Loved Scoop's response in the post-game presser |

Loved Scoop's response in the post-game presser

Yes! He is showing the entire team how to handle bench-sitting with class and full on support for YOUR team. I also loved his "I got this, Coach," moment. In many ways, this might be his finest hour(s). Now, if he can keep scoring but minus the turn overs he will become the player we very much need him to be.
Yup, mentioned this the other day. Great to see how far he's come--despite his constant criticism, he's an easy kid to root for.
I believe he will be a successful person with whatever he does after college. He certainly seems to be one of those kids that has really transformed himself as a person.
...and it was great to see him on the bench, pumped as hell cheering on his teammates when we made that big run.

Hats off to him.
I do agree. He is in it to win it (at least for now). On a side note, I have never seen a player throw passes off another players head before. a person, Scoop continues to impress...on the court not so much as his good play turns sour with TOs, pounding the ball, and foolish decisions. Scoop will be important this season, but sadly has not gotten to the next level one would have expected with all the camps, world games, etc he played this summer...frankly I am surprised his game was not elevated from a decision making perspective.
He's a classy kid -- oh how things change over 4 or 5 years. The guy is a true leader and he bleeds orange. One of my faves
Yeah glad to see this. That was one of the first things I noticed; when the game was over, he went right to Dion and started celebrating the win. Good to see, and we're going to need him down the stretch of some games this year.
...and it was great to see him on the bench, pumped as hell cheering on his teammates when we made that big run.

Hats off to him.

This is why I can't stand pat when somebody dumps on him here. I understand criticism for any player that plays poorly but let's face it, this guy can't sneeze without some people on this board attacking him. He was our second leading scorer yesterday. He did have a few stupid turnovers but so did Brandon and Dion. Yet, even in this thread, which begins as a positive for Scoop, somebody has to jump in and downgrade him. a person, Scoop continues to impress...on the court not so much as his good play turns sour with TOs, pounding the ball, and foolish decisions. Scoop will be important this season, but sadly has not gotten to the next level one would have expected with all the camps, world games, etc he played this summer...frankly I am surprised his game was not elevated from a decision making perspective.
Umm. Prior to last night he had 19 assists to 4 turnovers in 5 games. Yeah, the kid has been a real turnover machine.
This is why I can't stand pat when somebody dumps on him here. I understand criticism for any player that plays poorly but let's face it, this guy can't sneeze without some people on this board attacking him. He was our second leading scorer yesterday. He did have a few stupid turnovers but so did Brandon and Dion. Yet, even in this thread, which begins as a positive for Scoop, somebody has to jump in and downgrade him.
Eh, I have been one of Scoop's biggest fans on here. I have just never seen a ball go off another players face. Cuse players have an uncanny ability to make some of the worst passes I have ever seen. I cannot figure what goes through their minds (or Josephs) a person, Scoop continues to impress...on the court not so much as his good play turns sour with TOs, pounding the ball, and foolish decisions. Scoop will be important this season, but sadly has not gotten to the next level one would have expected with all the camps, world games, etc he played this summer...frankly I am surprised his game was not elevated from a decision making perspective.

Scoop had his first good shooting game of the season yesterday. Unfortunately, he also had his first sloppy game of the season. Scoop is missing a lot of shots he normally makes. I think he'll come around and I imagine JB thinks he will as well. He is clearly deferring to his teammate more this season. As a Scoop 'supporter' (which doesn't mean I don't support Brandon also) I feel for him starting this slow as I'm sure he is hoping to put it all on the table in his final seems like he's in the worst shooting slump of his career, but then I look at Scoop vs Triche and see that they are both shooting 44% on the season and that Scoop is actually shooting better from 3pt range than Brandon, 39% vs 35%. BT looks like he should be the better shooter based on his stroke, but they've shot consistently similar %'s. On the season, Scoop is distributing the ball better and turning it over less on a minutes adjusted basis. Brandon has more rb's, Scoop more steals. Only major difference is FT%, something I think Scoop will turn around and get back to his historical %. JB having Dion and BT on the floor at the end of the last two games speaks volumes and I acknowledge stats can't speak to how the game is flowing offensively when each is out there, but I don't understand the view by the Scoop haters that Brandon is undoubtedly a better shooter and distributor. This year and previous year's shooting % and a/to have never justified that view. The rebuttal to Scoop leading the BE in apg last year is always "he led the league in TO's also"...right now Brandon is leading this team in TO's, but his sloppy play and often boneheaded TO's never get discussed. Scoop is clearly a lightning rod for fans, but the guy bleeds orange and has embraced his new reduced role with a team first attitude. We will need both Scoop and BT to play better to win a Nat'l Championship. Without a consistent offensive post threat teams are going to pressure our ballhandlers all year long. Dion and Kris can break guys down off the dribble at will. BT and Scoop don't have the quickness to do so consistently, so they'll need to play more within the offense and pick their spots. They will all have ups and downs on the season, but we are fortunate to be able to have three solid options for two spots to allow us to ride the hot hands.
Eh, I have been one of Scoop's biggest fans on here. I have just never seen a ball go off another players face. Cuse players have an uncanny ability to make some of the worst passes I have ever seen. I cannot figure what goes through their minds (or Josephs)

What play are you referring to? The pass to Joseph where he never turned around and it hit him (second half)?
What play are you referring to? The pass to Joseph where he never turned around and it hit him (second half)?
Thats it. I put as much of it on KJo. Just seems like every year we have a lot of What passes.

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