id like to get a transcript of last nights chat |

id like to get a transcript of last nights chat


2022 and 2x ESPN Tourney Challenge Winner
Aug 26, 2011
it would be fun to count the ledge jumpers & 'season is over' posters

and then line them and shoot 'em.

or at least ban them for the year.


there was some serious hate and ignorance going on in there.


it would be fun to count the ledge jumpers & 'season is over' posters

and then line them and shoot 'em.

or at least ban them for the year.


there was some serious hate and ignorance going on in there.


For a while there it did look like the season was over. :noidea:
it would be fun to count the ledge jumpers & 'season is over' posters

and then line them and shoot 'em.

or at least ban them for the year.


there was some serious hate and ignorance going on in there.


I was wondering if anyone was giving you props today. The greatest thing about sports is that it's not over till it's over. I've seen a lot of great games in my lifetime cause I've watched them until the very end. Glad to see the coaches have the kids attention and that whatever adjustments that were made at halftime worked in Cuse's favor. Great night to be a sportsfan. Cuse wins in OT. Yankees win behind AJ Burnett's good outing and the G-men's 2nd string win late against Little Bill.
I stated several times that there is a lot of time left...then by the third quarter I said something along the lines of this going to be a long really looked bleak
Yup, give the worst offenders something like this as an avatar until the Rhody game:

Look..the game was completely awful for 3 quarters..what the hell was everyone supposed to be thinking? Our punting looked good? Nice three yard runs were being executed? Our receivers ran good patterns? We played like a used diaper filled with Indian food for much of the game. There was literally nothing to be excited about at halftime. And posters (myself included) were beyond frustrated at the lack of execution and smart play. We won..lets leave it at that and move on.
yes, it was a great night to be sportsfan.

im proud to report i only spilled less than a few ounces of beer while juggling a pizza, the chat, the game and my remote going back and forth on the Giants & Yanks.
oh, give me a break there was no hate or ignorance, just anxiety and disappointment. there is nothing wrong with being disappointed.
oh, give me a break there was no hate or ignorance, just anxiety and disappointment. there is nothing wrong with being disappointed.
exactly..nothing wrong with being disappointed, especially with that first half showing
I bitched about how bad we'd lose to USC and said 5-7 tops at about 14 minutes left in the 4th.:oops:

Sometimes being wrong is the best feeling you can get.

For the record I had the margin of victory right, (so did vegas) but 33-26 F (Prediction Thread?)
oh, give me a break there was no hate or ignorance, just anxiety and disappointment. there is nothing wrong with being disappointed.

thats why we need that transcript.

i recall much hate.

and an incredible amount of ignorance.

if last nights ignorance was water, it would make the water irene dumped look like the half empty cup of water on my nightstand.

that newbie avatar is pretty funny.
it would be fun to count the ledge jumpers & 'season is over' posters

and then line them and shoot 'em.

or at least ban them for the year.


there was some serious hate and ignorance going on in there.


I agree. Some posters were even calling for Marrone's head.

I try to keep in mind that a chat reflects a stream of consciousness without much of a filter or thought.
I'd also like to get the parts where UEO was more worried about the people in the chat rather than the actual game.
I'd also like to get the parts where UEO was more worried about the people in the chat rather than the actual game.

but being positive in the chat was going to DIRECTLY effect the outcome of the game......

it would be fun to count the ledge jumpers & 'season is over' posters

and then line them and shoot 'em.

or at least ban them for the year.


there was some serious hate and ignorance going on in there.



I never said the season is over and I would never jump off the ledge. I did state, and will continue to state until the day that the SU admin decides that it expects more than overwhelming mediocrity, marrone isnt the right guy. Outside of Nassib (and I thought lemon was solid), the game wasnt played that well. A win is a win, but to the rest of the college football world we struggled at home against arguably the worst BCS team on the planet.

If Wake's QB didnt go down...
Unfortunately every fan base is like that, try followign the message board when the yankees are losing over on the LO-Hud Blog, it makes this place look like shangra-la
. I did state, and will continue to state until the day that the SU admin decides that it expects more than overwhelming mediocrity, marrone isnt the right guy.


Man, thats some serious crystal ball stuff going on right there. lol. How do you know this already? not being sarcastic, I believe you believe it. just want some more depth as to your rationale.
seriously, the folks who are big enough fans to actually be engaged with other fans during that 3 quarters of crap (negative or otherwise) aren't the problem with the program or the fanbase. I look forward to putting my LSU fan hat on tomorrow night, but I guarantee the negativity that will come out of that group (for a likely double-digit win team) trumps anything we can drum up for our middle of the road squad.
Oh please Kaiser you were right on the bandwagon complaining about Mackey, the secondary, Marrone, and anything else till a touchdown was scored and then you called everyone "eedeeots" for questioning anything and acting like you knew it was fine all along. Please bring on the transcript, I'd love to see all the flipflopping you did.
Where do you come up with Wake being the worst team on the planet? Theyve been a solid program for several years except for last year. The truth is that this was no less then a FANTASTIC come back!!! This team showed incredible resliance and character in overcoming major adversity! Any one who see's anything less is flat out off their rocker and need to climb back on! Bad teams simply don't do what SU did last night.
Oh please Kaiser you were right on the bandwagon complaining about Mackey, the secondary, Marrone, and anything else till a touchdown was scored and then you called everyone "eedeeots" for questioning anything and acting like you knew it was fine all along. Please bring on the transcript, I'd love to see all the flipflopping you did.

i did nothing of the such.

i did say mackey was a problem. he was.

i said nothing about the secondary.

im all in with Marrone, the eedeeots calling for his head, amped up my support for him and the team.

im surprised at all the support for the ignorant and haters. im guessing we have at least uncovered a few who i was hoping to out.

bees, get that newbie avatar ready to spam!
Hindsight is 20/20 but what did you think people were going to talk about in the 2nd quarter when it looked like the game was getting out of hand? The first game will always cause some overreactions because there is nothing to compare the performance to, now when we're down later in the season people won't have such a cow because they know we can come back.

I didn't see anyone call for Marrone's head but I missed some time when my laptop battery died and I had to get on the desktop. I did see some people question blowing all the timeouts with over 7 minutes left in the game. It looked like a great decision before the FG attempt (that was blocked), not so much when they were on the 50 with 40 seconds to go and decided to just wait for OT. I'm still not sure why they didn't take a shot down the field or try to get in FG range. Their players looked upset that Grobe had no confidence in them.

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