jamie dixon | Syracusefan.com

jamie dixon

Beyond being his normal self, did he do anything specific to cause this?
I don't have a problem with him. Other than coaching Pitt, what has he done to be treated this way?
him going apestuff over every non call on pitt when they get just about every call. these coaches that go nuts on the sidelines are embarassing to the sport.
Gotcha. Had to listen on the radio today so I didn't see him.

Listened to the last two on the radio, may have to keep that streak going...
Dude is a good coach though...
He'd make a great offensive line coach in football.

His style sucks, I have no idea why any player would want to be part of that sh!tshow.
I am hoping he takes the USC job. He does a good job with the kids he gets. I would like to see them take a step back with a new coach.

Go Cuse!
I don't have a problem with him. Other than coaching Pitt, what has he done to be treated this way?

Have you watched Pitt play basketball? And have you watched that lunatic camp out on the court for 3/4 of the game? Lots of reasons not to like him. Oh yea, and we never beat them.
I can't stand the style of play he coaches. I can't wait to see them play Duke in the ACC next year. I would love for the to foul out their whole team.
He'd make a great offensive line coach in football.

His style sucks, I have no idea why any player would want to be part of that sh!tshow.
No he wouldn't! That is unless he taught mixed martial arts to his lineman and the football refs actually let him get away with that.. He is good 'cause the refs let his team play football on a basketball court. On a football field the other team gets to play football in return. That negates his advantage right there.
I can't stand their teams and his coaching style (guessing their play mirrors his instructions) but I met him last year after their preseason NIT game and he couldn't have been more friendly to me. He said some great things about SU and bought a round of drinks for myself and my friends during one of Tebow's comeback games.
Nothing pleases me more than sending that dbag, overly demonstrative Jamie Dixon home early with an L. Their style of play is absolute garbage, and Dixon acts like he's going to have a coronary every call they don't get, despite the fact [literally, the FACT] that they are advantaged by 90% of the calls / non-calls throughout the game. F him and the panthers.

And F the pitt fans, too--loathe that fanbase, after repeated exposure.
I can't stand their teams and his coaching style (guessing their play mirrors his instructions) but I met him last year after their preseason NIT game and he couldn't have been more friendly to me. He said some great things about SU and bought a round of drinks for myself and my friends during one of Tebow's comeback games.
that disappoints me to no end. Calipari acted the same way to me in Hawaii after they beat us there in '95. He could not have been nicer. Still bothers me.
I can't stand their teams and his coaching style (guessing their play mirrors his instructions) but I met him last year after their preseason NIT game and he couldn't have been more friendly to me. He said some great things about SU and bought a round of drinks for myself and my friends during one of Tebow's comeback games.

He was trying to pick you up. What a sicko.
that disappoints me to no end. Calipari acted the same way to me in Hawaii after they beat us there in '95. He could not have been nicer. Still bothers me.

I can't stand their teams and his coaching style (guessing their play mirrors his instructions) but I met him last year after their preseason NIT game and he couldn't have been more friendly to me. He said some great things about SU and bought a round of drinks for myself and my friends during one of Tebow's comeback games.

Have you checked to makes sure you still have all of your organs ? There is a whole business in buying peeps drinks spiked with a mickey then you wake up in a hotel sans a kidney which is being air flighted to Belize.

Can't stand that whiney jerk and his King Fu fighting style of thrashketball.

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