Marinara presser |

Marinara presser


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Aug 16, 2011
Exit fee to $10M with EITHER Navy or AF commit

No formal invites out yet however

Reiterated that SU and Pitt must stay until June 2014

Won't rush things

No discussions on debanding
I love his line when he said Notre Dame is more committed to the Big East and they have worked really hard to keep the league strong. I call BS!!! If they wanted to keep it strong they would join in football!
More committed to the Big East than any other member is what I heard. Makes me want to vomit.
What was the point of having a presser? He said absolutely nothing. Wants to go to 12 football schools. Can't name any teams. No invites have been made. But the remaining football schools agree to raise exit fee to $10 mil if either of Navy or AF join. Other schools will pay DePaul $5 mil to leave (just kidding here). What if AF is the only school to join? Nice waste of an extra $5 mil I guess. The leadership of the BE is just laughable. Would have been better if he just said he's waiting to see if UL and WVU leave for the Big XII if Mizzou leaves.
Of course ND is the most committed, they probably have the most to lose if the BE falls apart, because they will lose their BE bowl tie-in and a strong conference for all their non-FB sports.
Bees, is that correct??? The fee gets raised as soon as either Navy or Air Force commits?

The same thing was reported last night and I more or less discounted it as a typo or bad editing job. What the heck is so important about Navy and Air Force committing? So if they don't they don't raise exit fees? Isn't Boise looking for some sort of "commitment" from the Big East football schools also?
I hope we aren't stuck in this cluster "F" of a conference for 27 months. He is incompetent as a commissioner.
It seems like Syracuse and Pittsburgh shouldn't be forced to play the new Big East teams since they didn't have a role in inviting them.
To summarize, all Marinatto said was "we're back to the business of how we're going to do business." He's saying there is no rush, which directly contradicts what he said last week. If he's saying exit fees will be raised AFTER there is a commitment from Navy or the AFA, he's doing the exact opposite of what the Navy AD said was a requirement for them before they'll commit to the Big East.

It seems to me that Marinatto and the Providence crowd is once again circling the wagons and will wait until events (Missouri to the SEC?) force them to move again. The same reactive way of doing business that has characterized this so-called conference for the past decade or more.

BTW texascpa, I'm sure Marinatto is lying about something but I don't think FORMAL invitations have been issued. The only one saying that is some guy in Houston.
Bees, is that correct??? The fee gets raised as soon as either Navy or Air Force commits?

The same thing was reported last night and I more or less discounted it as a typo or bad editing job. What the heck is so important about Navy and Air Force committing? So if they don't they don't raise exit fees? Isn't Boise looking for some sort of "commitment" from the Big East football schools also?

My guess - once one domino falls, the rest will follow.

The three most critical additions are Boise, Navy, and Air Force. The other three are just filler. If any one of the two commits, then it is likely the other two will follow.

But I can't see any of the two committing until Mizzou makes its move.
I think the real reason he had this presser was to take away from basketball media day which is tomorrow, I think that's what he said.

I also loved when he said that they wanted to be up front with everyone and not bushwhack another conference! That's how they got in this whole mess! They are push overs and let the bully come and take their lunch money. He needs to be the aggressor!
ND is chairing the expansion committee.
Reiterated that SU and Pitt must stay until June 2014

Why would they keep both schools that long when they have TV contracts to negotiate? The ESPN BBall contract ends after this upcoming season. So having SU and Pitt play BBall in 2012-13 and 2013-14 makes little sense. CBS BBall ends after 2013 as well. ESPN FB ends after 2013. Shouldn't the BE want SU and Pitt out so they have a completed product to sell?
So, if the conference goes to 12 teams (without SU/Pitt), does that mean for one (or two) year (assuming C-USA doesn't let teams go until 2013) the BE will be playing with 14 FB teams? Divisional setup, I guess.
MWC and CUSA just announced they're forming a 22-team league - trying to thwart the BE from stealing teams while hoping for their own BCS bid. Yeeesh.

or was this already discussed on here and I missed it?
I can't tell whether or not you're joking.

I have no idea if it is true but 2 people so far have tweeted it as fact.
after thinking about it for a minute and hearing Marinara emphasis how the league is in a position to do something unique, i can see them having a 2 division football league 1 west/midwest and 1 east. Maybe something like below. It would make up for the distance.

SMU, Houston, Air Force, Boise St, UNLV, Lville or Cinci

WVU, Uconn, Rutgers, Central Fla, USF, Lville or Cinci
after posting that, UNLV makes a ton of sense if they are going after Boise St! Add them for all sports and the bball program has a nice tradition that aligns with the Big East
ND is chairing the expansion committee.

That is hysterical that they are the chair of the expansion committee with NO football interest and could careless about BigEast football. I can see ND wanting to preserve their own best interest which is to keep the BE alive and their football independent though. ND = poster boy of self serving.

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