Crusty, I am as close to sure as I can be that JoePa's statue will never be displayed anywhere on the Penn State campus. As time passes JoePa will be seen by more and more as a huge embarrassment, a symbol of what is wrong with big time sports.
But destroying it --- seems to me --- would really be putting a thumb in the eye of those who are still JoePa "believers". The University people are trying to do the right thing and this little sop to the true believers (not destroying the statue) is little enough.
I'm surprised by the "blood-thirstiness" of the people on this forum. The complete list of punishment that would satisfy these people seem to me to be Draconian. And short-sighted. Although not a real close parallel, I'm reminded of the Allies treatment of Germany after WWI. As satisfying as that harsh treatment was, how did that work out for them? After WWII, they thought, "Maybe there's a better way to handle this."
I think the NCAA and fans of college football as it now exists may live to regret it if they go overboard on this and establish some precedents that they wish they hadn't. Some feel that these crimes are so bad that they can draw a circle around them. I'm not so sure. I think we are giving the NCAA a responsibility that they are poorly equipped to handle. I'm not worried about the PSU case. I'm worried about the next 5 incidents.
Let the courts and the political system handle this. That's what they do. That's what they are there for.