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JB's Presser after BU

The playing time questions really drive me nuts. They are just so stupid and pointless. He isn't going to answer them and has had the same position on them forever. If you can't think of a better question than why didn't Coleman play more then get a new job. I honestly think that sports journalists, the NCAA and Jim Burr and Tim Higgins are involved in some sort of incompetence competition that has spanned my entire lifetime.

I've learned to try to avoid asking coaches - any coaches- why somebody is playing rather than somebody else. Even if you are just asking for the reasoning behind it, they always take it as a suggestion that their judgement is inferior to yours. I had to ask about Fredericks during the football season but I did it as carefully as possible. (DB politely as possible said he had to "wait his turn".)
dumber answer. there is such as thing as tact. that said JB did wax on much longer about the issues facing the team than usual. ran 17 minutes.

I agree.

The reporter should be listening better to the coach - she obviously missed what he had said.

But, there is simply no reason to demean the reporter publicly. She is trying to do her job.

Just answer the question with something "like I said, in certain situations Dujuan is more effective and in certain situations Thompson is more effective" etc.

It is uncomfortable watching these press conferences. I love him, but the arrogance gets a little much.
I've learned to try to avoid asking coaches - any coaches- why somebody is playing rather than somebody else. Even if you are just asking for the reasoning behind it, they always take it as a suggestion that their judgement is inferior to yours. I had to ask about Fredericks during the football season but I did it as carefully as possible. (DB politely as possible said he had to "wait his turn".)

You have to remember. You're calling into a radio show.

The reporter is working - at a formal press conference.

The reporter's job is to ask questions to provide information to his or her consumer/customer.

The coach is supposed to be a professional - he or she is to expect the question and to answer the question without being condescending, arrogant or defensive.
i think some times these reporters come in with questions and dont listen to the stuff thats being said and just ask what they have on their own list regardless. we also ignore the fact this is like the 2000K PC JB has done and some of these questions have been asked 2000K times..

many of us get snippy when our kids asks us "are we there yet" 3 times in a car ride..
The playing time questions really drive me nuts. They are just so stupid and pointless. He isn't going to answer them and has had the same position on them forever. If you can't think of a better question than why didn't Coleman play more then get a new job. I honestly think that sports journalists, the NCAA and Jim Burr and Tim Higgins are involved in some sort of incompetence competition that has spanned my entire lifetime.

I prefer playing time questions to the rather mindless rote questions that we seem to get all the time these days: "what emotions were you feeling when the ball went through the hoop?" or "what was going through your mind when the ball went out of bounds?" or "you won the game - how do you feel?"

I have no problem with strategy questions - "why didn't you try some man-to-man at that moment in the game?" or "why didn't you commit a foul with 10 seconds to go and up by three?" or "why wasn't Coleman in the game while you were trying to step up the defense and get a turnover?"
You have to remember. You're calling into a radio show.

The reporter is working - at a formal press conference.

The reporter's job is to ask questions to provide information to his or her consumer/customer.

The coach is supposed to be a professional - he or she is to expect the question and to answer the question without being condescending, arrogant or defensive.
The reporter is also supposed to be professional: she should have listened to the coach's initial comments. Her question was answered. The problem is she walked in with a predetermined question, trying to get a click bait headline, and was not professional enough to adapt.
coleman had like 25 points and boards the past couple games . voted here on this board by many as our best player. it's a legit question to ask .
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coleman had like 25 points and boards the past couple games . voted here on this board by many as our best player. it's a legit question to ask .
Yes...if it hadn't already been answered by the 10 minute JB soliloquy, at the beginning of the presser.
As the question was being asked I remember thinking; "Well that's a dumb question, he just explained that". JB kinda beat me to the punch.
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coleman had like 25 points and boards the past couple games . voted here on this board by many as our best player. it's a legit question to ask .
JB had already explained why Thompson had played so much and Coleman had not.
The reporter is also supposed to be professional: she should have listened to the coach's initial comments. Her question was answered. The problem is she walked in with a predetermined question, trying to get a click bait headline, and was not professional enough to adapt.

Yes, I noted that.

She was apparently not paying attention or perhaps missed the answer.

Those things happen. We all do things like that once in awhile

So, as the coach you simply say in response "yes, as I said a few moments ago I decided to play Thompson rather than Coleman because . . . "

And you end it.

I just don't think there's a need to be demeaning - "that's a dumb question"

The fact is that it was a good question that had been answered a few moments earlier.
EDIT: I didnt read the whole thread before posting, so I imagine much of it was already covered.

As soon as I saw this OP, I was grateful(although at the moment a bit annoyed) at the length of this presser. On that measure, this is already approaching epic. From listening to JB so far, it makes sense, but at the moment isn't particularly exciting to me like some of the pressers that stick out in my memory. :) The 5 guys for 2 spots was a great illustration of his difficult situation. Wow, now that Donna or whomever asked that question, it was great to hear the old Boeheim to rear it's head!

I was wondering if the last clip I watched(about 3 minutes) was the full presser, or significantly trimmed?

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