No busy day here ! Of course, your other suggestions are certainly the stuff of dreams! As for being prophetic, I'll let you know. I was pumped for this game, now I feel like watching it through my fingers, hands held in front of face. Wow, maybe I need a shrink!
Nah, you don't need a shrink! At least not for your dreams.
Dreams are multi-faceted and have intrigued people for thousands of years. In ancient times, I believe many dreams were regarded as prophetic. (They had no understanding that we have an unconscious mind state.) They might go to oracles or seers to interpret dreams. Most people were not regarded as capable of interpreting their own dreams. Dream states can be:
1. Reflective of anxiety.
2. Trying to work out a problem that the conscious state can't quite handle.
3. Recall of things that happened in the past, both good and bad.
4. A very few can be predictive of the future. Some people are more gifted in this area than others.
5. An out of body state where we know we are dreaming. I've had several of these.
6. A place where we can talk to dead loved ones. Sometimes we know we are dreaming, sometimes we don't. I've had these.
I am sure there are more. I really loved the Leonardo di Caprio movie about dream states (the name of which I've forgotten!) because it reflects the various layers of unconsciousness.
Some people say that our unconscious mind states are more reflective of "reality" than our conscious states!