JB's Presser after BU | Syracusefan.com

JB's Presser after BU

dumber answer. there is such as thing as tact. that said JB did wax on much longer about the issues facing the team than usual. ran 17 minutes.

Yeah, he didn't have to call them dumb, LOL. I would of just said,"Weren't you listening the past 5 minutes when I answered that?","Next question"
One of the longest JB pressers in a while, especially for a game like this - 17 minutes and not 1 mention of Robey from JB or the reporters - besides when JB said the D got worse with him in.

Crazy how deep in his doghouse Robey is. If TT can figure out the zone defensively soon, Robey might get no PT at all. Get the feeling that JB would be fine with the starting 5, then Gillon and TT. Only using Robey/PC if we are in serious foul trouble
The axiom of "Use it or lose it" applies here; JB is not great with substitution patterns... He prefers his comfort zone of 6-7 players...
Who asked that first question, Donna? Seriously a dumb ass question.
Maybe but if you listen to the question and what JB referred to- his answer didnt make much sense. He said zone dictated TT be in there because TT was much better at zone offense than DC, that TT gets into the gaps. Well Uconn played zone for ~2/3 of the game and yet DC had one of his best games ever in a Cuse uni...
The axiom of "Use it or lose it" applies here; JB is not great with substitution patterns... He prefers his comfort zone of 6-7 players...
If true then i hope JB gets down to his 6-7 rotation soon. The other guys can come in if guys get gassed. This team is a mess in terms of having a rotation (of whatever # guys) with good chemistry
If true then i hope JB gets down to his 6-7 rotation soon. The other guys can come in if guys get gassed. This team is a mess in terms of having a rotation (of whatever # guys) with good chemistry
JB was never great at rotations imo, but lately, he hasn't even bothered with long benchs... The start of the year looked like he was running two distinctly separate teams out there instead of forming one cohesive unit. Since the losses, he is definitely creating one solid unit, but it's a process...
playing more guys is more work for JB. your bench becomes a toolbox to reach into and make adjustments and not just a penalty box .
playing more guys is more work for JB. your bench becomes a toolbox to reach into and make adjustments and not just a penalty box .

Exactly , good point. A bench should be a toolbox. a healthy option and the key is to know your tools and how they fit the starting 5. problem is , JB isn't sure who his starting rotation is and just how the spare parts fit .
What's wrong with calling a question what it is? I agree he could have avouded using that word but I think the questions are what is insulting.

Who's the at end "but you're constantly harping...bla bla bla"?
Lmao. You got your answer. Form a better question next time.
and lest we forget the whole "i need to say nice things to gillen...go score 20 " tangent. aye aye captain snark ! full snark ahead !
He did mention TRob once, but in passing. It was at the point where he was saying he has 5 guys to play in 2 spots inside.

I thought JB was, granted for him, optimistic about what the team can do. He is one of the few people who can pull off surly and optimistic at the same time.
and lest we forget the whole "i need to say nice things to gillen...go score 20 " tangent. aye aye captain snark ! full snark ahead !
I dunno man, that was my favorite part. Another poor question. I loved the grand pause before the answer. Maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems like you just don't like JB's personailty or agree with his sense of humor. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The playing time questions really drive me nuts. They are just so stupid and pointless. He isn't going to answer them and has had the same position on them forever. If you can't think of a better question than why didn't Coleman play more then get a new job. I honestly think that sports journalists, the NCAA and Jim Burr and Tim Higgins are involved in some sort of incompetence competition that has spanned my entire lifetime.
What's wrong with calling a question what it is? I agree he could have avouded using that word but I think the questions are what is insulting.

Who's the . . . . . at end "but you're constantly harping...bla bla bla"?
Lmao. You got your answer. Form a better question next time.

Theres nothing wrong with it. Just dont dent jb is a and a pretty significant one too.

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