Incredibly important game tonight, on multiple levels | Page 3 |

Incredibly important game tonight, on multiple levels

you don't know an thing about bball 101 and it's been abundantly clear for as long as you've posted (under all your zany aliases)

crying jordan.jpg
You guys are both good posters, but he is right. This game was destined to be close because we are straight up bad. There is no other reason needed than that.
Because 8 of our 9 scholarship players have dramatically underperformed. That UConn team has nowhere near the talent we do.
I keep hearing the word talent on here, but talent don't mean jack **** in all honesty when you don't execute. The most talented team in the world doesn't make it the best team. I just don't get the premise that we have too much talent to suck, it's simply not true.
Because 8 of our 9 scholarship players have dramatically underperformed. That UConn team has nowhere near the talent we do.

I like to bet, I really like to bet on Syracuse but only bet on them when I feel confident.

62% of the action was on Syracuse to the point it went from 8.5 to 9.

All that said, I didn't once entertain the thought of betting on them today.

We do have more talent, they do have injuries, but at the end of the day just by watching that NF game it'll be very very difficult for me to think they're going to win any game, let alone by 9.
I keep hearing the word talent on here, but talent don't mean jack **** in all honesty when you don't execute. The most talented team in the world doesn't make it the best team. I just don't get the premise that we have too much talent to suck, it's simply not true.

2 of their top 4 players were out for the year. No Excuses.
2 of their top 4players were out for the year. No Excuses.
That is a fact, I understand it. But that still doesn't address my point. We are more talented, but we still lost. Catch my drift? Talent doesn't mean that much, execution is what matters.
oooooo ouch dude - how do you come up with all your stuff??!!

Your continued attacks on Seven are more of a reflection of yourself. You should really consider changing your handle since it does the Pearl a complete injustice since he was a human of the highest character.
Your continued attacks on Seven are more of a reflection of yourself. You should really consider changing your handle since it does the Pearl a complete injustice since he was a human of the highest character.
you know nothing about me or my character, but that's big of you to step in and defend poor "Seven"
you know nothing about me or my character, but that's big of you to step in and defend poor "Seven"

Your aggressive personal attacking pattern is consistent...which is a behavioral trait. That speaks for itself.
Your aggressive attacking pattern is consistent...which is a behavioral trait. That speaks for itself.
my aggressive attacking pattern huh?
I mean, how aggressive of me to be on a syracuse fan message board defending the team/coach/program! I should probably get some help for this, huh doc?
my aggressive attacking pattern huh?
I mean, how aggressive of me to be on a syracuse fan message board defending the team/coach/program! I should probably get some help for this, huh doc?

Well, you did just call me a "doosh" (I think you meant douche though) and a moron in a "conversations" inbox message you just sent me. Maybe you are/were just being passive-aggressive. :rolleyes:
Well, you did just call me a "doosh" (I think you meant douche though) in a "conversations" inbox message you just sent me. Maybe you are/were just being passive-aggressive. :rolleyes:
ahhh there you are! this stuff is just priceless - please heal me!
I had to work tonight, so didn't get to watch the game. Just picked the top thread to post. Damn, what a heartbreaking loss. Guess sometimes we have to adjust expectations. Mine are still NCAA tourney and a decent ACC showing. Too much talent to give up for us faithful.

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