That’s an individual’s decision.There's a reason why this won't work for the NFL. The years in college gives more time to become physically tuned for the pro game.
id argue that college players in FB on a whole are there for education. Maybe not at the P5 level or even G5 level but FCS and D2/3 Level players are there for educationWhy? Who says the kids can't still earn their degrees? Lots of folks do, while working. It's a laugh if you think educating FB and BB players is the priority of the schools or coaches. The kids are steered away from majors and classes. The goal is eligibility, not education. See Syracuse University (Fab Melo, James Southerland) and UNC for just 2 examples. It's the rare kid who is actually using FB and BB to become educated.
Or maybe he realizes that keeping adults people from earning a living in their chosen field is essentially un-American, and that these rules negatively impact economically impoverished individuals and families, the majority of whom are minorities. Maybe he doesn't believe in making up reasons for keeping the kids down on the farm just for the entertainment of wealthy alumni and the enrichment of the college and to feed the forced apprenticeships for the professional leagues.
Yes. Below the power conferences, the majority are there for education, argue that college players in FB on a whole are there for education. Maybe not at the P5 level or even G5 level but FCS and D2/3 Level players are there for education
I understand exactly whose rule it is, as does Harbaugh. That said, he wants the NCAA to allow guys who enter the draft and aren't drafted to be able to go back and play FB again. That's an NCAA’s an NFL rule - NOT an NCAA rule.
So, you and Harbaugh are both mistaken.
And it’s because the majority of 19 year olds are not physically mature enough to go up against Grown Ass Men in the League, which is why the NFL has the rule they do