enough to realize what they're are advertising. My father may have watched a few games on tv with me and influenced me for a time, but I wasn't in high school yet before I knew more about college hoops than him. That doesn't necessarily mean he loves the team less than me. I'd say both scenarios you listed can rely heavily on circumstance, and it isn't so simple to measure fandom based merely upon which camp you came out of...or even how knowledgeable a person is on a certain subject. My best friend in middle school was a UNC fan, and I guess I never bothered to dissect why, nor did I care to. Root and let root.
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Please expand on your notion that people like me are the worst kind of fan? So, I've been a fan since I was four years old (a year before Jordan matriculated), but I'm a worse fan than a college freshman who comes to school and starts rooting for a team that they previously had no connection to? That's ridiculous . . . I've got almost 15 years of loyalty before that college freshman establishes his allegiance. And what if you're a Syracuse native who happened to come of age during their run in 87? Are they just a frontrunner who took the easy way out by aligning with their hometown team? Would they have done the same if Syracuse was an N.I.T. team that year.

Its all so absurd. Fans are fans. Get over yourself.
I have to agree. Fans become fans for a whole variety of crazy reasons. With the growth of sports media, people now have access to far more sports information than just their local outlets. I grew up in Syracuse in the 60's & became an instant fan of all Syracuse teams. That was because my Dad would either take me to games or we listened to the games on the radio. TV & Syracuse sports teams were barely an option then. My Dad grew up in Syracuse being a St. Louis Cardinal fan. Because in the 40's, kids first had a favorite player & all his friends picked Yankee players. So my Dad chose Stan Musial & thus became a Cardinal fan. I simply followed in my Dad's footsteps. My father didn't even follow Pro Football, because in the 40's it was an inferior product. In the early 60's, he let me pick OUR team. I noticed that there was a St. Louis Cardinals in football too, so that's who I picked. Bad choice by the way:) Regardless, the AZ Cardinals are still the team we root for. In hockey, the only hockey I could pick up in the early days was Hockey Night in Canada. My rabbit ears would pick up a pretty fuzzy picture, but the audio was clear as day. The Canadiens ruled the day, so they were on far more than the Maple Leafs at the time. Thus, I became a Montreal fan. I obviously was influenced tremendously by my Dad, whereas kids today are influenced by far more information at their disposal. Everyone wants to root for a winner, so there are far more fair weather fans today than in years past. That doesn't make them bad people.
Are you a cowboys, Yankees, and lakers fan too?

And Notre Dame football, right?

Sorry to disappoint you, but neither of my favorite baseball or football teams have won a title in over twenty years (they weren't exactly powerhouses prior to that either). I continue to root for them all the same. I don't really have an NBA team, but I guess you could say I'm a bandwagon Lakers fan because I'm a big supporter of their current point guard. But I like the Clippers too. Same with Golden State, Milwaukee, Toronto or Denver. I'm much like a lot of Syracuse fans who only watch the NBA because they're curious to see how former players are doing. But somehow, I'm the worst kind of sports fan. Worse than the girl in the pink Red Sox hat or the Yankees douche who constantly brings up the 27 championships they've won (but weren't alive for over 20 of).
And Notre Dame football, right?

Sorry to disappoint you, but neither of my favorite baseball or football teams have won a title in over twenty years (they weren't exactly powerhouses prior to that either). I continue to root for them all the same. I don't really have an NBA team, but I guess you could say I'm a bandwagon Lakers fan because I'm a big supporter of their current point guard. But I like the Clippers too. Same with Golden State, Milwaukee, Toronto or Denver. I'm much like a lot of Syracuse fans who only watch the NBA because they're curious to see how former players are doing. But somehow, I'm the worst kind of sports fan. Worse than the girl in the pink Red Sox hat or the Yankees douche who constantly brings up the 27 championships they've won (but weren't alive for over 20 of).
Dude you're taking this a little too personally. I don't think it's much of a debate that both duke and Unc have a lot of bandwagon fans who like them simply because theyve been arguably the best two programs of the last 20-30 years. So yeah, a 30 year old from Upstate NY or Miami or Phoenix or Hawaii with no connections to Chapel hill other than seeing them win titles as a child is not my favorite type of fan.
I'm probably a SU fan because I'm a local and my dad is a fan, so I suppose in some ways it thrust upon me. I'm still a fan that's as passionate about a win or loss as anyone else. I have some friends that are Chicago Bears fans because they had just gotten old enough to like watching football when they won their superbowl. Had they given up their fanhood since, I'd say they weren't real fans, but they've remained fans ever since, and we know that hasn't been easy. I won't say there is a right or wrong way to become a fan as long as someone remains a true fan through thick and thin. I will, however, ask how does someone grow up listening to SU games on the radio as a kid and not end up an SU fan? That, to me, is unfathomable.
Back to the OP...If we can make it to Duke undefeated, a really fun side effect is that many UNC fans will begrudgingly root for them, thus weakening their rivalry and elevating the hatred of Cuse!

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