I didn't miss anything. Apparently, you missed (twice now) how that word does not have to be taken verbatim. Just as the Oxford Languages mentions and I provided. Again, for the third time, perhaps, he was using it informally, and as a matter of exaggeration, etc. You know, like the Oxford example given suggests.
Nicknack, also mentioned something similar in his post.
I've been around folks who use it as a matter of expression, exaggeration, etc. I don't sit around dissing someone about it, which was the apparent intent of all three of you who snidely replied to his post. Seemingly, the motivation came from not caring for the crux of his post, which was the Bill Parcels reference, beating up on 3 horrible teams during this run that aren't even on the NIT radar, along with his delusional remark, etc. So, instead of debating that matter, all of you chose the low hanging fruit route. Which, frankly, isn't surprising as all three of you paint with a rather Pollyanna brush here.
In answering your question, I'll respond by saying, I am likely able to decipher when someone is using it verbatim vs. one for exaggeration and/or accentuation.