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LOL - Gee Unleashed

LOL even more President Gee
Awful Announcing@awfulannouncing
E. Gordon Gee says Maryland and Rutgers make BTN "worth more money than God"
Awful Announcing@awfulannouncing
In the full audio, Gee sheepishly tries to compliment Rutgers' football tradition, then returns to talking point of 40-50 mil homes for BTN.

Maryland and Rutgers make BTN worth more money than God, I can't stop laughing. Wow this guy knows Rutgers has 1 Big East title in its existence which was a 4-way tie this past season in an 8 team league, and Maryland has 1 ACC title in the last 25 years in 2001. I can't imagine what Texas would be worth to the BTN? More than God?

What Gee DOESN'T say is that unless cable operators in MD and NJ add the BTN to either basic cable, or, extended basic cable, that none of their games will be seen on the BTN. I hope that the cable companies in both states play hardball with them, just like Comcast has in eastern PA. That'd mean their projected numbers would be nonsense (like they aren't already).

Here is the full audio. This will cause Gee retire really soon IMO. WOW, some nuggets if I was an attorney for the ACC I WOULD JUMP ALL OVER in a deposition in the Maryland case. I now hope this case doesn't settle and the ACC lawyers get depositions from every B1G president and Jim Delany and see what bill of goods he is selling.

What he was saying is what Arb was telling this board that the Big Ten was up to at the time. So there isn't much of a surprise here. It's now very interesting to hear it from the source directly from one of the Big Ten Presidents.

I'm very glad that the ACC was able to withstand this assault while only losing Maryland, which is an imploding athletic department anyway. It will continue to be an imploding athletic department in the Big Ten too. The trend at Louisville is much more positive despite Mr. Gee's lack of respect. Now the ACC needs to still entice Penn State depite their hatred of Pitt.
What he was saying is what Arb was telling this board that the Big Ten was up to at the time. So there isn't much of a surprise here. It's now very interesting to hear it from the source directly from one of the Big Ten Presidents.

I'm very glad that the ACC was able to withstand this assault while only losing Maryland, which is an imploding athletic department anyway. It will continue to be an imploding athletic department in the Big Ten too. The trend at Louisville is much more positive despite Mr. Gee's lack of respect. Now the ACC needs to still entice Penn State depite their hatred of Pitt.

The threat isn't over. It's just postponed, imho. But if Swofford and the ACC presidents weren't sure about what the BiG's intentions were before this, they have to realize it now. The BiG is no longer content being just the conference of the midwest, they want to be the conference of the northeast and mid-atlantic.

The top part of the "T" is secured (the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland). The next part is bottom half of the base, the states of Virginia and North Carolina. The next few years should be telling as the ACC (which includes us) fights for identity, positioning, and maybe even it's own survival.

The threat isn't over. It's just postponed, imho. But if Swofford and the ACC presidents weren't sure about what the BiG's intentions were before this, they have to realize it now. The BiG is no longer content being just the conference of the midwest, they want to be the conference of the northeast and mid-atlantic.

The top part of the "T" is secured (the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland). The next part is bottom half of the base, the states of Virginia and North Carolina. The next few years should be telling as the ACC (which includes us) fights for identity, positioning, and maybe even it's own survival.

Lots can happen in 15 years (that's how long the GOR lasts, correct?). The entire technical, media, and sports landscapes will be vastly different. Hard to see anyone leaving though, before the GOR expires (provided everyone has signed and there are no successful legal challenges for exit).
Lots can happen in 15 years (that's how long the GOR lasts, correct?). The entire technical, media, and sports landscapes will be vastly different. Hard to see anyone leaving though, before the GOR expires (provided everyone has signed and there are no successful legal challenges for exit).

Yep, a lot can happen in 15 years - 1998-2012 - from the meeting where Tranghese proposed a merger of ACC/Big East football to the end of Big East football altogether.

The ACC now is in a much stronger position than the Big East of 1998, but the BiG now is in a much stronger position than the ACC of 1998 as well.

And while I agree that I don't see anyone likely leaving prior to the end of the GOR, the fight for identity (will the ACC truly become the conference of the entire East Coast conference or will it try to remain what it was the past 8 years or so as SEC-lite with satellites not just in Boston, but now Pittsburgh, and Syracuse as well) might have some influence on the willingness or unwillingness to move once the GOR has ended

Let's face it, the future health of the ACC resides in two programs, FSU and UNC. Just as the future health of the BiG resides in Ohio State and Michigan. But how well the northeastern strategies of both conferences pan out could be more influenced by how BC, Pitt, and SU do in the ACC and how PSU, Maryland, and Rutgers do in the BiG going forward as well as which conference markets itself better in the area.

It's a joke, for crissakes. He's kidding. He is talking tongue in cheek.

We have become a nation populated with the hyper-sensitve laying in wait to bellow at any perceived sleight to anyone.

It's great for the morally-vain among us.

In DC a peron lost her job for calling a program's funding "niggardly" using the word exactly as it should be used.

Her sin was that she used a word that sounded like another word.

if Gee was a catholic I would totally agree with you,but the guy is a Mormon which has to make you wonder what he really believes.

The guy has inserted foot in mouth more than a few times.
The threat isn't over. It's just postponed, imho. But if Swofford and the ACC presidents weren't sure about what the BiG's intentions were before this, they have to realize it now. The BiG is no longer content being just the conference of the midwest, they want to be the conference of the northeast and mid-atlantic.

The top part of the "T" is secured (the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland). The next part is bottom half of the base, the states of Virginia and North Carolina. The next few years should be telling as the ACC (which includes us) fights for identity, positioning, and maybe even it's own survival.


Of all people, Jim Delany should know just tight the NC schools and UVA are, since he played basketball at UNC. You can now add VPI to that, too. Those six schools are not going anywhere. If Delany could not shake them loose now, he won't be able to in the future, either.

He also underestimates how much Carolina fans HATE the B10. If the administrators in Chapel Hill think the fans stayed away in droves after what they did to Butch Davis, what they'd face for putting the school in the B10 would make that pale in comparison. Nobody here wants to be in a league with freaking Ohio State, Michigan, etc.
Another thing that may have an effect in the next 15 yrs, is the reaction that alumni and season ticket holders have to the moves that were made. If season ticket holders leave in droves, and new one's do not replace them, this will not be seen as a positive amongst the leaders of Universities contemplating whether to make a move.

I had the opportunity to speak to a long time terps season ticket holder today, and he most emphatically was opposed to the move, and plans to dump his tickets after this year. 2 of the other 3 guys that he goes to games with have told them they are doing the same.

The interesting tidbit that I got from this fan, is that he feels that UMD to the B1G is not a done deal. I have no idea if he has any real insight into those matters. It may well be wishful thinking on his part, but he indicated that there is a deep-seated resentment and discontent amongst the alumni.
If the administrators in Chapel Hill think the fans stayed away in droves after what they did to Butch Davis, what they'd face for putting the school in the B10 would make that pale in comparison.

Are you saying that NC football fans supported Butch Davis and were upset when he was canned? I'm not pretending to be in the know, but from my vantage point (in upstate NY) it seemed like the only thing to do considering what I read about his transgressions.
Are you saying that NC football fans supported Butch Davis and were upset when he was canned? I'm not pretending to be in the know, but from my vantage point (in upstate NY) it seemed like the only thing to do considering what I read about his transgressions.

The vast majority did indeed support Coach Davis. He was not named in any of the NCAA violations. Still, to be fair, it happened on his watch.

The thing most of us were really angry about was how his firing was handled.

Had former Chancellor Thorp fired him at the conclusion of the 2010 season, following the discovery of the academic irregularities that summer, that would have been fine. Many would've still been angry, but, at least understood the need to start fresh. Instead, he was allowed to recruit for 2011, lead them through spring practice, and, go to ACC Media Days in Pinehurst, NC, along with the rest of the league's coaches. Only to get fired nine days...NINE DAYS...before the start of August practice. That made no sense whatsoever.

It left interim coach Everett Withers (now the DC at Ohio State) in a no-win situation. Our kids were hurt the most by it. We managed a 7-6 season, with a loss to Missouri in the Independence Bowl. Not bad, considering everything they had swirling around them.

I think we have a great coach now in Larry Fedora. Some fans still haven't forgiven Chancellor Thorp, and, showed their frustrations by staying away from games in 2012. Well, Thorp is gone now, and, Coach Fedora is going statewide to talk to fans, telling them we have a very bright future ahead (and we do). I am betting the fans return this season. We went 8-4 overall, and, 5-3 in the ACC. His 5-3 is better than any season Coach Davis had. He never went better than 4-4. He runs the no-huddle spread offense, and, we have some really talented kids on offense. If we can shore up the defense, we can do even better this season. It should be fun.

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