Major Applewhite | Page 2 |

Major Applewhite

Actually, the female track coach had an affair with a FEmale student. My guess is that is a bigger deal in TX than a 30 year old man having 'inappropriate, consensual behavior' once, with an adult member of the opposite sex.

Are you 100% sure that Applewhite was with a female and not another guy (not that it should matter).
He was a good hire. The proof is he lasted 1 year here before becoming the OC for Rice where they set some records then Saban grabbed him at Bama as OC before he went back home to Texas.

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He was a shlitty hire.

Offensive quality control?? Sure.

QB coach??

Are you 100% sure that Applewhite was with a female and not another guy (not that it should matter).
I'm not 100% sure of anything, since I wasn't there. I agree - it doesn't matter to me whether the student was male or female. My assumption was that this story would be MUCH bigger if the student was male. Especially in TX.
Interesting - Texas the state that feels our national government is too over-bearing, feels sex between to consenting adults is inappropriate. Yup, makes a lot of sense. (I realize we're talking about the college here but referring to mindset only).
Actually, the mindset is...there were 3 adults involved in this situation, one being his wife, and she certainly did NOT consent to this behavior!! My generation, being one ahead of a recent poster, also "hooked-up" regularly, just not with married people. Minimizing this behavior, to this was just TWO consenting adults, is not the behavior, the lessons of commitment and discipline that you want to teach to young, impressionable student athletes! Not, just my opinion, this is the RIGHT THING,... PERIOD!!!!!
I'm not 100% sure of anything, since I wasn't there. I agree - it doesn't matter to me whether the student was male or female. My assumption was that this story would be MUCH bigger if the student was male. Especially in TX.
I think it is a pretty big story. Don't you think it's odd that they didn't say male or female. I think if the UT track coach didn't get fired then this might not be a big story. However, if it turns out he had a fling with some guy, you know the media will be all over that. And, it's just a matter of time before that happens.
Actually, the female track coach had an affair with a FEmale student. My guess is that is a bigger deal in TX than a 30 year old man having 'inappropriate, consensual behavior' once, with an adult member of the opposite sex. But agree, in the interest (or appearance) of fairness...
also, with out knowing either story too well, i would guess it is a bigger issue for a head coach to have a relationship with a student athlete (not sure if it was from the same team) vs. an assistant having a relationship with a student
So during his 1year here he became brilliant which allowed him to become an OC?

Sent using my Commodore 64 on Tapatalk 5.3
Actually, the mindset is...there were 3 adults involved in this situation, one being his wife, and she certainly did NOT consent to this behavior!! My generation, being one ahead of a recent poster, also "hooked-up" regularly, just not with married people. Minimizing this behavior, to this was just TWO consenting adults, is not the behavior, the lessons of commitment and discipline that you want to teach to young, impressionable student athletes! Not, just my opinion, this is the RIGHT THING,... PERIOD!!!!!

I'm sure all those impressionable football players were virgins who were saving themselves for marriage, but now they're out getting drunk and going past second base.
Interesting - Texas the state that feels our national government is too over-bearing, feels sex between to consenting adults is inappropriate. Yup, makes a lot of sense. (I realize we're talking about the college here but referring to mindset only).
One's about possible civil liability, the other is about freedom from a government that is taking away fundamental rights, and punishing you if you don't by products it says you must have.
One's about possible civil liability, the other is about freedom from a government that is taking away fundamental rights, and punishing you if you don't by products it says you must have.

Your allowed to read things inside parentheses. If you like.

Civil liability vs. Fundamental rights, it can be argued that some of these issues are one in the same. It just depends on whose position you choose to agree with.
Actually, the mindset is...there were 3 adults involved in this situation, one being his wife, and she certainly did NOT consent to this behavior!! My generation, being one ahead of a recent poster, also "hooked-up" regularly, just not with married people. Minimizing this behavior, to this was just TWO consenting adults, is not the behavior, the lessons of commitment and discipline that you want to teach to young, impressionable student athletes! Not, just my opinion, this is the RIGHT THING,... PERIOD!!!!!

You actually helped to make my point.
The issue with MA was probably brought out now to avoid it being included in a potential lawsuit for gender and/or sexual preference bias.
Hard for me to believe Applewhite didn't violate some university policy prohibiting relationships with students. The "teacher" would have gotten fired anywhere else.
Hard for me to believe Applewhite didn't violate some university policy prohibiting relationships with students. The "teacher" would have gotten fired anywhere else.

That's kind of what I was thinking. These relationships happen all the time though policies prohibit them. As MA was not fired, UT probably wanted it out there before it became a part of a lawsuit or at least media fodder for a lawsuit.
That's kind of what I was thinking. These relationships happen all the time though policies prohibit them. As MA was not fired, UT probably wanted it out there before it became a part of a lawsuit or at least media fodder for a lawsuit.

What is interesting is that this transgression happened like three years ago. Why bring it up now? Unless it was about to become public and UT wanted to be the first to react to it.
Hard for me to believe Applewhite didn't violate some university policy prohibiting relationships with students. The "teacher" would have gotten fired anywhere else.

I agree with this completely, most likely an inappropriate relationship. I say "most likely" because if it was a 23 year old grad student I'm not sure how inappropriate it is unless he's the teacher of the students specific class.

My point is, while this could be inappropriate, it's definitely not news nor is it really that big of a deal unless there is more to the story.

Appears UT wanted to get in front of the story. A FOIA request was made and teh documens would have been made public either way. Better to control the story than to be beat by it.

"In both cases, the university has said the relationships between the coaches and students were consensual. But Kearney's lawyer, Derek Howard, has suggested the track coach was treated unfairly and may sue the university. Howard did not immediately respond to an email message."

UT is facing a potential lawsuit.
being that it happened off campus and at a bowl game lets hope it was not a male cheeleader

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