I have to give Vitale some props | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

I have to give Vitale some props

Love when people complain about the commentary being biased

The ironic thing, there is probably no school in the country that is the beneficiary of biased commentary more than SU due to our army of Newhouse grads. Tirico, McDonough, Pasch, etc. etc. are so clearly rooting for us, and I love them for it.
The ironic thing, there is probably no school in the country that is the beneficiary of biased commentary more than SU due to our army of Newhouse grads. Tirico, McDonough, Pasch, etc. etc. are so clearly rooting for us, and I love them for it.
Disagree. Those guys first, are play by play guys. The bias is done by color guys. The Syracuse guys are professionals at this craft. Doug G has a personal bias about Syracuse. He wanted to come here and we didn't want him. Vitale isn't biased against Syracuse. He just sees one team when he is covering Duke.
Disagree. Those guys first, are play by play guys. The bias is done by color guys. The Syracuse guys are professionals at this craft. Doug G has a personal bias about Syracuse. He wanted to come here and we didn't want him. Vitale isn't biased against Syracuse. He just sees one team when he is covering Duke.

To each their own, but it just doesn't bother me in the least that Vitale loves Duke.
The ironic thing, there is probably no school in the country that is the beneficiary of biased commentary more than SU due to our army of Newhouse grads. Tirico, McDonough, Pasch, etc. etc. are so clearly rooting for us, and I love them for it.
idk, seems like they go out of their way to not seem biased when they do SU. Funny thing was Vitale mentioning he has done 3 consecutive games with SU grads, almost like he was putting McDonough on notice to not be biased.
Disagree. Those guys first, are play by play guys. The bias is done by color guys. The Syracuse guys are professionals at this craft. Doug G has a personal bias about Syracuse. He wanted to come here and we didn't want him. Vitale isn't biased against Syracuse. He just sees one team when he is covering Duke.
True but I've heard all of them, on occasion, bring up Syracuse. Maybe while doing different telecasts that don't involve Cuse, but they definitely make it known where they're from.
I think he is a great ambassador for the game. Loves college basketball and does promote it well for all teams. A hall of famer on that alone.

But you can never fully take the Dookie V aspect away from him. It is what it is, but it should hardly define his love for college basketball.

I love basketball too. But he's still a douche for having one-sided commentary. The only reason he said something nice about Roberson is he thought he was a Duke player.
To each their own, but it just doesn't bother me in the least that Vitale loves Duke.
Really? to each his own is right but a national guy doing a game should not be worse than the local guy doing the game for Duke. Dickie was more upset than K at the end of the game.
The ironic thing, there is probably no school in the country that is the beneficiary of biased commentary more than SU due to our army of Newhouse grads. Tirico, McDonough, Pasch, etc. etc. are so clearly rooting for us, and I love them for it.

I don't think you have this right. Our graduates from Newhouse understand the importance of not having a bias and behave professionally. Especially when there's a national audience involved. Many SU home games I've watched the color commentary was almost too neutral.
The ironic thing, there is probably no school in the country that is the beneficiary of biased commentary more than SU due to our army of Newhouse grads. Tirico, McDonough, Pasch, etc. etc. are so clearly rooting for us, and I love them for it.

That's why I love it.

The "yeah but our guys are neutral" responses were inevitable.
idk, seems like they go out of their way to not seem biased when they do SU. Funny thing was Vitale mentioning he has done 3 consecutive games with SU grads, almost like he was putting McDonough on notice to not be biased.

"Amazing." "Just Amazing."
I don't think you have this right. Our graduates from Newhouse understand the importance of not having a bias and behave professionally. Especially when there's a national audience involved. Many SU home games I've watched the color commentary was almost too neutral.

The guys that I mentioned obviously aren't as theatrical as Vitale, but Tirico for example is a HUGE SU homer. He goes out of his way during MNF games to bring up SU.
The guys that I mentioned obviously aren't as theatrical as Vitale, but Tirico for example is a HUGE SU homer. He goes out of his way during MNF games to bring up SU.
Is he doing a Syracuse game when he says it. No. They don't openly cheer for the Orange. Vitale whines about calls that Duke doesn't get. This has nothing to do with syracuse. He does it every single time he does a Duke game. If they are playing Virginia, same deal.
The guys that I mentioned obviously aren't as theatrical as Vitale, but Tirico for example is a HUGE SU homer. He goes out of his way during MNF games to bring up SU.
That is true about Tirico. He wears it on his sleeve. But I still think he is unbiased during the actual game.
I had this feeling watching Vitale that he was pretty good and then I realized I was comparing Vitale to himself in other games and not to someone who is actually good at their job. So for Vitale it was good. I wish they would have had Bilas and Sean though. I think I might have just been happy that Sean was on the play by play and not Shulman.
You guys must have a head full of hate going in to even notice bias. I'm no fan of vitale either, but I honestly never noticed if/when he overhyped Duke plays and ignored ours. When Roberson converted the lefty oop, if you were thinking about how much more vitale should have been screaming, there's something wrong with you.
I loved Vitale when I was young. Then grew to "hate" him. Now, at the end of his career and as I get a little older and more mature, I appreciate him. He is college basketball. There's no one in history that's been a bigger cheerleader for the game than him and there's going to be a giant hole in the college basketball world when he retires.

I also liked him when he began, but dislike his schtick now. Not unlike Chris berman. Those old jokes and routines are just so worn. Do we really need to hear him call someone a PTPer again? And then have to tell us what the 'acronym' means? The bits are just stupid now. They were (almost) cute when they were original 25+ years ago. 25 years later, the same schtuff is just annoying earburrowing. Superficial, redundant gimmicks for the idiocracy. Like reality tv.

"He IS college basketball?" No. Games that he doesn't broadcast are no less interesting. But, saying all that doesn't diminish his early role in promoting the sport. He HAS done that. He has done a lot for charitable organizations. Critiquing his broadcasting isn't the same as critiquing the man. I'm not one for giving a guy a pass for being a nice guy if he's rubbish in his professional responsibilities.

A giant hole when he retires? That's overwrought. When he retires, we will barely notice. He may be the sport's biggest cheerleader, but he sport is bigger than a broadcaster. John Madden retired, and although I loved him, I missed him for half a season and then noticed the world was still spinning, and football was still great.
Actually I had the call before the Ref did. It looked to me that G pushed a little to much with his left arm. And G seem to know it too with his sheepish reaction. Couldn't tell if the Duke player had his foot in the arc or not.

Contact was made before G extended the arm. Should have been a block by definition as the defender left from inside the arc and was not the primary defender.
Of course he said some nice things about Syracuse. That's what that obsequious azzhole does for a living ... sell the college game.

But anyone who has watched him for years knows that one of his enduring story lines is the beauty and greatness of Duke.

Vitale is a fool. Most of what he utters is superficial, obvious nonsense. The guy never had an insight in his life. He just babbles.

Every moment you listen to Dick Vitale makes you that much dumber.

Seth Greenberg said more intelligent things about the game in 5 minutes in the post game sho than Vitale said in 1.5 hours of play-by-play.

Vitale helped grow the college game and make it more appealing. Syracuse is reaping the rewards of college bball as a big business. That alone should give you some appreciation for Vitale.

Vitale was like 78-30 at Detroit Mercy and was even hired to be an NBA coach. He obviously wasn't successful, but he still got the job. He clearly knows basketball.

Vitale has a certain style that may rub you the wrong way, but to think he is as you describe is just comical.
Vitale helped grow the college game and make it more appealing. Syracuse is reaping the rewards of college bball as a big business. That alone should give you some appreciation for Vitale.

Vitale was like 78-30 at Detroit Mercy and was even hired to be an NBA coach. He obviously wasn't successful, but he still got the job. He clearly knows basketball.

Vitale has a certain style that may rub you the wrong way, but to think he is as you describe is just comical.

We just disagree.

How babbling about "Diaper Dandies" could help grow the college game is a mystery to me.

The college game grew. Vitale and his "Schtick" were riding on the bus, not driving it.

He may know something about basketball. But I've never ever heard him say anything insightful. Jay Bilas is miles better and Rafftery is clearly superior as an analyst. In fact, there is no analysis from DV I've ever heard.

"Ewww Duke is great" "Coach K., Baby!" It's Schtick. He is there, I presume, to provide information. Instead, its like going to a game with a talkative friend.
I've seen many posts in this thread about how good McDunnough was in this game - am I losing my mind? It was Shulman calling the game with Vitale wasn't it??
I've seen many posts in this thread about how good McDunnough was in this game - am I losing my mind? It was Shulman calling the game with Vitale wasn't it??

No, it was Sean.
How old are you? Really. This post is pretty asinine, imo. He was fairly neutral I thought for a Duke broadcast. As he has become older he has stuck to more of his token phrases and such of course but he is no fool. He does a LOT for cancer research and is a big reason why the college game is as big as it is. Sure he is on the decline but so what? He's very nice in person as well.
I replied earlier about stoppage on 3 pt play reviews, and distinctly rememember Vitale saying you can't use that for a time out, thats not right, you are not supposed to do that. Love him or hate him, he is the voice of cbb
I also liked him when he began, but dislike his schtick now. Not unlike Chris berman. Those old jokes and routines are just so worn. Do we really need to hear him call someone a PTPer again? And then have to tell us what the 'acronym' means? The bits are just stupid now. They were (almost) cute when they were original 25+ years ago. 25 years later, the same schtuff is just annoying earburrowing. Superficial, redundant gimmicks for the idiocracy. Like reality tv.

"He IS college basketball?" No. Games that he doesn't broadcast are no less interesting. But, saying all that doesn't diminish his early role in promoting the sport. He HAS done that. He has done a lot for charitable organizations. Critiquing his broadcasting isn't the same as critiquing the man. I'm not one for giving a guy a pass for being a nice guy if he's rubbish in his professional responsibilities.

A giant hole when he retires? That's overwrought. When he retires, we will barely notice. He may be the sport's biggest cheerleader, but he sport is bigger than a broadcaster. John Madden retired, and although I loved him, I missed him for half a season and then noticed the world was still spinning, and football was still great.
Oh well, what goes around comes around, and all you youngsters will be wearing bellbottoms and paisley shirts before you know it. All the stuff you come up with has already been done, you are just too young to know it. Put your crap on fb or twitter, you have nothing to say that hasn't been said b4. lol,omg, I'm so tired I have to use anachronism's all the time

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