I may be confusing it with the S. Fla. game... But, regardless, it's not a huge storyline.
Essentially the offense was sputtering. At the time, a lot of fingers were being pointed at Nassib, everybody forgets how he was viewed prior to his very strong Sr. Year. He was putting up a couple consecutive clunkers after WV, if my memory's correct.
PT, apparently a hot head, gets into it with him after a particularly poor outing as the season was slipping away. I don't think much went on, at least I was told, other than he literally went after Nassib and punched him in the face. Nassib controlled himself, PT was pulled off and left for the NFL early at the end of the season, or was told to go. Pretty sure he was suspended for it as well. I don't believe it ever made its way public.
Accounts have differed, but I'm 99% certain that this is very close to what happened.