Got up and did two pushups, took an aspirin for my heart, going downcellar and get 5 moldy 100 dollar bills out of a tincan and start partying like a rock star in one hour and ten minutes. Only people who need rehab start before noon.
I sent the wife & daughter to her parents for the weekend, and I've started a small fire in the living room. Ive taken the buffalo wing delivery guy hostage and hes tied up and dressed as Otto. Somebody has obviously called the police because my house is surrounded. I'm not coming out until we are in the final four.
I've taken Peyote, met with my Shaman. On his suggestion: I've found 12 German cockroaches and painted them Orange. They will be watching the game with me tonight.
Surrounded myself with bandaids,tourniquette,nitro glycerin pills,chest paddles,adrenalin shot from Pulp Fiction,pictures of my daughters when they were little and crackers and cheese. I am ready for game.
What. Couldn't make it 'til noon. Guess I'll be living in a van down by the river. Someone post that motivational speech by Chris Farley. I'm already so messed up my fingers won't work.
Any tiger blood? Partying like that may hurt your scholie offer.
Went and hunted a badger for good measure, kicked it into an Aesculous tree, ate the buckeyes that fell off, chased them with shots of Jack Daniels and beer pounders, and took a crap on home plate at Fenway.
I was trying to do a shot of Everclear every minute until gametime, starting at 8am. I passed out at 8:17am...woke up, posted a JLH thread.. now just gonna drink Corona, snort dryer sheets and eat glass until tip. LGO!
I told my wife to go play a round of golf with tiger woods. I hired Charlie Sheen and some hookers to babysit my boy. Me? I am playing it safe by going surfing in Vietnam while the damn Vietcong are shooting at me from all angles. I will then get naked and slip into a tub of ice and vodka until game time. I am ready! LGO!
I've been kicking in chairs and knocking down tables, in a restaurant near Columbus, Ohio. Call the police, there's a mad man running around. Running down underground to a dive bar in Columbus, Ohio.
I'm watching the game with Bill Brasky. Have I ever told you guys about Bill Brasky?
One time I asked Brasky to dress up as Santa for a Christmas party I was having for my children. Anyway, Brasky shows up as Santa, says I've got goodies for you kids. He reaches into his bag and proceeds to hand out scrap metal and cigarettes to them. Then he takes off his beard and says there's no Santa cause I ate him.
Ya know, it was the sight of Brasky's naked body that drove Brian Wilson insane.
He showers in grain alcohol.
He uses the Shroud of Turin as a towel.
He killed Wolfman Jack with a trident.
He drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.