I think they lost the 'casual fans' today | Syracusefan.com

I think they lost the 'casual fans' today


2023 Cali Award Average Attendance
Aug 20, 2011
this game is going to end up like the Pitt game last year -- it got some casual fans interest, and then laid a big egg that lost their interest. And I do not blame them.
this game is going to end up like the Pitt game last year -- it got some casual fans interest, and then laid a big egg that lost their interest. And I do not blame them.

One thing it did for sure was cost them 5K fans vs. WVU. So in those terms, some of the decisions made today cost the program $250,000. Maybe coaches salaries should be docked? ;)
Not a big deal, those fans usually only show up once a year anyway; win or lose. They'll be back for one game next year.
That game may have lost more than just casual fans (for this season)..at least until they start to look like they can play some offense.
Absolutely. I can in no way present a compelling argument that people should pay money and give up a Saturday afternoon for this product. Hopefully next year we'll have an offense that can move the ball, and an OC who can put together a coherent gameplan.
That game may have lost more than just casual fans (for this season)..at least until they start to look like they can play some offense.

spoken like a true fan... or something. maybe we shouldn't call this the syracusefan board.
It's an observation. Not about the fans on this site.

We only have true fans and casual fans? Who puts who in which category?

I think there are fans out there who wouldn't classify themselves as casual fans, but when the team is as boring to watch as they were today they'll think twice about going to a game...or even watching it on TV. JMO.

It's entertainment..when some people aren't entertained they find something else to do. I haven't missed a game in person, on radio or TV in more than 35 years (football or basketball)...but I'm not going to pretend or assume that I'm a better fan than you. You should do the same.
spoken like a true fan... or something. maybe we shouldn't call this the syracusefan board.

It's going to happen get over it. You're a die hard great good for you. I’m a die hard too but you can't expect everyone to rally around a mediocre team like this.

I was once in the lets blame the casual fan crowd but until you can produce a consistent winning team that actually matters on a national level you are not going to get the attention of the average (casual) fan.

Look at the basketball team they are nationally relevant pretty much every year. And pretty much every year they have one of the best fan bases in college basketball with huge attendance numbers. The football team isn’t going to win that kind of attention until they can blow a team like Rutgers out of the water like they should have today.

You can make insults or act like other people aren’t “true fans” but truth is many people aren’t going to become invested in Syracuse Football until they matter on a national level again. I wish it wasn’t true but it is.
I think there are fans out there who wouldn't classify themselves as casual fans, but when the team is as boring to watch as they were today they'll think twice about going to a game...or even watching it on TV.

The one thing I wouldn't say about the game today was that it was boring. Frustrating and demoralizing, yes - but not boring.

There's going to be setbacks and disappointments in the rebuilding process here, there were plenty of games last year I was shocked we won; this was the first real What loss we've had in quite a while. I'm not going to freak out over one loss; just hoping this isn't the beginning of a trend. I knew some ND fans that were convinced Weis was going to led them to championships, and he started out strong...then they imploded. While I'm not freaking out, I'll admit that I'm really having to tell myself not to, and not to start thinking that last year was a dead cat bounce. Yet.

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