Is there any doubt that Charlie starts | Page 2 |

Is there any doubt that Charlie starts

I say that there is a 75% chance that Charlie gets the nod. The kid has the best arm. He seems to be a solid athlete who can run better than Ryan by all accounts. Hunt has good upside and given the fact that we have a dedicated QB coach he might make great strides. Still i think when it is all said and done Charlie is under center for PState

He has to be considered the frontrunner, given his experience.

But honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could predict without knowing what the new staple of offensive coaches want to run. Maybe Loeb [or Hunt or any of the other candidates] aren't a good fit for the new system. :noidea:

I mean, I expect it to be qualitatively similar, but who knows?
Honestly, I believe right now SU does not have a high quality Div-1 QB!!! Maybe and that's a big maybe by mid-season the QB position will come along. I find it hard to believe sometime along the line Loeb should of played sometime. Ryan did struggle at time-right!! That shows me dougie(not a real fan of his) had no faith in Loeb at all. The QB position is the major decision for HCSS this spring/fall!!

Give it a rest already, Elmira! You were Mr. Negative all of last year on the board whether we won or lost. You NEVER had a good thing to say about anything from the coaching staff down to individual players. I am sure others who frequented both this board and the Post Sub-Standard's board will vouch for what I am writing. I am not one for personal attacks, nor I am one to poo-poo anybody who makes constructive criticisms, but you go over the top! You even agreed with that obnoxious USC troll who would frequent the board just to jerk people around! And yet anybody who disagreed with you, you called a troll. You even admitted dissing your grandkids when they were bummed out when SU lost a game, for Chrissake! Support the team, make constructive criticisms based on fact, or take a hike--your choice!
Honestly, I believe right now SU does not have a high quality Div-1 QB!!! Maybe and that's a big maybe by mid-season the QB position will come along. I find it hard to believe sometime along the line Loeb should of played sometime. Ryan did struggle at time-right!! That shows me dougie(not a real fan of his) had no faith in Loeb at all. The QB position is the major decision for HCSS this spring/fall!!

What... Seriously this post is beyond stupidity
Honestly, I believe right now SU does not have a high quality Div-1 QB!!! Maybe and that's a big maybe by mid-season the QB position will come along. I find it hard to believe sometime along the line Loeb should of played sometime. Ryan did struggle at time-right!! That shows me dougie(not a real fan of his) had no faith in Loeb at all. The QB position is the major decision for HCSS this spring/fall!!

High comedy. I imagine you go to the basketball board and complain when Rak gets pulled too early by JB. You take a QB and stick with it. Rarely does anyone use a 2 QB system. And then its only because you do not have a QB1. The QB position should not be a revolving door. If you pull a guy after a bad series it shows the player and the team you have no faith in them.
I tend to agree, I just would hate to see Charlie not get the nod after this wave of press.

I would hate to see Charlie start if he is not the best man for the job.
He has to be considered the frontrunner, given his experience.

But honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could predict without knowing what the new staple of offensive coaches want to run. Maybe Loeb [or Hunt or any of the other candidates] aren't a good fit for the new system. :noidea:

I mean, I expect it to be qualitatively similar, but who knows?
What experience???????
I agree with the post above. If the other team has to stack the box to stop our running attack we need someone who can get the ball out and hit the deep throws as we are going to get our shots especially with the size and speed we have in Foster West Flemming and the Funder. Throw in Clark and Kobena along with the new kids and we have some real solid threats. I think that fact that Charlie is without a doubt our best passer gives him the nod.
"Foster, West, Flemming and Funder" sound like an esteemed law firm.
What experience???????
Experience can be more than just game snaps. Loeb has had four years of college conditioning, practice, and coaching. Loeb is much more experienced then a freshman for example. Also Nassib is going to be a first round pick. Matt Cassell wasn't good enough to start at USC, that didn't mean he wasn't a decent QB.
What experience???????

He's a fifth year senior that has been coached by the same people that made Ryan Nassib an early round draft choice. What do you think he was doing, standing on the sidelines and not taking a snap for four years?
He's a fifth year senior that has been coached by the same people that made Ryan Nassib an early round draft choice. What do you think he was doing, standing on the sidelines and not taking a snap for four years?
Good post Go. With Hunt having missed practice last year and with Charlie having been very close to Ryan according to those in the know i believe he gives us the best chance to win this year. We have a ton of talent at the skill positions. Smith, PTG, Morris, AAm, West, Wales, Thompson, Funder, Foster, Flemming, and Ash. What we need is a QB who understands the playbook inside and out and get us in the right play call. Once in the right play call all Charlie needs to do is to distribute the ball to our playmakers. He doesnt need to be the Man
Good post Go. With Hunt having missed practice last year and with Charlie having been very close to Ryan according to those in the know i believe he gives us the best chance to win this year. We have a ton of talent at the skill positions. Smith, PTG, Morris, AAm, West, Wales, Thompson, Funder, Foster, Flemming, and Ash. What we need is a QB who understands the playbook inside and out and get us in the right play call. Once in the right play call all Charlie needs to do is to distribute the ball to our playmakers. He doesnt need to be the Man
He only needs to be Todd Philcox - a game manager. Who would have guessed that Todd would win the job and then play in the NFL for 10+ years?
He's a fifth year senior that has been coached by the same people that made Ryan Nassib an early round draft choice. What do you think he was doing, standing on the sidelines and not taking a snap for four years?

What you are calling "experience" is actually called practice. Based on your logic, every college backup has experience then right? We should be just ducky then going into the season cause the 2 guys competing with him for the #1 spot have been coached by the same staff up until this year. They have "experience" too, how awesome, I am no longer worried.
The stories this week state that Loeb pushed Nassib the last couple of years and that it was closer than most people knew. If that's the case that's a good thing.
I have a very hard time believing that's true.

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I have a very hard time believing that's true.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

What are they going to say in the article? The competition wasn't even close?

I hope it is, and can see it being, true. However, I take it with a grain of salt.
Experience can be more than just game snaps. Loeb has had four years of college conditioning, practice, and coaching. Loeb is much more experienced then a freshman for example. Also Nassib is going to be a first round pick. Matt Cassell wasn't good enough to start at USC, that didn't mean he wasn't a decent QB.

He's a fifth year senior that has been coached by the same people that made Ryan Nassib an early round draft choice. What do you think he was doing, standing on the sidelines and not taking a snap for four years?

I wish I shared your guys confidence in Loeb.

Now, I don't know anything about these QB's (haven't been to spring ball or anything like that to see how these guys look), but being a backup for 4 years and getting few snaps doesn't count for a whole lot of experience when you have the same staff your entire time on campus.

And, it definitely doesn't count for a lot when your entire offensive staff is in Buffalo (or still waiting for that phone call, doesn't Marrone know Rob Moore is still here?).

McDonald is likely installing a new playbook. Every QB is on equal footing. Doesn't matter how many years they were in the previous system.

If Loeb is the best, he will be it. Not because of any past experience, but b/c he is the most talented and ready for the offense at this time.
I'm not sure if I'm recalling this correctly, but I remember a play that Nassib lost his helmet and he had to out for a play. Loeb came in and guess what? The coaches called a pass play, that I think he completed. If I am remembering correctly, that's giving a pretty good stamp of approval for the backup.

Or maybe I just dreamed it? Who know with me these days, I swear that SU is gonna beat IU in the NCAAs ;)
I'm not sure if I'm recalling this correctly, but I remember a play that Nassib lost his helmet and he had to out for a play. Loeb came in and guess what? The coaches called a pass play, that I think he completed. If I am remembering correctly, that's giving a pretty good stamp of approval for the backup.

Or maybe I just dreamed it? Who know with me these days, I swear that SU is gonna beat IU in the NCAAs ;)

Your memory is correct.

Flanker screen to the boundary in the Pinstripe bowl.
I'm not sure if I'm recalling this correctly, but I remember a play that Nassib lost his helmet and he had to out for a play. Loeb came in and guess what? The coaches called a pass play, that I think he completed. If I am remembering correctly, that's giving a pretty good stamp of approval for the backup.

Or maybe I just dreamed it? Who know with me these days, I swear that SU is gonna beat IU in the NCAAs ;)
Any D1 qb should be able to throw a bubble screen
Any D1 qb should be able to throw a bubble screen

Exactly the point: he is a D1 qb and can probably do a respectable job as such. And the same applies to Hunt as well. I certainly have no problem with your comment but to state that SU does not possess a D1-level qb (as an earlier poster did) is preposterous bordering on the ridiculous.
Any D1 qb should be able to throw a bubble screen

If you don't trust your backup QB and believe/hope that the starter will be back in a few minutes in a bowl game against a quality opponent in tough playing conditions then you call a running play on 3rd down, you don't throw a pass. The staff trusted the backup because of what he showed in practice, his knowledge of the playbook and his maturity. The new staff will see those same qualities.

While the new kids in town are checking out the co-eds, looking for the cool spots on campus and wondering what HBC is, Charlie will be confidently focused on football.
Honestly, I believe right now SU does not have a high quality Div-1 QB!!! Maybe and that's a big maybe by mid-season the QB position will come along. I find it hard to believe sometime along the line Loeb should of played sometime. Ryan did struggle at time-right!! That shows me dougie(not a real fan of his) had no faith in Loeb at all. The QB position is the major decision for HCSS this spring/fall!!

Punctuation and grammar are your friend. It is difficult to understand what you are saying without it.
Exactly the point: he is a D1 qb and can probably do a respectable job as such. And the same applies to Hunt as well. I certainly have no problem with your comment but to state that SU does not possess a D1-level qb (as an earlier poster did) is preposterous bordering on the ridiculous.
I made no such comment. I was simply replying to the post praising loeb for throwing a completion in the bowl game when it was just a basic screen. If he completed a seam route under pressure, then that would be different.

If you don't trust your backup QB and believe/hope that the starter will be back in a few minutes in a bowl game against a quality opponent in tough playing conditions then you call a running play on 3rd down, you don't throw a pass. The staff trusted the backup because of what he showed in practice, his knowledge of the playbook and his maturity. The new staff will see those same qualities.

While the new kids in town are checking out the co-eds, looking for the cool spots on campus and wondering what HBC is, Charlie will be confidently focused on football.

Good post and I agree with what you are saying.

However, I believe a large factor in that pass play being called for Loeb was that our self-skout showed that 100% of the time he came into the game, we ran the ball.

As much as the staff trusted Charlie, they were likely banking on WVU selling out for the run because that is what the statistics would tell them to do.

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