Interesting flight yesterday | Page 3 |

Interesting flight yesterday

Reverend Al Sharpton once cut me in-line to buy a Tastee Freeze at the airport in DC. Dude just walked up like he owned the place and ignored the long line of people heckling him. The man's got stones, he didn't even send one of his assistants to do his dirty work for him.

Got bumped up to first class on a cross country flight and was seated right next to Dr. Peter Gammonds. I had to pinch myself because I am pretty sure that is what the flight to heaven must be like. He broke down the role of the set-up man as a critical component in playoff bullpens and then we had a spirited debate about how the role of the DH is corrupting the purity of the modern game. Actually Gammonds just read a book and I wrote a quarterly report...but the other story sounded better.
Okay, last one for me I think. Last year I was working on a project throughout the state of Maryland and ended up the last night at a Marriott outside Baltimore (Hunt Valley to be precise). Turns out there was a monster mania convention going on featuring the works of John Carpenter. My coworker and I got there before the bar opened and worked for a couple hours while the staff was setting up for the night. They thought we were attendees of the convention, but when we told them we were there by happenstance, they gave us all the inside skinny on what the night would be like. So we wrapped up our work and set up at the end of the bar. Very funny night all the way around. Ended up meeting and hanging out with Claire Higgins (the redhead from Hellraiser) and Barbara Crampton - both were great ladies and Barbara Crampton is smoking hot still. Also met Anthony Michael Hall - kind of standoffish. Saw Ernie Hudson, a couple of the guys who played Michael in the Halloween series, and PJ Soles (she looked pretty rough - not aging so well).

Claire Higgins pics -

Barbara Higgins pics (some NSFW) -
Now that the topic has shifted to best "I sat next to on a plane"...I think a friend of mine may win.
She sat down next to George "The Animal" Steele.
Of course, she had no idea who "this huge bald man" next to her was.
Fortunately, he did not attempt to eat the seat padding.

Since we've expanded to friends, et al, a co-worker of mine sat next to Gisele Bundchen on a flight to Brazil. She certainly tops GTAS in my book.
Oddly, on back to back days, I got to work with Heather Mills and Yoko Ono last summer
Okay, last one for me I think. Last year I was working on a project throughout the state of Maryland and ended up the last night at a Marriott outside Baltimore (Hunt Valley to be precise). Turns out there was a monster mania convention going on featuring the works of John Carpenter. My coworker and I got there before the bar opened and worked for a couple hours while the staff was setting up for the night. They thought we were attendees of the convention, but when we told them we were there by happenstance, they gave us all the inside skinny on what the night would be like. So we wrapped up our work and set up at the end of the bar. Very funny night all the way around. Ended up meeting and hanging out with Claire Higgins (the redhead from Hellraiser) and Barbara Crampton - both were great ladies and Barbara Crampton is smoking hot still. Also met Anthony Michael Hall - kind of standoffish. Saw Ernie Hudson, a couple of the guys who played Michael in the Halloween series, and PJ Soles (she looked pretty rough - not aging so well).

Claire Higgins pics - higgins&gbv=2&oq=claire hi&aq=0s&aqi=g-s1g9&aql=&gs_l=img.1.0.0i10j0l9.951.3104.0.5148.

Barbara Higgins pics (some NSFW) - crampton&gbv=2&oq=barbara crampton&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.3...1645.16386.0.17971.
Barbara Crampton looks like a good actress.
I once sat in first class next to Michael Jordan. He and I spent the entire flight laughing hysterically about the "bacon-neck" collar on the guy across the aisle...

Would've made a great commercial.
I once sat next to the dos equis guy..."the most interesting man in the world"

and you know what? he is EXACTLY like the character he plays in the commercials.
Right before the gate closed a guy came running onto the plane with a bag of Burger King food. Immediately I recognized his looks and his voice (as he spoke to a flight attendant when he got on board). Low and behold Vanilla Ice sits right next too me. Pretty funny.

I texted a buddy of mine before we took off to tell him and he told me to change my ring tone to Ice Ice Baby and then he would call me. I didnt think this guy would appreciate it so I decided against it but it would have funny.

I think that was a wise move on your part.

I once drank a beer and a shot with Scott Burrell in the Charlotte airport...i also pissed next to High Pitch Eric in one of the MSG bathrooms before the SU/SJU game back in Feb...
I once was on a plane with Jim Brown. Both of the pilots fell into comas and Brown was asked to land the plane. While he was in the cockpit, we lost both engines and the wings came off. He managed a perfect landing cushioning the plane with his feet. That same day, he scored 10 goals in the first period of a lacrosse game (thus forcing the rules to be changed) and kicked a game winning field goal (he was able to do this by travelling forward into time to football season).
I’ve had too many experiences with bumping into someone famous or infamous, as would be the case when you fly well over 100k miles a year in and out of the ATL. It was a few summers ago and was doing the DCA to ATL end of the day commute. If anyone is familiar with the DCA/ATL route you are always bound to get the occasional politician or high level government official, well on this particular day who shows up but JT III.
I figured he would be in first class but that was not the case, so I get on when zone 1 is called (no upgrade) and didn't really think much about JT III. Well about 5 or 10 minutes later who comes strolling up the aisle and sits right next to me in the middle seat (I had the window), yep JT III. I had the noise canceling headphones on so I didn’t even really acknowledge him nor did I care too. An hour or so later the pilot announces we are making the initial approach to Atlanta and all the blah blah blah. I had not said a word to him the entire flight so I turned to JT III and said, “coach you must have been happy when Gerry McNamara graduated a few years back, especially after all those big shots he made against you guys and the buzzer beater he knocked down in DC for the W”. The look on his face was priceless; I caught him off guard so his initial reaction was part I want to choke you and part amusement that I even broached the subject. When he did finally respond he cordially shared he was not the only coach in the Big East who was happy to see McNamara graduate. We didn’t speak another word but I just wanted to throw him a little jab.
This was the trip of running into celebrities for me. I got invited by an insurance company to attend a "seminar" and spend 3 days at he Ritz Carlton in Palm Beach Florida. It was brutal but I got through it some how.

Day one I was in the elevator and a very pregnant but smoking hot lady got in with me. We chatted for about 15 seconds and then she got out. In walks a guy I met earlier and he said to me "Dude..that was Heidi Klum". Later that trip I saw her in the lobby with Seal and she actually said hello to me. Yes I was giddy and thought about her very very late that night.

Day two of the trip I am in the hotel bar sitting in one of the lounge chairs talking with some guys and who walks through the lobby but Eli and Peyton Manning with their wives. I was 15 beers deep at this point and proceesed to yell out at the top of my lungs "Go Big Blue!" Yes I am a nerd.

Last day we are waiting for the shuttle to drive us to the airport and I am standing outside the hotel talking on the phone with my wife. I am not paying attention (which is pretty normal for me) and I turn around to walk back into the lobby and I literally face plant right into Venus Williams. It took me a second to realize what just happened and who it was but I immediately apoligize and try to sluff it off. She just chuckled and said "no problem". I then sidestep to get out of her way and almost faceplant right into Serena who was following right behind her. My wife then asks what just happened and when I tell her she calls me a moron which of course I totally am.

Throw in the Vanilla Ice experience on the way home and it was just a bizarro trip.
I don't post often, but this is why I read this board. I'm sitting in a hotel bar in London literally laughing out loud ... next to nobody famous (that I know)
I’ve had too many experiences with bumping into someone famous or infamous, as would be the case when you fly well over 100k miles a year in and out of the ATL. It was a few summers ago and was doing the DCA to ATL end of the day commute. If anyone is familiar with the DCA/ATL route you are always bound to get the occasional politician or high level government official, well on this particular day who shows up but JT III.
I figured he would be in first class but that was not the case, so I get on when zone 1 is called (no upgrade) and didn't really think much about JT III. Well about 5 or 10 minutes later who comes strolling up the aisle and sits right next to me in the middle seat (I had the window), yep JT III. I had the noise canceling headphones on so I didn’t even really acknowledge him nor did I care too. An hour or so later the pilot announces we are making the initial approach to Atlanta and all the blah blah blah. I had not said a word to him the entire flight so I turned to JT III and said, “coach you must have been happy when Gerry McNamara graduated a few years back, especially after all those big shots he made against you guys and the buzzer beater he knocked down in DC for the W”. The look on his face was priceless; I caught him off guard so his initial reaction was part I want to choke you and part amusement that I even broached the subject. When he did finally respond he cordially shared he was not the only coach in the Big East who was happy to see McNamara graduate. We didn’t speak another word but I just wanted to throw him a little jab.

Outstanding work, both here and by many others in the thread. This is what the offseason's all about.

Lots of famous and/or trendy people roll through or live in Austin, where I live, so I've seen Tarantino, Connick Jr., Mia Hamm, Dennis Quaid/Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, one or both of the Wilson brothers, etc. But this thread's about flights, so I'll try to stay on point.

The reference to the ATL reminded me of a time when I was stuck there in a classic Delta oversold situation. The departure time keeps getting pushed off, usually about fifteen minutes after the promised time has already expired--and the mob is getting restless thinking about connections, hungry/overtired/squalling children, and so on. The tension's getting pretty thick overall, and all of a sudden, up walks Johnny Cochran, all suited up and flanked by a couple of apparent handlers. I only hear some of the exchange, but he's upset about not getting the upgrade or seat he wanted, and it's clear that he's not getting the treatment he thinks he deserves. As he walks off to look for some seats in the gate area, I say to my wife, "If Johnny don't fit, the plane must sit."

I was pretty close to the attendants' check-in desk, but I couldn't be sure he heard me. I certainly hope so. Got a good laugh out of the wife, at least. So I've got that going for me.
I had not said a word to him the entire flight so I turned to JT III and said, “coach you must have been happy when Gerry McNamara graduated a few years back, especially after all those big shots he made against you guys and the buzzer beater he knocked down in DC for the W”. The look on his face was priceless; I caught him off guard so his initial reaction was part I want to choke you and part amusement that I even broached the subject. When he did finally respond he cordially shared he was not the only coach in the Big East who was happy to see McNamara graduate. We didn’t speak another word but I just wanted to throw him a little jab.

Would have been funny if he said, "I was as glad to see Gerry go, as I was to watch Arinze Onuaku dash your title hopes a couple years ago in the Garden. Loved that injury."
I used to fly from Newark to LA a lot, so I could give a long list of celbs that were on my flight. But since this was about the surprise of who flies in coach as opposed to first class, I have sat next to 2 famous people in coach. One was Dave Mason the musician (Traffic). He was flying from LA to Newark to appear at a private 4th of July party in Long Island. He and his current group had all of the other emergency row seats around my son and I. The other was the Amazing Kreskin. He didn't think I would know who he was. I think that time I was flying from Phoenix to Newark. He actually lives in Montclair. We were also in the emergency row. I guess that is the cheap way to fly with comfort, so a lot of mid celebs do that.

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