Jalen Should Stay | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Jalen Should Stay

We can have both. Kadary is not a sure thing and Jalen (and Goodine, for that matter) can play SG. It's not like it's a straight logjam at PG; there's flexibility.

I'm just going off from what I've heard and how JB coaches. He's at best 5th in the pecking order next year. If we get 20mpg out of Brycen and at least 30 for BB/JG.
If every player left just to get more playing time, they might as well put a revolving door on the locker room. At all schools! There are more factors involved than just playing time. Family, social, athletic and educational factors all weigh in. A young man who is enjoying life in all these factors ain't going to bolt.
We can have both. Kadary is not a sure thing and Jalen (and Goodine, for that matter) can play SG. It's not like it's a straight logjam at PG; there's flexibility.

Or he wants to play 30+ mpg...
I'm just going off from what I've heard and how JB coaches. He's at best 5th in the pecking order next year. If we get 20mpg out of Brycen and at least 30 for BB/JG.

At best, he’s 3rd. At worst, he’s 5th out of 5.
If we're not going to be a selector school, then we have to develop talent. If we can't develop or hold on to the talent we have, we will continue to muddle along on this annual 19-13 trajectory where we're always desperately trying to patch one hole or another.
I kinda expect him to leave. It would make, possibly, the most sense. But, i hope he stays.

Most people seem to believe he doesn't have what it takes to carve out significant minutes against JG or even the unknown Kadary next year, but i kinda think (hope) Jalen is just one little hop-step away from being the player we expected. The staff saw both him and Joe all last summer and fall and still had Jalen as the starter on a team they must (should) have known would have a narrow margin for error to compete.

I don't see Brycen as a (pure) PG really. His handle worries me, and i don't see him as a playmaker.

Carey just needs to find that 'click.' Like, something is all of a sudden going to happen for him, where he recognizes he needs to re-set, start over, and not assume that he can do everything he did in high school. Like he needs to put the training wheels on, and make a concentrated effort to do very much less for a while, until he can ramp-up with experience. He was alway like the guy who got into a race car and just went all out without 'lifting,' instead of first getting the feel of the track and establishing braking points and understanding all the tech. If only he played as cautiously as Washington for weeks, only taking obvious opportunities...

The key might just be whether he's healthy enough to have a full summer of playing. Playing with some other good players in a semi-organized, structured environment.
Total hypothetical if you’re willing to play along: if you could only keep one, would you choose Carey or Goodine?

For me, it’s Goodine. I think his upside is higher.
Such a tough question. Carey has more athletic upside but Brycen is a better shooter. Both have equal amounts of eligibility too.

Probably Carey for the defense and athleticism
Such a tough question. Carey has more athletic upside but Brycen is a better shooter. Both have equal amounts of eligibility too.

Probably Carey for the defense and athleticism
The other thing in the comparison between the two... Brycen didn't look like 'a potential contributor' until these last couple of games. Maybe Carey would have made the same step up around this point, as well. Maybe sooner, with the more minutes, but maybe it has always been the greater responsibility that actually had the negative effect.

I dunno. I just would really like the opportunity to see him blossom and flourish, rather than reading sporadic posts about him from his family while he gets buckets for Hop at Washington.
If we're not going to be a selector school, then we have to develop talent. If we can't develop or hold on to the talent we have, we will continue to muddle along on this annual 19-13 trajectory where we're always desperately trying to patch one hole or another.
I totally agree, but the coach still seems to run the rotation as if he were trotting a roster of 5* players out there, rather than give any consideration to development. I don't get it, yeah there is practice, but I have seen all these kids develop with game playing time this year, they don't look too ready their first few games.
I hope he stays. If he can just get better with ball security, I could see us playing small at times with Buddy at the 3 and let Carey break down the defense (which is completely missing from our offense this year) and dish to shooters.
Cary is not going to play ahead of Buddy or JGIII.

Let me qualify this by pointing out that Carey has been an EXEMPLARY teammate this year, and seems to have a great attitude. Wouldn't have been surprised / blame the kid if he sulked and golf clapped all year, but he has been a tremendous supporter and active rooter for his teammates, even after losing his starting job. Because of this, I'll wish him well if he does decide to leave, and root for him to succeed.

But Madbiker nailed it -- at this point, he'd face a SUBSTANTIAL uphill battle for PT. Unless he could turn it around and suddenly actualize his hyped potential [which seems far less likely than it did when he first arrived], then he's looking at being a three year bench guy, which I doubt he'd be interested in.

If he stays -- great, hope he improves and I'll be rooting for him.

But I don't expect him to stay.
Because he was out with a medical problem, I think the NCAA gives him immediate playing opportunity wherever he wants to go.
He has too big a hill to climb to think about staying.

Under current NCAA regs, nope. That's highly unlikely.
They don't give credit for "time served" for a medical RS towards a transfer RS.

(And he can't play the "closer to home" card, since he already is)

Now - IF they change the regs, and allow all players a 1-time Get Out Of Jail Free Card to transfer with no strings attached, then surely - he gone.

He's been an exemplary teammate on the bench during this time.
Mega kudos to him for that.

I'm honestly SHOCKED that he didn't leave before the 2nd semester started, so that he could play again without any issues at his new school in Spring '21.
Under current NCAA regs, nope. That's highly unlikely.
They don't give credit for "time served" for a medical RS towards a transfer RS.

(And he can't play the "closer to home" card, since he already is)

Now - IF they change the regs, and allow all players a 1-time Get Out Of Jail Free Card to transfer with no strings attached, then surely - he gone.

He's been an exemplary teammate on the bench during this time.
Mega kudos to him for that.

I'm honestly SHOCKED that he didn't leave before the 2nd semester started, so that he could play again without any issues at his new school in Spring '21.
That's why I think he knows something that will allow him to play next year without the wait. With the NCAA, who knows?!
I doubt he knows what the NCAA is going to do, even if they rule on this by the summer or whenever (they move slow) it probably wont take effect until the start of the 2021 academic year
Look at Name Image Likeness, that didn't go into effect immediately

Maybe the coaches told him come back to compete as a role player and he is fine with that.
I Doubt it because JB rarely plays more than 3 guards in a rotation, wish JB would rotate and sub more. He actually played 4 guards during the 1st half and 2nd half of last nights game which is quite rare
May be, just may be, he knows why he didn't perform well at the start of the season, and after sitting out and watching from the sideline he has it figured out and is confident that given a chance he can regain his starting spot? All he needs is for JB to promise him a fair shot and the confidence that he can excel. I always thought his main issues were confidence and shooting.
He’s shown the ability to score inside the arc efficiently. Might not look pretty, I guess, but the stats show that he’s capable. His 3 point shooting is obviously poor, albeit on a minuscule sample size, which can be fine for a role player who’s put in the game to attack the rim. Turnovers are an issue, again though, on a tiny sample size.

He’s not a floor general, but I don’t think the argument is that he’s a floor general or that he’ll be a starter. He could play a useful role on the team in the 8-12 mpg range. His defense is substantially better than Girard and Buddy’s.

I could see him leaving for a bigger role or better fit somewhere else. That said, he was stuck in a tough spot last year and obviously had the injury setback this year, so it’s probably too early to declare that he can’t cut it at this level.
Even with the surgery, the injury was not that severe, he could have played through and had the surgery in the offseason. The thumb was a convenient excuse to sit out the season and transfer and not have to sit out next year at his new school. That was the deal between him and JB.
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I still feel like we haven't really seen him play without having to worry about getting pulled. I know our guard rotation would be hard for him to crack, but I still feel like it could work out. Also it still seems to me that he is all in on Syracuse. I hope we don't push him out, and if he leaves I hope it's on his own choice. Cheering for you Jalen.
His cheering on the sidelines is a defense mechanism to show enthusiasm when he knows he's leaving. Who was the biggest cheerleader during the Final Four run? Kaleb Joseph. Who was the biggest cheerleader during the Sweet 16 run? Matthew Moyer. Both transferred after those seasons. Carey, the biggest cheerleader this season, will follow suit and transfer also.
Even with the surgery, the injury was not that severe, he could have played through and had the surgery in the offseason. The thumb was a convenient excuse to sit out the season and transfer and not have to sit out next year at his new school. That was the deal between him and JB.

Damnnnnn! Somebody is friends with JB or JC!
Under current NCAA regs, nope. That's highly unlikely.
They don't give credit for "time served" for a medical RS towards a transfer RS.

(And he can't play the "closer to home" card, since he already is)

Now - IF they change the regs, and allow all players a 1-time Get Out Of Jail Free Card to transfer with no strings attached, then surely - he gone.

He's been an exemplary teammate on the bench during this time.
Mega kudos to him for that.

I'm honestly SHOCKED that he didn't leave before the 2nd semester started, so that he could play again without any issues at his new school in Spring '21.
exemplary on bench? he got kicked out of a game for tripping an opposing player running up the court
Is it set in stone that Buddy has to play the 2 position? Lots of guys his size in college playing the 3. Lots of successful teams playing 3 guards...but of course they play man defense.
I don't see him playing other than mop up minutes going forward. If he was healthy, he would arguably be the 5th guard on this year's team. And with Kadary coming in next year, his chance for minutes goes down even more, unless we have some other attrition or injuries.

You could be right but one thing about Boeheim is that he's loyal. If Jalen stuck it out and agreed to come back next year and off the bench, I think he would be rewarded so long as he doesn't make a mess of things.

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