IF this happens, it should make Rutgers happy | Syracusefan.com

IF this happens, it should make Rutgers happy


Have you donated to an SU NIL collective?
Staff member
Aug 16, 2011
The BE won't survive. So with SU and Pitt moving to the ACC(fingers crossed), it helps rutgers because it takes 2 teams off the table for the B10. Don't believe anything a rutgers fan rants about, both SU and Pitt were and are ahead of rutgers in the pecking order for both the B10 and ACC.
I hope the Big10 takes Missouri, Kansas, ND, and Maryland, and UConn replaces UMD.

That is the perfect scenario
I hope the Big10 takes Missouri, Kansas, ND, and Maryland, and UConn replaces UMD.

That is the perfect scenario

Works for me.
I hope the Big10 takes Missouri, Kansas, ND, and Maryland, and UConn replaces UMD.

That is the perfect scenario

Would work for me if Uconn got dissed to because the Kansas pols make Rock Chalk take KSU with them for the ride.
The BE won't survive. So with SU and Pitt moving to the ACC(fingers crossed), it helps rutgers because it takes 2 teams off the table for the B10. Don't believe anything a rutgers fan rants about, both SU and Pitt were and are ahead of rutgers in the pecking order for both the B10 and ACC.

I never wanted to leave the Big East for the Big 10. You are dead wrong that SU or Pitt was ahead of RU for that invite as well. I know that Rutgers will land in the Big 10/ACC when the "super conference" wheel stops spinning in the near or distant future.

The truth is though that the Big East was about to sign a HUGE deal with one of the cable companies and that is why Pitt/SU are being poached. The ACC knew we were about to bring in a larger deal and was afraid of the effect that would have had on their conference. I think BC would have looked hard at the numbers and the way they are being treated in a southern conference and come back. TCU would have added something next year.

Its a shame that we will never know what could have been. We were in a fantastic position to cash in with 9-10 members. I don't blame you for jumping because of the situation but you will never be a founding member in the ACC and will always be second fiddle there(just like we will be in the Big 10/ACC). I think when this shakes out in the years to come we will all realize we blew a great opportunity to stand tall and and thrive as a conference...
I never wanted to leave the Big East for the Big 10. You are dead wrong that SU or Pitt was ahead of RU for that invite as well. I know that Rutgers will land in the Big 10/ACC when the "super conference" wheel stops spinning in the near or distant future.

The truth is though that the Big East was about to sign a HUGE deal with one of the cable companies and that is why Pitt/SU are being poached. The ACC knew we were about to bring in a larger deal and was afraid of the effect that would have had on their conference. I think BC would have looked hard at the numbers and the way they are being treated in a southern conference and come back. TCU would have added something next year.

Its a shame that we will never know what could have been. We were in a fantastic position to cash in with 9-10 members. I don't blame you for jumping because of the situation but you will never be a founding member in the ACC and will always be second fiddle there(just like we will be in the Big 10/ACC). I think when this shakes out in the years to come we will all realize we blew a great opportunity to stand tall and and thrive as a conference...

And RU was never a founding member of the Big East.
I'm alone on this board but I still think adding RU & UConn to the ACC keeps everyone else out on the Atlantic Coast - that has to be worth a lot of money and great for recruiting too. I coukd even see an ACC network working just like the BTN network up and down the coast. Better cash flow for all.
I never wanted to leave the Big East for the Big 10. You are dead wrong that SU or Pitt was ahead of RU for that invite as well. I know that Rutgers will land in the Big 10/ACC when the "super conference" wheel stops spinning in the near or distant future.

The truth is though that the Big East was about to sign a HUGE deal with one of the cable companies and that is why Pitt/SU are being poached. The ACC knew we were about to bring in a larger deal and was afraid of the effect that would have had on their conference. I think BC would have looked hard at the numbers and the way they are being treated in a southern conference and come back. TCU would have added something next year.

Its a shame that we will never know what could have been. We were in a fantastic position to cash in with 9-10 members. I don't blame you for jumping because of the situation but you will never be a founding member in the ACC and will always be second fiddle there(just like we will be in the Big 10/ACC). I think when this shakes out in the years to come we will all realize we blew a great opportunity to stand tall and and thrive as a conference...

Eh. You are wrong on a few things here sunshine.

1) With regard to Ru being ahead of SU in the Big 10 invite. You're nuts. Rutgers was being led around by its dick to see if rumors of the break up of the big east could shake ND free for the Big 10. ND called Delany's bluff and it never happened...just like Mizzou never got the invite.

2) BC was NEVER...and I cannot say this loud enough...NEVER coming back to the big east.

3) We were inline to cash in, and still have every team in the conference looking over its shoulder to see who was poached next.

Good luck.
I'm alone on this board but I still think adding RU & UConn to the ACC keeps everyone else out on the Atlantic Coast - that has to be worth a lot of money and great for recruiting too. I coukd even see an ACC network working just like the BTN network up and down the coast. Better cash flow for all.

No, I agree with that. I just think that both UConn and Buttgers won't end up ACC. I still think UConn will eventually, and Buttgers plays B10.
Eh. You are wrong on a few things here sunshine.

1) With regard to Ru being ahead of SU in the Big 10 invite. You're nuts. Rutgers was being led around by its dick to see if rumors of the break up of the big east could shake ND free for the Big 10. ND called Delany's bluff and it never happened...just like Mizzou never got the invite.

2) BC was NEVER...and I cannot say this loud enough...NEVER coming back to the big east.

3) We were inline to cash in, and still have every team in the conference looking over its shoulder to see who was poached next.

Good luck.

1) I wouldn't be suprised to see Maryland/ND/RU/UConn or Mis in the Big 10 in the upcoming years...

2) The Big East was about to sign a BIGGER deal then the ACC and you have no clue what BC would have done after that. After all everyone knows the only reason they left was for the money/stability to begin with.

3) Like I said, with the collapse of the Big 12 coming and the impending TV deal the Big East was about to sign we were all in great shape to cash in big time. The grass isn't always greener...
I never wanted to leave the Big East for the Big 10. You are dead wrong that SU or Pitt was ahead of RU for that invite as well.

You are wrong. Sorry you don't know it. Many others smarter than you know the truth.

As to the BIG DEAL. Why did rutgers work against it in May? Maybe if it was already in place some of this doesn't happen.
If the Big East had a real commish a decade ago that wasn't tied to the B'Ball only schools this would have never happened!! NEVER!! The fact they replaced him with another b'ball only commish was just the death nail.
You are wrong. Sorry you don't know it. Many others smarter than you know the truth.

As to the BIG DEAL. Why did rutgers work against it in May? Maybe if it was already in place some of this doesn't happen.

I am not going to have a pissing match with you Bees but I know the truth and it has nothing to do with how smart I am or how smart you are...If the Big 10 wanted either Cuse or Pitt they would have gone after them when the ACC came sniffing(you really don't think they knew this was going on???).

Do you have any response to my original post?
If the Big East had a real commish a decade ago that wasn't tied to the B'Ball only schools this would have never happened!! NEVER!! The fact they replaced him with another b'ball only commish was just the death nail.

Very true.

It is sad that the Northeast schools are losing their identities and allowing themselves to get picked apart to become second fiddle teams in order to fill out other conferences...
is anyone really stoopid enough to think that maryland leaves for the b10??


I am not going to have a pissing match with you Bees but I know the truth and it has nothing to do with how smart I am or how smart you are...If the Big 10 wanted either Cuse or Pitt they would have gone after them when the ACC came sniffing(you really don't think they knew this was going on???).

Do you have any response to my original post?

Believe all the rutgers spin you would like. SU and Pitt were/are ahead of rutgers in the pecking order for both conferences. I already responded to your first post. rutgers was one of the schools that didnt want the deal made back in may. they wanted to wait.
Believe all the rutgers spin you would like. SU and Pitt were/are ahead of rutgers in the pecking order for both conferences. I already responded to your first post. rutgers was one of the schools that didnt want the deal made back in may. they wanted to wait.

SU and Pitt were NOT ahead of RU or Mis in this pecking order for the Big 10. The ACC is a different story.

RU/WV/and Pitt wanted to wait because knew that we would have had a BETTER deal then what was on the table at the time. If none of our teams jumped ship we were in a great postion to put ESPN and the major networks in a bidding war for our upcoming contract. Listen to the Louisville AD(Jurich) and his comments about being blindsided by Pitt/SU today. It was all about sticking together to make that happen and some schools might bail before that becomes reality.
Eh. You are wrong on a few things here sunshine.

1) With regard to Ru being ahead of SU in the Big 10 invite. You're nuts. Rutgers was being led around by its dick to see if rumors of the break up of the big east could shake ND free for the Big 10. ND called Delany's bluff and it never happened...just like Mizzou never got the invite.

2) BC was NEVER...and I cannot say this loud enough...NEVER coming back to the big east.

3) We were inline to cash in, and still have every team in the conference looking over its shoulder to see who was poached next.

Good luck.

Again... this is an ongoing process. There haven't been any bluffs called. The Notre Dame stuff has been in the works for a while...

Edit: What people are losing the sight of... the Big Ten WANTS the Big East to break up. This is not a bad thing for them. They have expected all along the ACC would act at some point to shake up the Big East stability. Notre Dame was expecting it too, for that matter.
SU and Pitt were NOT ahead of RU or Mis in this pecking order for the Big 10. The ACC is a different story.

RU/WV/and Pitt wanted to wait because knew that we would have had a BETTER deal then what was on the table at the time. If none of our teams jumped ship we were in a great postion to put ESPN and the major networks in a bidding war for our upcoming contract. Listen to the Louisville AD(Jurich) and his comments about being blindsided by Pitt/SU today. It was all about sticking together to make that happen and some schools might bail before that becomes reality.

I see what you did there. You added Missouri with rutgers. Where did I mention Missouri? Go cry to the rutgers fans. Nobody asked for your opinions on how things went down. SU and Pitt were SMART to do things on the QT (if it comes to fruition). You act like rutgers isn't out there begging. Like one blogger said (don't remember whom), rutgers has been whoring itself for 2 years.
is anyone really stoopid enough to think that maryland leaves for the b10??


Not me. I have to think the additions of Pitt and Cuse make for some great natural rivals with the Terps.
SU and Pitt were NOT ahead of RU or Mis in this pecking order for the Big 10. The ACC is a different story.

RU/WV/and Pitt wanted to wait because knew that we would have had a BETTER deal then what was on the table at the time. If none of our teams jumped ship we were in a great postion to put ESPN and the major networks in a bidding war for our upcoming contract. Listen to the Louisville AD(Jurich) and his comments about being blindsided by Pitt/SU today. It was all about sticking together to make that happen and some schools might bail before that becomes reality.

Oh my God keep posting I'm almost there baby don't stop
Again... this is an ongoing process. There haven't been any bluffs called. The Notre Dame stuff has been in the works for a while...

Edit: What people are losing the sight of... the Big Ten WANTS the Big East to break up. This is not a bad thing for them. They have expected all along the ACC would act at some point to shake up the Big East stability. Notre Dame was expecting it too, for that matter.

No Kyle -- SU has had talks for quite sme time with the ACC as well as discussions with the B10. You think ND hasn't been making contingency plans? You don't think ND and company have looked under the hood to see what the ACC or B10 can offer?

I'm not going to flood this place with info, but if you're implying the B10 wants the BE to break up in order to force ND's hand, and ND is sitting there blindsided with their cocks in their hands wondering what happened, the you grossly underestimated ND. They've been game all along.

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