I expected better | Syracusefan.com

I expected better


All American
Aug 26, 2011
I thought the play calling was too simplistic even for a conservative coach like Doug. My endzone seats had enough elevation to make them fairly decent even if they were located in hostile Trojan fans who in some cases were less then gracious. I think if we had won getting out of there alive might have been problematic. LA oluseum is a terrific venue for the college game and past Olympics There was a gigantic replay screen behin me whic I wasn't able to turn and see other then a couple times. Before the game started I was visited by Leo Harris . Adam Harris's father. A good guy who was gracious to spend a minute and say hello. He took me by surprise when he came over and asked if I was "Calicuse"?" Huh? Yeah!" I think my clever response was. My son knows LA pretty well but I'm still glad we had my GPS with us to get us out of the stadium area onto a highway we knew was relatively "safe". More on the game itself tomorrow.:mad:
Glad you got to see the Orangemen Cali. Wish you could have seen a win fella.
I thought the play calling was too simplistic even for a conservative coach like Doug. My endzone seats had enough elevation to make them fairly decent even if they were located in hostile Trojan fans who in some cases were less then gracious. I think if we had won getting out of there alive might have been problematic. LA oluseum is a terrific venue for the college game and past Olympics There was a gigantic replay screen behin me whic I wasn't able to turn and see other then a couple times. Before the game started I was visited by Leo Harris . Adam Harris's father. A good guy who was gracious to spend a minute and say hello. He took me by surprise when he came over and asked if I was "Calicuse"?" Huh? Yeah!" I think my clever response was. My son knows LA pretty well but I'm still glad we had my GPS with us to get us out of the stadium area onto a highway we knew was relatively "safe". More on the game itself tomorrow.:mad:

not me. i thought we played well against a totally superior team that played nearly it's A game. And played it's A game not because we were bad but because they have superior talent and played like it. We forced them to 3rd down a lot tonight and they made plays. They were 10 of 14 on 3rd down, many times with pressure and coverage. We also made some unforced mistakes, dropping passes etc when on O.

Fact is we went to So Cal and didnt embarass ourselves. If we play like this all year we'll be tough to beat. I'm WAY more excited about our team right now than I was for our first two games. I thought we'd get smashed tonight. We certainly didn't embarass ourselves.

By the way, there were a lot of frosh and sophs on the field for Syracuse tonight and they did about as well as I could expect.
not me. i thought we played well against a totally superior team that played nearly it's A game. And played it's A game not because we were bad but because they have superior talent and played like it. We forced them to 3rd down a lot tonight and they made plays. They were 10 of 14 on 3rd down, many times with pressure and coverage. We also made some unforced mistakes, dropping passes etc when on O.

Fact is we went to So Cal and didnt embarass ourselves. If we play like this all year we'll be tough to beat. I'm WAY more excited about our team right now than I was for our first two games. I thought we'd get smashed tonight. We certainly didn't embarass ourselves.

By the way, there were a lot of frosh and sophs on the field for Syracuse tonight and they did about as well as I could expect.
I thought thatwe could have played better and certainly smarter. On the play prior to the big score down the middlr of the field I said to my son that I didn't like Phil Thomas' positioning at FS. On the next snap a big Trojan runs a deep post and Thomas was no where to be seen as the Trojan strolled int th end zone for a killer score amd proceeded to do celebratory hip thrust at the fans seated there. I would have flagged that kin of youthful celebrarion bnut there was no ref in sight.:bat:
I thought the play calling was too simplistic even for a conservative coach like Doug. My endzone seats had enough elevation to make them fairly decent even if they were located in hostile Trojan fans who in some cases were less then gracious. I think if we had won getting out of there alive might have been problematic. LA oluseum is a terrific venue for the college game and past Olympics There was a gigantic replay screen behin me whic I wasn't able to turn and see other then a couple times. Before the game started I was visited by Leo Harris . Adam Harris's father. A good guy who was gracious to spend a minute and say hello. He took me by surprise when he came over and asked if I was "Calicuse"?" Huh? Yeah!" I think my clever response was. My son knows LA pretty well but I'm still glad we had my GPS with us to get us out of the stadium area onto a highway we knew was relatively "safe". More on the game itself tomorrow.:mad:

Couldn't disagree more, in fact we definitely held things back in the first two games because I saw some totally different misdirection plays that weren't there for the 1st two. Talent was the difference.
not me. i thought we played well against a totally superior team that played nearly it's A game. And played it's A game not because we were bad but because they have superior talent and played like it. We forced them to 3rd down a lot tonight and they made plays. They were 10 of 14 on 3rd down, many times with pressure and coverage. We also made some unforced mistakes, dropping passes etc when on O.

Fact is we went to So Cal and didnt embarass ourselves. If we play like this all year we'll be tough to beat. I'm WAY more excited about our team right now than I was for our first two games. I thought we'd get smashed tonight. We certainly didn't embarass ourselves.

By the way, there were a lot of frosh and sophs on the field for Syracuse tonight and they did about as well as I could expect.
There are a couple areas that USC totally excels over Syracuse. Their cheerleaders are unbelievably gorgeous. Traveler their mascot horse is as proud as traditionally magnificent site to behold. His rider is not the trainer. In fact when your are there you can see the trainer jogging behind Traveler and giving her dressage (sic) orders One of the more articulate USC fan was standing near by and my wife asked him about "Traveler and he gave a rather detailed answer and then asked about "our mascot and my wife pointed to Otto on the far corner of the stadium and said Ours is a fruit. She said she was n't trying to be disparaging but in fact our mascot is dressed like an orange. The guy said "You're kidding ,right?" NO see him sitting down there and he just laughed and shook his head. I had to laugh with him but did add that he the character is nationally known and quite popular. He admitted to having seen Otto but not knowing it was Syracuse. He was still laughing. If we could have played better it might not have been as embarrassing.

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