Interesting flight yesterday | Page 2 |

Interesting flight yesterday

Saw Bob Huggins waiting for his bag in Philly last year. He seemed angry the whole time.

Hey, if a flight attendant cut you off after 10 drinks on a flight, you'd be angry too.
Went to the final for in '98. Jim Harrick and Bobby Cremins were on my flight. When we landed, the flight attendant asked that people who had arrived at their final destination wait so that others can make their connections (the flight had been delayed). Bobby Cremins rushed to get out, and I missed my connection. He was coaching at Georgia Tech at the time. I was not happy.
Most of my flying has been international, and i haven't seen anyone of note, except for a flight back from Rio with Melissa Keller, a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. I spoke to her when we landed at JFK, because i had photographed her a few years earlier. Other than that, i've been in a rent-a-car shuttle van with Pitt/Knicks Charles Smith, and next to Marcus Camby at the Customs check-out at George Bush(!) Intercontinental in Houston.
I was up in Syracuse for the weekend to see some family and friends before graduation.

I flew back to Atlanta on the noon flight. I was flying stand by so I was the last person to board the flight. As I was boarding, I saw Doc Gross and his family getting on the plane in front of me. I thought, cool.

Then I make my way to my seat, and sure enough Boeheim is sitting just across the isle from me. He was exactly how you would think he would be. Quiet, a little snarky, reading a book, and falling asleep in the middle of reading (i snapped a funny pic, but i'll keep that off the board). I didnt get a chance to talk to him because i had the window seat and he was across the isle.

As we were taxiing he had a pretty lengthy convo with 1 of his kids about a baseball game. As we got to the gate he jumped right up and tried to cut some people off as we were a few min late and im guessing he had a tight connection. I caught a glimpse of his ticket as he was waiting to depart and im pretty sure he was going to Jax.

When I got off the plane, gross was waiting for his bag at the gate check area and as boeheim walked by him, gross started to chat and Boeheim didnt even slow down, said a word or 2 in response and kept going. Gross then responded as boeheim dusted right by him. It seemed pretty funny.

Both guys were sitting pretty deep in coach, which surprised me a little bit (i wonder what medallion status they are?). Neither of them were even on the upgrade list.

As an aside, I think I also saw Martin Lawrence sitting in 1st class. any chance he was in Cuse this wknd?

...bright but not bright enough, Cusefanatl, roll the dice and play a little monopoly... what box
would DG land on in Northern Florida?

"Jesus Christ, he is buying FSU"

"When Vegas opens tomorrow, I want you buying 5000 Jan 2013 calls on SU to win the NC.
You hear me?
Start buying SU to win the NC in 10K blocks and then let out a taste to your friends."

Then call this number and tell the man, "ET loves Seminole U"

That's great!!

This was the trip of running into celebrities for me. I got invited by an insurance company to attend a "seminar" and spend 3 days at he Ritz Carlton in Palm Beach Florida. It was brutal but I got through it some how.

Day one I was in the elevator and a very pregnant but smoking hot lady got in with me. We chatted for about 15 seconds and then she got out. In walks a guy I met earlier and he said to me "Dude..that was Heidi Klum". Later that trip I saw her in the lobby with Seal and she actually said hello to me. Yes I was giddy and thought about her very very late that night.

Day two of the trip I am in the hotel bar sitting in one of the lounge chairs talking with some guys and who walks through the lobby but Eli and Peyton Manning with their wives. I was 15 beers deep at this point and proceesed to yell out at the top of my lungs "Go Big Blue!" Yes I am a nerd.

Last day we are waiting for the shuttle to drive us to the airport and I am standing outside the hotel talking on the phone with my wife. I am not paying attention (which is pretty normal for me) and I turn around to walk back into the lobby and I literally face plant right into Venus Williams. It took me a second to realize what just happened and who it was but I immediately apoligize and try to sluff it off. She just chuckled and said "no problem". I then sidestep to get out of her way and almost faceplant right into Serena who was following right behind her. My wife then asks what just happened and when I tell her she calls me a moron which of course I totally am.

Throw in the Vanilla Ice experience on the way home and it was just a bizarro trip.
I sat diagonally in front of Rick Springfield on a flight back to Syracuse a couple years ago. He was playing Turning Stone. I was pretty hammered. There was a hot chick next to him and I turned to my wife and sing "How can i find a woman like that?" really loud.

My wife was so embarrased.

That's pretty top-quality stuff right there. Nice work.
I once sat next to Real Deal Holyfield on a flight from Chicago to Las Vegas! Sitting in the thick of coach. Even celebs have to connect on short notice and don't get good seats.

You should have nibbled on his ear.
I have never flown near anyone famous. But I did once fly to England next to this woman who was so spectacularly gorgeous, that I didn't sleep the entire night flight. I was afraid I would slump over and drool on her shoulder.
Tits or it didn't happen.
Went to the final for in '98. Jim Harrick and Bobby Cremins were on my flight. When we landed, the flight attendant asked that people who had arrived at their final destination wait so that others can make their connections (the flight had been delayed). Bobby Cremins rushed to get out, and I missed my connection. He was coaching at Georgia Tech at the time. I was not happy.

Knowing how sleazy those guys are, I bet they stole the SkyMall catalog.
Now that the topic has shifted to best "I sat next to on a plane"...I think a friend of mine may win.
She sat down next to George "The Animal" Steele.
Of course, she had no idea who "this huge bald man" next to her was.
Fortunately, he did not attempt to eat the seat padding.
ive been on planes with some real worlders, tony barnhardt, kordell stewart (he followed me in the bathroom at the miami airport), casey powell, and now boeheim and gross.

i would consider my friends in the sky very c-list.
On a related note, Shinedown is staying at the hotel I'm currently in right now. Two big buses out front and a lot of guys with tattoos all over them all around the place.

Not the first time I've stayed in a hotel with a band. Snoop Dogg moved into a hotel in Florida the day we were leaving. His guys were all wearing zoot suits. I got the feeling they were wearing the big suits to hide their guns. But that's just a guess. I also stayed in a hotel in Kansas with Billy Ray Cyrus.

Yeah, I don't stay in the best hotels in town. Hilton properties all the way.
I once stayed in the same hotel as Michael Jackson in Denver. I didn't realize that he was even in town until some idiot girl knocked on the door to my room and asked whether this was Michael's they'd even let her on the floor where he was staying.
Leaving Syracuse and heading back to Houston after a Saturday/Monday SU Hoops doubleheader (pretty sure it was Pitt/G-town in 2003). I am running late for my flight and am one of the last persons to board. As I sit down in my aisle seat I notice an old nemesis, referee John Clougherty sitting in the aisle across from me.

I am not wearing any Syracuse gear. Further, I am struggling on whether I should talk to him or not (to me, Clougherty was ten times worse than Jim Burr, Tim Higgins or Ted Valentine). Before I can say anything, Clougherty looks at me and asks whether "I enjoyed the game last night." I am a bit puzzled as to how he knows I was even at the game and before I can answer him, he says: "You were ripping me for most of the 2nd half last night." My retort: "I only let you have it for the five missed calls you butchered in the 2nd half." He laughed and said that he mentioned me after the game in the refs changing area and one of the other refs told him that's what happens when you miss two calls in a row against Syracuse. I laughed and we actually went on to have a pretty decent conversation.

Leaving Syracuse and heading back to Houston after a Saturday/Monday SU Hoops doubleheader (pretty sure it was Pitt/G-town in 2003). I am running late for my flight and am one of the last persons to board. As I sit down in my aisle seat I notice an old nemesis, referee John Clougherty sitting in the aisle across from me.

I am not wearing any Syracuse gear. Further, I am struggling on whether I should talk to him or not (to me, Clougherty was ten times worse than Jim Burr, Tim Higgins or Ted Valentine). Before I can say anything, Clougherty looks at me and asks whether "I enjoyed the game last night." I am a bit puzzled as to how he knows I was even at the game and before I can answer him, he says: "You were ripping me for most of the 2nd half last night." My retort: "I only let you have it for the five missed calls you butchered in the 2nd half." He laughed and said that he mentioned me after the game in the refs changing area and one of the other refs told him that's what happens when you miss two calls in a row against Syracuse. I laughed and we actually went on to have a pretty decent conversation.

Neat story
Leaving Syracuse and heading back to Houston after a Saturday/Monday SU Hoops doubleheader (pretty sure it was Pitt/G-town in 2003). I am running late for my flight and am one of the last persons to board. As I sit down in my aisle seat I notice an old nemesis, referee John Clougherty sitting in the aisle across from me.

I am not wearing any Syracuse gear. Further, I am struggling on whether I should talk to him or not (to me, Clougherty was ten times worse than Jim Burr, Tim Higgins or Ted Valentine). Before I can say anything, Clougherty looks at me and asks whether "I enjoyed the game last night." I am a bit puzzled as to how he knows I was even at the game and before I can answer him, he says: "You were ripping me for most of the 2nd half last night." My retort: "I only let you have it for the five missed calls you butchered in the 2nd half." He laughed and said that he mentioned me after the game in the refs changing area and one of the other refs told him that's what happens when you miss two calls in a row against Syracuse. I laughed and we actually went on to have a pretty decent conversation.


That's a great story.
I am surprised that more high profile people dont fly first class as well. I was on a flight about 3 years ago from Florida to Philly and sat in the first row of coach. I was in the middle seat of 3 and a very large man was sitting in the window seat. The aisle seat was unoccupied and I was hoping noone sat there as I was going to move over so I had more room. Right before the gate closed a guy came running onto the plane with a bag of Burger King food. Immediately I recognized his looks and his voice (as he spoke to a flight attendant when he got on board). Low and behold Vanilla Ice sits right next too me. Pretty funny.

I texted a buddy of mine before we took off to tell him and he told me to change my ring tone to Ice Ice Baby and then he would call me. I didnt think this guy would appreciate it so I decided against it but it would have funny.

I once sat across the aisle from Dave Chappelle, in one of the last exit rows, from Chicago to San Fran. He tightened up his hoodie & slept the whole way. After we stood up at the gate, I alluded to the possibility it would take forever getting off. He piped up & said he'd be off in less than 5 seconds after the door opened. He wasn't lying. In the blink of an eye, he was up the aisle & gone from view. I saw him step on only one seat. Simply amazing!
I once had dinner with Stacy Keibler.

That's right Clooney; I saw her first!
On a related note, Shinedown is staying at the hotel I'm currently in right now. Two big buses out front and a lot of guys with tattoos all over them all around the place.

Not the first time I've stayed in a hotel with a band. Snoop Dogg moved into a hotel in Florida the day we were leaving. His guys were all wearing zoot suits. I got the feeling they were wearing the big suits to hide their guns. But that's just a guess. I also stayed in a hotel in Kansas with Billy Ray Cyrus.

Yeah, I don't stay in the best hotels in town. Hilton properties all the way.
Don't know who Shinedown is but I partied with Smashmouth at the Best Western bar in Poughkeepsie. Not that I knew who Smashmouth was either, but the chicks they were with kept playing "Walking on the Sun" on the jukebox which was their big hit at that time.
Most of my flying has been international, and i haven't seen anyone of note, except for a flight back from Rio with Melissa Keller, a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. I spoke to her when we landed at JFK, because i had photographed her a few years earlier. Other than that, i've been in a rent-a-car shuttle van with Pitt/Knicks Charles Smith, and next to Marcus Camby at the Customs check-out at George Bush(!) Intercontinental in Houston.
I flew on a flight from Baltimore to Syracuse with Sherman Douglas right after he finished his first year in the NBA. After grabbing my bag from baggage claim, I saw him outside sitting on the curb. I asked him if he needed a ride but he said someone was coming to get him.

I also flew on a flight from Phoenix to Philly and Donovan McNabb was a couple rows ahead of me. After he used the bathroom, I used that as an excuse to go over and talk to him before he got too comfortable. Basically no one knew who he was except for one guy in the Philly airport after we deplaned.

Another time I was on a flight with Steven Weber from the show Wings. I think we flew from Puerto Rico to NYC. He was with some hottie and not very friendly.

I also flew from a small airport in Nevis to St Kitts to Charlotte with Robert McNair, the owner of the Houston Texans. He was extremely friendly and we talked a lot about Saratoga as he is a big horse owner who spends a lot of time in Saratoga.

Of course the best flight was a private charter from Buffalo to Las Vegas for Jim Kelly's bachelor party. Besides Jim, some of the other Bills on board was Phil Hansen, Alex Van Pelt and Steve Tasker. I can't go into details about the flight, or the trip, but it would be safe to say that the movie "Hangover" wouldn't even be a close comparison.

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