Katz. "Last time I checked... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Katz. "Last time I checked...

Frankly I'm fine with it. Katz obvioulsy fked him over somehow. Katz (and all reporters) put what they want out their for public consumption. They don't talk offline. Why should JB. Bravo to JB for calling Katz out. JB obviously values loyalty and the world needs more loyalty in my opinion.

Sorry Cusereg that JB didn't shake your hand. I've had the exact opposite experiences with him. One evening up in ABay eating dinner at some fancy country club restaurant across the Bay. JB had no problem shaking my kid's hand or acknowledging anyone else from the public that night. And here he was out to dinner with family.
And Jim doesn't get his pay checks signed by ESPN and therefore does not need to give you any inside info if you are going to abuse that.
Jim is not trying to win a popularity contest. He is trying to win basketball games. Have you not ever gone off on someone, maybe a little harder than you might have wished to? He is human, and Katz has pulled a couple of his chains. So what. He is our coach, and I stand by him. Must be a slow day in the news if this is becoming a big story.
The one thing that I admired about JB is that he is always 100% looking out for his players and his inner circle of basketball family. If you mess with that you are going to get berated. He also loves taking the pressure off of his team and puts it on himself which is what last night was all about. It wasnt about grinding an axe.
Guys, that was nothing. Now when John Chaney threaten to kill Calipari that was really intense.
no actually, it what's makes him a dbag. Great coach no doubt but one can simply call him what he is to so many others too often, as I just did, or we can do it as Scott Pitoniak and Waters have done in their work on him and call him socially challenged for multiple valid reasons they point out. But he is who he is at this point which is a rather complicated guy (nice way of saying what I said he is above, this much too often)

True story. Patient walks in my office yesterday. Was up at the Carmelo center earlier in the week checking it out with his daughter. Sees JB in the hallway, says hello as he sees him in the hallway and as he walks right up and near, JB completely turns away rude style does not acknowledge him with his daughter let alone say hi. He said in the office to me yesterday that if there's such a thing as karma then "his team will suck tonight and get their butts kicked by UConn". That 's all I was thinking about as I watched the game and then read post game about the karma talk that Hackcuse brought up.

Another coach up there politely engaged him in conversation for a long while at the Melo center shortly thereafter whereupon when he asked why JB is so unfriendly, the coach walked away laughing.

One might say that this is an aberration. No. Nearly the same exact thing happened to me 5 years earlier in the Oncenter of which we were both at listening to Lou Holtz speak. JB at the front VIP table talking all throughout the speech such that Holtz had to tactfully call him out on it as Holtz was talking about respect and discipline.

So afterward when it was appropriate and tactful when he had finished with all other conversations and he was alone standing, no coat on, not rushing out; so I went up to him and said thank you for the years of great memories put my hand out to shake, and looked me straight in the eyes and shrugged literally saying nothing, no smile, no simple basic civility/citizenship or acknowledgement.

Big deal right? And I'd agree, just another awarkward asocial socially challenged person. No big deal. But you'd think at this point in his life this simple basic act of civility could be mastered. Is it really that hard to be decent. Here's the point, with a couple of basic local schlubs (and many others I'm sure) no big deal, we accept it for better or worse as part of the package as hard as that may be to do sometimes. He's now showed (as the channel 5 news announcer said last night) his incivility on a national stage, a stage populated by people who might not be so inclined to blow it off as "JB just being JB" and result in what Otto above said.

This may have some legs and it will be interesting to see where it goes. Makes it hard to like the guy, to say the least, and worse yet root for them as hard as I'd like to sometimes.
Funny...every encounter I've had with the man (and I've had a few) he's been nothing but pleasant and congenial...hmmm
Yeah. Ok. Think about what you just wrote. Even if Katz 100 percent deserved what was said, the forum in which it was said would make any human being with any balls at all "make a big deal" out of it.
He's making a big deal out of it because he's an ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE.
No, it's what makes Jim an a*hole.

And it's what gives reporters with an axe to grind yet another excuse to come sniffing around the program for violations.

If JB had a problem with Katz - for whatever reason - he could've addressed it offline.

What happened to civility? The fact that some of you are applauding his antics makes me wonder about society as a whole.

Boeheim's a notorious bully and it just might come back and bite us in the ass one day.

And the worst part is, he'd be long gone, but we'd still be fans - stuck with a program in trouble because of him. Not something I want to occur.

I'd like to know more of the story. Did he talk to Katz in an assumed off the record conversation and then Katz was shady in making sure he put it out there?

If that is the case, then I'm glad JB called him out. And so should every SU fan.

I'm not worried about reporters sniffing around the program because JB is mean. We're a top name hoops program, people are always going to sniff around. Comes with the territory.

I'm not calling him a bully on this one until there's reason to do so. Katz could have stood up for himself too. Is JB suddenly Tony Soprano? Katz' I don't work for Syracuse U comment makes him come off as a weasel to me, not a victim.
Now we'll have another national media guy who will have it in for SU and bash the program for the next ten years. Just great. Does Katz vote in the AP poll?
Now we'll have another national media guy who will have it in for SU and bash the program for the next ten years. Just great. Does Katz vote in the AP poll?

You know what makes that irrelevant? Winning games. I never paid attention to who votes us what. Just win games and it all works itself out.
Funny...every encounter I've had with the man (and I've had a few) he's been nothing but pleasant and congenial...hmmm
you must be special and in the club, picture Chritian Bale on the set of The Terminator..."GOOOOD FOR YOU!!"
The media can call people out as much as they want - freedom of speech. But when a coach does it in a public forum, he's vilified?

Right or wrong, good or bad, Jim Boeheim has every right to do what he did last night. For those that say he should have "taken the high road" and "talked to him in a private setting", fine. You may be right. But are the articles Katz wrote attacking parts of Jim Boeheim's program and former colleague private?

Nope. But Katz's cronies in the media are of course going to side with him.
I don't approve of a lot of what JB says in the heat of the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if he's Asperger's, quite frankly, which would explain a lot about his personality, such as outbursts like this one and occasional bouts of rudeness as others have posted about. I have met him and he was very congenial and was very patient as my father and I posed for pics with him and the person working the camera couldn't get it to work right.

That said, Katz is a . I said it last year and I'll continue to say it. He has some decent hoops knowledge and has done a nice job with developing his career, but over the last few years as he's gotten more and more air time, he has started to inject more and more of his conjecture and personal agenda into his "reporting". His ego has gotten quite large, imo and he's turned into a media whore (as someone else put it) who is giddy when he becomes part of the story (a la Schwartz).
We still don't know what Boeheim was angry about.
Regardless, his reaction was childish...especially for a major program coach with his tenure.

If he has a problem with a guy...he should talk to him about it.
(We don't know whether he has, but I doubt it based on that reaction).
If he's going to make a public outburst like that, he should tell people why.

Now this is going to reverberate in the media for a while.
It won't make Boeheim or the program look good.
Whether justified or not, Katz becomes the victim.

As for the Southlerland reporting, nice work by Katz unless and until somebody shows me there's a problem with it. If Katz violated a confidence (which I doubt was the case in the Southerland matter), he deserves to be chastised.
no actually, it what's makes him a dbag. Great coach no doubt but one can simply call him what he is to so many others too often, as I just did, or we can do it as Scott Pitoniak and Waters have done in their work on him and call him socially challenged for multiple valid reasons they point out. But he is who he is at this point which is a rather complicated guy (nice way of saying what I said he is above, this much too often)

True story. Patient walks in my office yesterday. Was up at the Carmelo center earlier in the week checking it out with his daughter. Sees JB in the hallway, says hello as he sees him in the hallway and as he walks right up and near, JB completely turns away rude style does not acknowledge him with his daughter let alone say hi. He said in the office to me yesterday that if there's such a thing as karma then "his team will suck tonight and get their butts kicked by UConn". That 's all I was thinking about as I watched the game and then read post game about the karma talk that Hackcuse brought up.

Another coach up there politely engaged him in conversation for a long while at the Melo center shortly thereafter whereupon when he asked why JB is so unfriendly, the coach walked away laughing.

One might say that this is an aberration. No. Nearly the same exact thing happened to me 5 years earlier in the Oncenter of which we were both at listening to Lou Holtz speak. JB at the front VIP table talking all throughout the speech such that Holtz had to tactfully call him out on it as Holtz was talking about respect and discipline.

So afterward when it was appropriate and tactful and after waiting for when he had finished with all other conversations and he was alone standing, no coat on, not rushing out; I went up to him and said thank you for the years of great memories put my hand out to shake, and looked me straight in the eyes and shrugged literally saying nothing, no smile, no simple basic civility/citizenship or acknowledgement.

Big deal right? And I'd agree, just another awarkward asocial socially challenged person. No big deal. But you'd think at this point in his life this simple basic act of civility could be mastered. Is it really that hard to be decent?

And listen he may very well be right on this latest blow up (Katz does seem like a douche) and feel rightfully so one has to fight fire with fire, this I can get. But here's the point, with a couple of basic local schlubs (and many others I'm sure) no big deal, we accept it for better or worse as part of the package as hard as that may be to do sometimes. He's now showed (as the channel 5 news announcer said last night) his incivility on a national stage, a stage populated by people who might not be so inclined to blow it off as "JB just being JB" and result in what Otto and others above and elsewhere have stated, more acrimony and maybe more unwanted extra scrutiny.

This may have some legs and it will be interesting to see where it goes. Makes it hard to like the guy, to say the least, and worse yet root for them as hard as I'd like to sometimes.
CR...I've heard very similar stories from very reliable people.

I also know a guy who golfs with JB regularly who says he is a great guy and king of the one liners.

While there is no excuse for his boorish behavior, he can't be all bad as evidenced by all the charity works his does. (disclaimer: I loved what he said to Katz)

I think JB is a very complex, maybe even conflicted, person who values is privacy but his occupation won't allow it.
The one thing that I admired about JB is that he is always 100% looking out for his players and his inner circle of basketball family. If you mess with that you are going to get berated. He also loves taking the pressure off of his team and puts it on himself which is what last night was all about. It wasnt about grinding an axe.
If half of the job of a basketball coach is on the court and the other half is public presence, I'm glad that JB tends to live on the side of being basketball coach and not the other way around. I've enjoyed his tenure as coach.

I try to avoid having an opinion about how other people live their life, but he has a right to respond to people the way that feels right to him, even if what he says is overly personal for some sensibilities. Life is personal, even for basketball coaches. I'm guessing that Katz knows why JB responded that way, though he may not feel the same way about it. Looks like both of them were too public about things the other one would have preferred be more private.
I don't approve of a lot of what JB says in the heat of the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if he's Asperger's, quite frankly, which would explain a lot about his personality, such as outbursts like this one and occasional bouts of rudeness as others have posted about. I have met him and he was very congenial and was very patient as my father and I posed for pics with him and the person working the camera couldn't get it to work right.

That said, Katz is a . I said it last year and I'll continue to say it. He has some decent hoops knowledge and has done a nice job with developing his career, but over the last few years as he's gotten more and more air time, he has started to inject more and more of his conjecture and personal agenda into his "reporting". His ego has gotten quite large, imo and he's turned into a media whore (as someone else put it) who is giddy when he becomes part of the story (a la Schwartz).

Asperger's ? stop it. Did you see how pissed off JB was towards the end of that game. His face is beat red at that podium. He's pissed off is what he is - it's not aspergers.
Asperger's ? stop it. Did you see how pissed off JB was towards the end of that game. His face is beat read at that podium. He's pissed off is what he is - it's not aspergers.
Any idea why he benched CJ? He was ripping him on the bench.
Any idea why he benched CJ? He was ripping him on the bench.
I'd have to see the tape, but I'd be willing to bet that CJ, like our other wings, wasn't getting to the shooters in the corner.
There's a better way to handle it lol. Lets hug and talk it out.

If it was a bunch of kids on the play ground someone would have had a fat lip.
Any idea why he benched CJ? He was ripping him on the bench.

I really don't know. If I had to guess it was defense or lack of hustle related. CJ was the least of the problems though as we all know. I don't actually believe CJ not going back in was punishment. I thought it had more to do with oversight and situation than anything.

I thought JB was going to bust a gasket with the officiating in that second half though. It was just atrocious. Felt for sure he or a player was going to get T'd up eventually.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's Asperger's, quite frankly, which would explain a lot about his personality, such as outbursts like this one and occasional bouts of rudeness as others have posted about.

Not sure where you get this. I've had up close experience with Asperger's for 18 years and counting and know many people with AS. There is a lot more to it than that.
A lot of the people who applaud JB's behavior in situations like this are also first to whine about the media or NCAA being 'unfair' to SU. There's some connection here.

I'm not saying it is right or wrong, what I'm saying is that sometimes you get treated how you treat other people. He has every right to call Katz an idiot (he is, after all), but don't whine about the repercussions down road if Katz finds some way to screw SU.

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