One iron??? I learned that one from the Dalai Lhama himself...
Big hitter, the Lhama...
Mitch Cumstein was night putting with the deans daughter.How bout a Fresca?
I recite that line all the time.Mitch Cumstein was night putting with the deans daughter.
"Do you do drugs, Danny?"Mitch Cumstein was night putting with the deans daughter.
" , Spalding get your foot off the boat"Anybody remember the context of this one?
"Ahoy, Polloi"
Free Fresca for the winner.
I got it from a negro
At the turn or the 19th? Probably depends on what the score, cranberry and a splash of fresca. I drink hundreds of these in the summer time.
View attachment 2767
Oh, this your wife, huh? A lovely lady. Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity.
View attachment 2767
Oh, this your wife, huh? A lovely lady. Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity.