Is there a coach more loyal than JB? |

Is there a coach more loyal than JB?


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
another incident albeit a minor one and the chief goes to battle for his players. If you let the team and the coaches down he will never throw you under the bus, Ever. Once you commit to play for him you have chuck norris in your foxhole for life. Thats the way it should be.
another incident albeit a minor one and the chief goes to battle for his players. If you let the team and the coaches down he will never throw you under the bus, Ever. Once you commit to play for him you have chuck norris in your foxhole for life. Thats the way it should be.

Here are my thoughts on JB / this MCW situation:

  1. JB would have been better served by keeping his mouth shut than saying things in the media like "my hands are tied" when it comes to punishment. It really fans the flames of the perception that JB never punishes players, is all about winning over discipline, etc. He would have been better off saying nothing, and then addressing it at the press conference when it came up, saying "it's been handled internally, and I don't have any other comment"
  2. In the big scheme of things, this was a pretty minor infraction. Definitely not on par with physical violence, being arrested, etc. But it still deserved punishment of some sort.
  3. I would have no issue with MCW having some minor punishment--even if it is just a game suspension, not starting, something along those lines. Even a token punishment would at least give the appearance that some penalty had been administered instead of the issue being swept under the rug.
I wonder how Terrell Hunt feels? He actually stole less than MCW. SU should try to explain why him and not MCW?
another incident albeit a minor one and the chief goes to battle for his players. If you let the team and the coaches down he will never throw you under the bus, Ever. Once you commit to play for him you have chuck norris in your foxhole for life. Thats the way it should be.
Hmm I always thought discipline was something you did for someone, not to them. Lying for someone is I guess a form of loyalty. Just not a good one. On the other hand, showing someone by example that telling the truth, even when it hurts, is a better type of loyalty.
Is it loyalty, or the fact that he has no desire to suspend his PG, who is one of the best in the nation? Not to mention the fact that he only has two other scholarship guards on his roster.
Hmm I always thought discipline was something you did for someone, not to them. Lying for someone is I guess a form of loyalty. Just not a good one.
Whats he lying about? he got caught stealing, paid a fine and im sure(hope) he learned his lesson from it. what do you want his hands cut off. how harsh should things get? if he was a regular SU student this wouldn't be an issue for you. if you steal a battery from sears, get caught, but make amends before you leave, should you get reprimanded at work too ? when does it end? does he have to make a public apology and make it a bigger issue?
Is it loyalty, or the fact that he has no desire to suspend his PG, who is one of the best in the nation? Not to mention the fact that he only has two other scholarship guards on his roster.
i dont think its worthy of a suspenion. he wasnt arrested , he just did a really incredibly stupid thing. What do you suggest JB do? suspend him for some games?
You have to be kidding me!!! As Frozen said, the season over if MCW gets kicked off. JB is always going to do whatever he can to save his stars. It has made him a millionaire college basketball coach.

And minor? When the football guys stole from teammates people wanted to crucify them. Just because this was a retail store does not make it minor. It is very likely that MCW went there knowing that he was going to rip stuff off. I doubt he suddenly on a whim thought that would be a good time to steal stuff for the first time. All these posts calling this a minor event done by a kid are ridiculous. MCW is an adult who knowingly stole - stop the misunderstanding crap. He is a thief who got caught - but luckily he has friends in high places around Syracuse.

We need to take off the Orange glasses and recognize that our program is no better or worse than any other with regard to character issues and stupid actions. This goes all the way back to the Andre Hawkins and friends BE tourney scandal. It has become the rare year that SU does NOT have a problem with one of its players.
The perception of jb isn't good, from the perspective of opposing fans. I'll leave it at that.
You have to be kidding me!!! As Frozen said, the season over if MCW gets kicked off. JB is always going to do whatever he can to save his stars. It has made him a millionaire college basketball coach.

And minor? When the football guys stole from teammates people wanted to crucify them. Just because this was a retail store does not make it minor. It is very likely that MCW went there knowing that he was going to rip stuff off. I doubt he suddenly on a whim thought that would be a good time to steal stuff for the first time. All these posts calling this a minor event done by a kid are ridiculous. MCW is an adult who knowingly stole - stop the misunderstanding crap. He is a thief who got caught - but luckily he has friends in high places around Syracuse.

We need to take off the Orange glasses and recognize that our program is no better or worse than any other with regard to character issues and stupid actions. This goes all the way back to the Andre Hawkins and friends BE tourney scandal. It has become the rare year that SU does NOT have a problem with one of its players.

THANK YOU. Especially your last paragraph.
You have to be kidding me!!! As Frozen said, the season over if MCW gets kicked off. JB is always going to do whatever he can to save his stars. It has made him a millionaire college basketball coach.

And minor? When the football guys stole from teammates people wanted to crucify them. Just because this was a retail store does not make it minor. It is very likely that MCW went there knowing that he was going to rip stuff off. I doubt he suddenly on a whim thought that would be a good time to steal stuff for the first time. All these posts calling this a minor event done by a kid are ridiculous. MCW is an adult who knowingly stole - stop the misunderstanding crap. He is a thief who got caught - but luckily he has friends in high places around Syracuse.

We need to take off the Orange glasses and recognize that our program is no better or worse than any other with regard to character issues and stupid actions. This goes all the way back to the Andre Hawkins and friends BE tourney scandal. It has become the rare year that SU does NOT have a problem with one of its players.

Stealing from your own teammates is much worse, if you dont have trust in the locker room or amongst teammates than you have no team at all, and mcw was never arrested. i'm all about being held responsible for your own actions but i think the fine was enough imo. I do think it was a minor issue and he did have sticky fingers that day. but i'm not going to judge him from this one incident the rest of his life. if something else happens where he gets caught again stealing than a suspension is in order. I dont think we are better than anyone and dont know where that came from but JB does stand behind his players whether justified or not, the original point of my post.
First of all, while it does look like he did actually shoplift, two anonymous sources do not make this an open and shut case. That alone means that there is a small chance Boeheim could be further punishing an innocent kid. Jim has to balance the effectiveness and appropriateness of the punishment with the trust he could lose for not believing MCW.

Assuming the sources are credible, which is likely, he already served a punishment that fit the crime. A college kid paying $500 hurts a lot more than missing a game against some OOC cupcake. I don't really see the point in Boeheim adding onto a punishment that seems sufficient.

As for the media and our school's reputation; screw 'em. Do we really care what they think? I doubt it will impact recruiting much. Jim is an excellent recruiter and a few bad stories aren't going to drive prospects away. If they do, then those are recruits we probably wouldn't want in the first place.
First of all, while it does look like he did actually shoplift, two anonymous sources do not make this an open and shut case. That alone means that there is a small chance Boeheim could be further punishing an innocent kid. Jim has to balance the effectiveness and appropriateness of the punishment with the trust he could lose for not believing MCW.

Assuming the sources are credible, which is likely, he already served a punishment that fit the crime. A college kid paying $500 hurts a lot more than missing a game against some OOC cupcake. I don't really see the point in Boeheim adding onto a punishment that seems sufficient.

As for the media and our school's reputation; screw 'em. Do we really care what they think? I doubt it will impact recruiting much. Jim is an excellent recruiter and a few bad stories aren't going to drive prospects away. If they do, then those are recruits we probably wouldn't want in the first place.
why do you think things like this happen to us every year? What is the one constant. This loyalty that albany touted as a virtue only brings more examples of that behavior. People do things thinking they will get away with it. but I doubt the kids that played for a coach like Bob Knight thought it would be tolerated if they got caught stealing. If they got caught roughing up a girl. If they got caught taking a hammer to cars on M street. People the kid didn't even know. JB has done many great things for this university. I might be his greatest fan. But this is not one of them. Year after year, my university is exposed to something dumb like this. As for the media, my degree means a lot to me. So I can't agree with screw 'em.
First of all, while it does look like he did actually shoplift, two anonymous sources do not make this an open and shut case. That alone means that there is a small chance Boeheim could be further punishing an innocent kid. Jim has to balance the effectiveness and appropriateness of the punishment with the trust he could lose for not believing MCW.

Assuming the sources are credible, which is likely, he already served a punishment that fit the crime. A college kid paying $500 hurts a lot more than missing a game against some OOC cupcake. I don't really see the point in Boeheim adding onto a punishment that seems sufficient.

As for the media and our school's reputation; screw 'em. Do we really care what they think? I doubt it will impact recruiting much. Jim is an excellent recruiter and a few bad stories aren't going to drive prospects away. If they do, then those are recruits we probably wouldn't want in the first place.

Another delusional post. If you think people are upset about this because of how it will affect recruiting, then I am sorry for you.
why do you think things like this happen to us every year? What is the one constant. This loyalty that albany touted as a virtue only brings more examples of that behavior. People do things thinking they will get away with it. but I doubt the kids that played for a coach like Bob Knight thought it would be tolerated if they got caught stealing. If they got caught roughing up a girl. If they got caught taking a hammer to cars on M street. People the kid didn't even know. JB has done many great things for this university. I might be his greatest fan. But this is not one of them. Year after year, my university is exposed to something dumb like this. As for the mdia, my degree means a lot to me. So I can't agree with screw 'em.

I think you are exaggerating the bad behavior of our players. Devo was an idiot and I believe he was suspended for punching that chick. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure I heard about the hammer incident, though. I know Fab broke a turn signal arm on a car and wasn't punished, which seemed appropriate.

The only other recent player incidents I can think of are; Fab not doing his work, and maybe some failed drug tests.

I'm probably missing some. What are the others?

*Edit: Forgot about Jardine's involvement with the stolen card. I can't remember if he was punished for that or not.
Another delusional post. If you think people are upset about this because of how it will affect recruiting, then I am sorry for you.

The recruiting argument was a carryover from a discussion I had with a few friends. I'm not sure what you saw as "delusional" though. I thought my points were fair.
I think you are exaggerating the bad behavior of our players. Devo was an idiot and I believe he was suspended for punching that chick. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure I heard about the hammer incident, though. I know Fab broke a turn signal arm on a car and wasn't punished, which seemed appropriate.

The only other recent player incidents I can think of are; Fab not doing his work, and maybe some failed drug tests.

I'm probably missing some. What are the others?

*Edit: Forgot about Jardine's involvement with the stolen card. I can't remember if he was punished for that or not.
Oh my God. Are you serious? We have issues every year. How long have you been a fan? Not a shot but not a year goes by that we don't have some issue. Does the name Billy edelin mean anything to you? It's always the girls fault. Back to the original thread. Take two kids. One has a parent that demands the kid behave. When there is trouble at school, the parent doen't attack the teacher. The other, my kid can do no wrong. Which kid tends to turn out better?
imo none of this is the schools buisness, our buisness or JB's.
If it wasn't mcw and pictures weren't taken by people who recognized him then nobody would even know.

Have you ever been given a warning from doing something bad before without your parents or teachers finding out when you were a kid???
Oh my God. Are you serious? We have issues every year. How long have you been a fan? Not a shot but not a year goes by that we don't have some issue. Does the name Billy edelin mean anything to you? It's always the girls fault. Back to the original thread. Take two kids. One has a parent that demands the kid behave. When there is trouble at school, the parent doen't attack the teacher. The other, my kid can do no wrong. Which kid tends to turn out better?

Billy Edelin? Really? He had charges against him that were dropped and played in a church league or something. Is that seriously a big issue that shows a lack of "institutional control?" He was suspended for his freshman year and a large chunk of the next season, if I remember correctly.

Btw, I'm 22 years old and I've followed SU basketball since I was 8. Idk if that's up to your standards.
Billy Edelin walked in to a girls room and exposed himself. You have no idea of all the stuff that has gone on. I'll leave it to someone else to give you the history lesson. I love syracuse baskeball. It is by far my favorite team. But we have had a lot of troubles.
imo none of this is the schools buisness, our buisness or JB's.
If it wasn't mcw and pictures weren't taken by people who recognized him then nobody would even know.

Have you ever been given a warning from doing something bad before without your parents or teachers finding out when you were a kid???
lmaoooo i cant help but laugh at your pic orangefan13
Oh my God. Are you serious? We have issues every year. How long have you been a fan? Not a shot but not a year goes by that we don't have some issue. Does the name Billy edelin mean anything to you? It's always the girls fault. Back to the original thread. Take two kids. One has a parent that demands the kid behave. When there is trouble at school, the parent doen't attack the teacher. The other, my kid can do no wrong. Which kid tends to turn out better?

Here's what I don't get...

You are correct. But it's been this way for 30 YEARS!!! "The Program" and JB have been doing this forever.
And THIS is the incident that bring you to the point of "embarrassment"?

Honestly, and I'm saying this seriously, if this incident is too much for some to handle, my advice would be to close your browser and turn off the games. 2012 College athletics aren't for you.
Here's what I don't get...

You are correct. But it's been this way for 30 YEARS!!! "The Program" and JB have been doing this forever.
And THIS is the incident that bring you to the point of "embarrassment"?

Honestly, and I'm saying this seriously, if this incident is too much for some to handle, my advice would be to close your browser and turn off the games. 2012 College athletics aren't for you.
Silly post. I was embarrassed by this stuff long ago. If you have been following this program for 30 years, you know of what I speak. If you do, you shouldn't have made this post.
Billy Edelin? Really? He had charges against him that were dropped and played in a church league or something. Is that seriously a big issue that shows a lack of "institutional control?" He was suspended for his freshman year and a large chunk of the next season, if I remember correctly.

Btw, I'm 22 years old and I've followed SU basketball since I was 8. Idk if that's up to your standards.

I'm 22 as well. And you are very off base with much of what you have said.

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