Is what I heard on ESPN wrong about CJ? |

Is what I heard on ESPN wrong about CJ?


2nd String
Aug 29, 2011
I thought I heard the read a quote from CJ-when asked the question did JB cost the game? Something close to "Yes, down 2 they make 3 of 4-you do the math-10 sec. left."
I truly apologize if I heard that wrong, but if I heard it correctly I'm disappointed big time.
TheOkieOrangeman said:
I thought I heard the read a quote from CJ-when asked the question did JB cost the game? Something close to "Yes, down 2 they make 3 of 4-you do the math-10 sec. left." I truly apologize if I heard that wrong, but if I heard it correctly I'm disappointed big time.

Not sure those were his exact words but other quotes he questioned it.
I believe I heard CJ say something like that, I'm not sure what the actual quote is. Boeheim didn't cost SU the game, he cost SU a chance to win the game - big difference.
I never said it was an exact quote-I said "something close to" and I was may have been wrong about the question they asked, but I'm still disappointed with the response.
I never said it was an exact quote-I said "something close to" and I was may have been wrong about the question they asked, but I'm still disappointed with the response.

Right, I was agreeing with you: "something close to", "something like that".
I thought JB's reaction was the best. The support from other ACC shows it. They want their coaches to react the same way so it will stop. A breath of fresh are for the conference.
CJ needs to back JB. The whole reason he was out there was to defend him. Maybe someone should throw him under the bus for his travels, dribbles of his foot, horrible shot selection the last couple of weeks.
@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on Boeheim: "I think Coach crossed a line and he had to pay for it."

@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on the ejection: "It wasn’t looking good for us after that happened. It was out of our favor to have the chance to come back."

@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on Boeheim: "You never know what’ll happen if he didn’t get the techs. You’ll never know."
If CJ did respond like gilardino stated, then I am disappointed. He is a senior and captain. Act like one. Coach had his and the team's back. Good for coach. CJ should have done the same. Duke got the majority homer calls and non calls all game. Which was expected. But that is not the reason the team lost. Duke did a great job on Ennis and Cooney. And the offense is terrible. No way this game should have been that close. Unless something miraculously happens with the offense, this team will not get too far come ACC and NCAA tourney time.
Cj did in fact question JB which leaves me disappointed in his reaction. JB went to bat for you and the team.

On the other hand silentG was quted as saying that he was happy JB reacted that way because he wanted to do the same exact thing. CJ seems to be the only one not on the same page.
There's a lot of speculation going on here, and a lot positions being taken while openly acknowledging no one knows exactly what was said.

edit: this is what I was able to find:

"I don't know what he said, but Coach was hot. We really wanted this game. Emotion got the best of us. … I think, yeah, I think maybe if we didn't get the techs, we probably still had a chance to win. We lost by (six)? He made three of the four free throws. You do the math."

There's a lot of 'we' and 'us' going on in that. And while I couldn't find the question he was asked, I don't find this to be anything to get uptight over. And after the last-second wins over Pitt and NCSt, what would anyone reasonably expect him to say if asked whether they still had a chance at that point?
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@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on Boeheim: "I think Coach crossed a line and he had to pay for it."

@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on the ejection: "It wasn’t looking good for us after that happened. It was out of our favor to have the chance to come back."

@Stephen_Bailey1: Fair on Boeheim: "You never know what’ll happen if he didn’t get the techs. You’ll never know."

I'm okay with it if these are the only comments Fair had. They are all statements of fact. Maybe you would have liked CJ to go out of his way to say he approved of what Jim did, but these don't equate to CJ throwing the old guy under the bus. If Fair went any further than these, that's a shame.

I loved Boeheim's reaction and hope it will light a fire under this team.

Things we need to improve (all on the offensive side):
Ennis needs to play better, period (tough to be so demanding of a freshman but it's time to man up). Cooney needs to get himself open and put the ball on the deck to make some plays. CJ needs to stop doing really stupid, uncoordinated stuff 3-4 times each game. Grant needs to hit jumpers and, more importantly, free throws (is he hurt bad?). Keita and Christmas need to keep doing what they've been doing.
I loved Coach's reaction, and he gained all sorts of respect in the only place that matters tonight, the locker room.

That's a questionable point of view. JB is a HOFer and one of the best of all time. No question. But if I were on the SU squad I'd be more inclined to be ticked than have increased respect for JB. Plenty of teams have come back from down 2 without the ball and :10 to play. You'd have to say SU had somewhere in the 5-10% range of at least getting the game to OT particularly with the way Duke has been missing FTs. Just think about the improbable endings of a few of our wins this year. JB threw those odds out the window.
brooky...Statements of fact or not, not the comments your senior leader should be making. IMO, his response should have been "Coach did what he had to do and we, as a team, did not do what we were supposed to do (score). Put the blame for this loss, where it belongs, the teams overall poor offense performance. Can't blame the coach for missed open shots and chippies. Also I think MG should have been in the game the last few minutes. He was having a much better game then Cooney.
That's a questionable point of view. JB is a HOFer and one of the best of all time. No question. But if I were on the SU squad I'd be more inclined to be ticked than have increased respect for JB. Plenty of teams have come back from down 2 without the ball and :10 to play. You'd have to say SU had somewhere in the 5-10% range of at least getting the game to OT particularly with the way Duke has been missing FTs. Just think about the improbable endings of a few of our wins this year. JB threw those odds out the window.

Fair enough, although I feel JB's outburst was more about the team's performance over the last few weeks, and in the next few upcoming, than it was just this one situation. Block/charge is controversial more often than not, and JB has seen thousands like it without erupting as he did, so the context of this "incident" should be taken into greater account.

As I said earlier, as the new kid on the block I think he knew at some point he was going to have to make a statement. You don't have any control over where or when it comes along, you just know instinctively when it has to be done. So, when coupled with the context mentioned above, his reaction is more accurately assessed in a more inclusive light.
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