Is Melo better than top 20 in the NBA? |

Is Melo better than top 20 in the NBA?

Funniest part may be Melo mentioning a couple of times that he doesn't think there are 20 players better than him. Only needs to be 19...

I know we had these types of debates a bunch last year in the run-up to the trade. 20 seems perfectly reasonable, though you can make the case for a few spots higher for sure. And there's probably a good case for a few spots lower as well.

Melo is the perfect example of a player who is going to be overrated by the general public.
Melo IMO is the most well rounded offensive forward in the world. He is one of the absolute best offensive players in the world. How high that gets him in the overall rankings is debatable but top 20 easily for me.
Melo IMO is the most well rounded offensive forward in the world. He is one of the absolute best offensive players in the world.

I think the first can be true without the second being true. He doesn't score as efficiently as guys like Lebron and Durant. (Not that there are a whole lot of guys like Lebron and Durant, of course).

His efficiency did take a step up after the trade. Hoping that was the beginning of a trend and not just a fluke.

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