how often do you expect WR to get open |

how often do you expect WR to get open


Living Legend
Aug 16, 2011
how often do you guys expect our WR to get open against "press coverage" (catch phrase of the last couple weeks)

i can't believe how much i'm reading about it after that game.

i think there are unrealistic expectations for how often WRs should be running free, especially when they're not spreading it out so much and looking more for home runs.

rahme's article is good today and i'm relieved that marrone recognizes this

“We got some guys open,” Marrone said. “When I saw open I mean touchdown open, and we had a couple overthrows.”
Yep, marrone said it in the presser right after the game, you are not going to get guys wide open all the time.. sure we could use a game changer at wr, who couldn't, but sweet lord there were guys open and he misses them more times than not.. I will say this it was damn windy on Saturday.

I saw Geno Smith throw to covered receivers countless times on Saturdays... Give the guy a chance. A guy like West will win a lot of those battles.

Nassib is too worried about throwing an INT or being perfect on every play.. I just think we need to sling it more... 30- 40 yard INT is better than our punts at this point as well
All I ever want from a coach is for him to be able to explain his approach in a way that makes sense. Marrone did that in Rahme's piece. In fact, for those of you who were ripping Brian Kelly last week, Marrone sure did lay a lot of indirect blame on his QBs doorstep.

“We got some guys open,” Marrone said. “When I saw open I mean touchdown open, and we had a couple overthrows.”

Obviously it's impossible to say that the ultimate outcome of the game would have been different had Nassib connected on those throws, but a BCS AQ-level QB really should be able to make them, and certainly more than he does. When your a program that still has a poor level of gamebreaking talent you simply can't miss on the few game-changing opportunities you get.

Good QBs make average WRs look a lot better.
how often do you guys expect our WR to get open against "press coverage" (catch phrase of the last couple weeks)

i can't believe how much i'm reading about it after that game.

i think there are unrealistic expectations for how often WRs should be running free, especially when they're not spreading it out so much and looking more for home runs.

rahme's article is good today and i'm relieved that marrone recognizes this

“We got some guys open,” Marrone said. “When I saw open I mean touchdown open, and we had a couple overthrows.”

When the OL holds the pass rush long enough for the patterns to open up, I expect that on a team with good receivers that somebody would be open on at least half to 2/3 of the pass plays.

That doesn't mean "open long" necessarily but open. If you have receivers capable of getting separation, and if the OL gives the QB enough time for the patterns to open and for the QB to scan his progression, then at least one guy should get open a fair amount of time and I expect the QB to have the skill to hit an open receiver.

We haven't done a very good job in a lot of that.
Yep, there's a difference between "open" and "no one within 20 yards."

It seems that Nassib is having trouble seeing this. Either that, or he is really really afraid to throw an interception. Too afraid.

There is definitely a middle don't want to be a free-for-all gunslinger who throws 5 ints per game. At the same time, you have to trust yourself and your receivers to make plays on the ball once in a while. Otherwise, you're averaging 5 yards per attempt and making your OLine look really bad by hanging onto the rock all day until the inevitable sack finally happens.

Unfortunately, I just think it's Nassib's personality to be tight and scared to take chances. And I don't think that can be corrected, it's just in his DNA.
they have turned him into what a back up NFL QB looks like, IMO. I watched one all day yesterday in Matt Moore of the Dolphins.. He looked really tentative and then kept holding onto the ball and the Giants just destroyed him after awhile
When the OL holds the pass rush long enough for the patterns to open up, I expect that on a team with good receivers that somebody would be open on at least half to 2/3 of the pass plays.

That doesn't mean "open long" necessarily but open. If you have receivers capable of getting separation, and if the OL gives the QB enough time for the patterns to open and for the QB to scan his progression, then at least one guy should get open a fair amount of time and I expect the QB to have the skill to hit an open receiver.

We haven't done a very good job in a lot of that.

So you're laying the blame squarely on the WR's shoulders.

You could be right. But I just think Nassib wouldn't pull the trigger to his open (open is a relative term) receivers because he was too afraid to make a mistake. And I could be wrong.

This is the downside of football on tv. You can't see the entire field.

One day, we will all choose what camera angle we can watch a game on our televisions.
how often do you guys expect our WR to get open against "press coverage" (catch phrase of the last couple weeks)

i can't believe how much i'm reading about it after that game.

i think there are unrealistic expectations for how often WRs should be running free, especially when they're not spreading it out so much and looking more for home runs.

rahme's article is good today and i'm relieved that marrone recognizes this

“We got some guys open,” Marrone said. “When I saw open I mean touchdown open, and we had a couple overthrows.”

I think you are misinterpreting comments Milly -- I have always stated that our biggest offensive challenge is two fold. We have a qb with accuracy issues and WR's that struggle gaining separation in man press coverage. You can survive with one or the other, but when you have both any offensive maladies are going to be exacerbated.
So you're laying the blame squarely on the WR's shoulders.

You could be right. But I just think Nassib wouldn't pull the trigger to his open (open is a relative term) receivers because he was too afraid to make a mistake. And I could be wrong.

This is the downside of football on tv. You can't see the entire field.

One day, we will all choose what camera angle we can watch a game on our televisions.

There were 2 touchdowns left on the field Saturday because Nassib's inaccurate.. Marroen even said it. Why is this a wr problem? Bailey had some nice runs... Now, he was scaked 4 times, which isn't good but he made some really poor throws and the coach even said the same
I think you are misinterpreting comments Milly -- I have always stated that our biggest offensive challenge is two fold. We have a qb with accuracy issues and WR's that struggle gaining separation in man press coverage. You can survive with one or the other, but when you have both any offensive maladies are going to be exacerbated.

Yes, nobody is really wrong here I guess. Nassib is what he is. CIL, leaving the CBA homerism out of it, do you think Sales helps here?
I think you are misinterpreting comments Milly -- I have always stated that our biggest offensive challenge is two fold. We have a qb with accuracy issues and WR's that struggle gaining separation in man press coverage. You can survive with one or the other, but when you have both any offensive maladies are going to be exacerbated.
i'm not misinterpreting, i'm saying it's crazy talk this week. WR were open. I'm sorry, "gained separation"
how often do you guys expect our WR to get open against "press coverage" (catch phrase of the last couple weeks)

i can't believe how much i'm reading about it after that game.

i think there are unrealistic expectations for how often WRs should be running free, especially when they're not spreading it out so much and looking more for home runs.

rahme's article is good today and i'm relieved that marrone recognizes this

“We got some guys open,” Marrone said. “When I saw open I mean touchdown open, and we had a couple overthrows.”

Watched the game last night, I had a few thoughts related to this:

1. I don't think there was as much press coverage as people think, unless I don't understand it. I think of it as the DB lined up in the WR's face and not letting him off the LOS. In the Louisville game, I saw a lot of passing plays where their DBs were 7 to 10 yards off the LOS. And when Chew was wide open deep, it was what I would consider press coverage. Guy got in his face, tried not to let him release, yet he beat him and was open. That wasn't even a bomb type distance throw, should have been completed.

2. IB is right, Nassib is too worried about not throwing an INT. He had a lot of time in the 2nd half on many of those plays. Louisville's first TD was a QB trusting that a WR would make a play. Granted there was a bit of a push, but that was a freshman throwing to a freshman.

I wonder if watching a true freshman QB making some plays (albeit a talented, highly recruited one) has him at least thinking about his backup QBs. His may lack in pure talent, but you would think they make it up on practice reps by now.
i'm not misinterpreting, i'm saying it's crazy talk this week. WR were open. I'm sorry, "gained separation"

LOL, Marrone even stated that guys were open, what more needs to be said. Wide receivers did their job Saturday
Nassib seemed to be very accurate the week before. Bottom line, Nassib has been good when he has time and struggled when he hasn't.
Nassib seemed to be very accurate the week before. Bottom line, Nassib has been good when he has time and struggled when he hasn't.
wrong. he got hit a lot but not on all of those throws where there were guys open. there was one to chew where he and chew had no one near them
I think you are misinterpreting comments Milly -- I have always stated that our biggest offensive challenge is two fold. We have a qb with accuracy issues and WR's that struggle gaining separation in man press coverage. You can survive with one or the other, but when you have both any offensive maladies are going to be exacerbated.

I'm probably in the minority here but of the 3 units, WR, OL, QB, I have felt all long that the WR's were the least of the problems and I still maintain that. We get open enough. My only problem with Nassib is the long ball. I think he does a good enough job on the shorter stuff. IMO, it is the OL because we saw in the VWU game that when the QB has enough time what can happen. Even when sacks are down, it just always appears that Nassib is under duress and many times has to get rid of the ball too soon, before he's gone through his progressions and/or before the WR's get into their breaks even. All 3 units have their issues but I put the passing issues on the OL, then the QB, then the WR. Not by great margins but in that order.
I'm probably in the minority here but of the 3 units, WR, OL, QB, I have felt all long that the WR's were the least of the problems and I still maintain that. We get open enough. My only problem with Nassib is the long ball. I think he does a good enough job on the shorter stuff. IMO, it is the OL because we saw in the VWU game that when the QB has enough time what can happen. Even when sacks are down, it just always appears that Nassib is under duress and many times has to get rid of the ball too soon, before he's gone through his progressions and/or before the WR's get into their breaks even. All 3 units have their issues but I put the passing issues on the OL, then the QB, then the WR. Not by great margins but in that order.
against WVU, they left our TE open and nassib miraculously was able to throw the ball to a guy kinda far way (amazing!)

i'm not slamming nassib for missing guys when he's getting hit.

he got hit too much and he missed open guys, but they weren't the same plays
Where was all this WR separation on 3rd downs?

3 for 14.

Guys were open on the deep routes ... which SU only ran on 1st & 10. Things tighten up on 3rd and long.
Where was all this WR separation on 3rd downs?

3 for 14.

Guys were open on the deep routes ... which SU only ran on 1st & 10. Things tighten up on 3rd and long.
maybe they wouldn't be in 3rd and long so much if our qb could complete a sub 200 mph, 10 yard+ pass
So you're laying the blame squarely on the WR's shoulders.

You could be right. But I just think Nassib wouldn't pull the trigger to his open (open is a relative term) receivers because he was too afraid to make a mistake. And I could be wrong.

This is the downside of football on tv. You can't see the entire field.

One day, we will all choose what camera angle we can watch a game on our televisions.

Read my post again; I stated "I expect the QB to have the skill to hit an open receiver"
Nassib seemed to be very accurate the week before. Bottom line, Nassib has been good when he has time and struggled when he hasn't.

Now we have someone blaming the OLine.

OLine protected well in the 2nd half. Against a very talented and aggressive Louisville front 7. I definitely don't think you can blame the OLine for Nassib's issues on Saturday.

There were at least two sacks which were a result of Nassib holding the ball all day long.
I'm probably in the minority here but of the 3 units, WR, OL, QB, I have felt all long that the WR's were the least of the problems and I still maintain that. We get open enough. My only problem with Nassib is the long ball. I think he does a good enough job on the shorter stuff. IMO, it is the OL because we saw in the VWU game that when the QB has enough time what can happen. Even when sacks are down, it just always appears that Nassib is under duress and many times has to get rid of the ball too soon, before he's gone through his progressions and/or before the WR's get into their breaks even. All 3 units have their issues but I put the passing issues on the OL, then the QB, then the WR. Not by great margins but in that order.

After initial adjustments were made Nassib was protected well enough. And he still stunk.

There's not an OLine out there that can protect for 10 seconds.
So here's my question... of the three units: OL, WR and QB, which one has the greatest ability to lift the play of the other 2?

In other words, is it more likely for a great OL to make average QBs and WRs better? Great QB to make average OL/WR better? Or great WR to make average OL/QB better?

My non-Xs-and-Os opinion would be QB, but curious to hear what others say.
Read my post again; I stated "I expect the QB to have the skill to hit an open receiver"

Gotcha. I read it like you were implying we don't have receivers that can get open - "I expect that on a team with good receivers that somebody would be open" and "If you have receivers capable of getting separation." Your if statements threw me off.
Where was all this WR separation on 3rd downs?

3 for 14.

Guys were open on the deep routes ... which SU only ran on 1st & 10. Things tighten up on 3rd and long.

Then don't get in 3rd and long so much. And how do we know WRs weren't open? All we saw was a QB standing there, patting the ball. Doesn't mean there wasn't a throw he could make.

Biggest question about this past weekend will be if the offense should get a mulligan because it was the best D in the Big East, top 12 in the country. Doesn't excuse the missed open receivers, but let's just say it was part of the the entire panic of the O.

No more mulligans or excuses left on the schedule. Our WRs can get open against every team left. Our OL can pass protect against every team left. No defense remaining should have people saying "you don't understand where we started from when Marrone started rebuilding". If we can't move the ball and score points these last 4 games we have some problems that we can't GRob our way out of.

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